There is basically no difference between the bottom of the sea and the land on this day. There will still be a huge mountain range and various grotesquely shaped devil beasts.

The entire group entered a narrow and crowded underwater great valley. The dark end seemed to be Gates of Hell......

But everyone still walked in, depressed The tense atmosphere made everyone not speak loudly, but cautiously followed the pace of the team.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu felt the surrounding water gradually become turbulent, as if there was a strong suction pulling him crazily.

"The front is the last hurdle. As long as we cross this natural barrier, we can find the City of Tides!" Qi Die's expression gradually became a little harsh, and she said in a deep voice.


A team of dozens of people responded loudly, including Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu of fish in troubled waters.

Qi Die silently nodded, Xuan even plunged into the huge waterspout that seemed to be choosing people and devouring.

The one who followed closely from behind was the wolf stab Captain also plunged in. Although the rest of the shadow department was afraid, they all sank in.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu were at the back of the line, almost the last group to be submerged.

As soon as he entered it, Feng Yixiu held Shen Ruyu's palm tightly, even if the power of the waterspout was fierce, he did not let go.

Feng Yixiu used his exaggerated physical strength to hold the amazing strength of the waterspout, and he also offset most of the impact of the water for Shen Ruyu behind him.

But some people are not so lucky. As soon as they submerge, they feel that their body seems to be completely torn apart. It is generally uncomfortable...

The huge force keeps them constantly Pulling it down, and waiting for them at the bottom of the waterspout is the siege of the sea devil beast group that has been waiting for a long time.

For a while, the entire waterspout was stained slightly red with blood. The miserable cry made people feel a little bit cold, and the faint smell of blood made people feel a little uncomfortable.

But that would seem too compelling, which is definitely not a good thing.

The wolf thorn also rushed out shortly after Qi Die came out, showing that his strength is also good.

After that, someone successively rushed out of the waterspout, including Shen Ruyu and Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu were the last batches to miss the waterspout, but were they the last batch to come out? Instead, they kept up with the front-central team.

This is still the result of Feng Yixiu's control, otherwise it is estimated that he can come out after the wolf stab...

Suddenly, I saw a man who was bitten by the sea devil beast's calf He was desperately trying to break out of the waterspout, only less than half a meter away from breaking out of the spout.

I saw this person looking at Qi Die, Wolf Spur and the others who had charged ahead with longing eyes, as if begging them to help themselves...

Wolf Spur Coldly said: "Go! Pull him..."

Qi Die glanced at the wolf thorn coldly, indifferently said: "Do you treat me as air?"

The wolf thorn immediately lowered his head and said nervously: "The subordinates know that I was wrong, I didn't mean that."

"It's not good, I still want to replace me with me and you want to replace me!" Qi Butterfly sneered.

"The subordinates dare not, I only respect and obey the Lord Shao Si Ming, and I have no intention of overstepping." Langsab said in a panic.

"Before giving the order next time, remember to inform, don't make your own claim, otherwise the consequences will be very serious..." Qi Die's tone was a little cold, and her eyes were so cold that people did not dare to look directly. .

"As you bid!"

The wolf thorn without the slightest hesitation responded, bend more than ninety degrees.

After Qi Die came out, she just stared at the waterspout behind her with cold eyes, until the waterspout became clear again from red, she opened the mouth and said: "Wolf thorn, count how many dead?"

Wolf stab made some statistics, said solemnly: "Report to Master Shao Si Ming, there are 27 people left, and the death toll is eight."

Qi Die The expressionless nodded, indifferently said: "How did this strength get mixed into the film department? It's fine if you die, so as not to become a burden..."

The wolf thorn browses slightly wrinkle, but still nodded quickly , Echoed: "Master Shao Si Ming said that we will definitely pay attention to the quality of the members in the future."

"Hmm..." Qi Die nodded gently, then turned around and opened. the mouth and said: "Remember! We are pretending to be a Black Tortoise Han Family kid this time, and I will be smart later!"


Count The ten members of the film club shouted in unison, but their eyes were a bit of hidden resentment.

They are all members of the shadow club, watching their brother dying in vain and unable to help, it will inevitably feel a little bit chill in my heart.

Although the look in Wolfshorn's eyes did not change the slightest, the clenched fists exposed the anger in his heart.

And the distance between him and Qi Die has inadvertently stretched a little further, and it is no longer the distance of follow closely from behind.

Feng Yixiu looked at them calmly. The dog biting the dog is naturally an attractive spectacle.

It seems that these people are not monolithic, there is no weak spot...

Although this is just an insignificant episode in the eyes of ordinary people, Feng Yixiu can See something deeper.

This time Feng Yixiu did not follow the back of the team, but ran to the front of the team, which is behind the wolf stab, Shen Ruyu also followed behind.

"These are all the life and death brothers of our film department. It would be too much for Master Shao Si Ming..." Feng Yixiu pretended to whisper to Shen Ruyu.

Shen Ruyu was just stunned for a while, and even after he understood Feng Yixiu’s intentions, he quickly nodded and whispered, "Who said no... I think this young man simply didn’t treat us as human beings. Look."

The volume of the conversation between them is very clever. Although it will not be heard by Qi Die in the front, it can be heard clearly by the wolf thorn in front of them.

The wolf thorn suddenly slowed down, pretending to be stern and whispered: "Sir, you can talk about it, don’t you want to live, right?"

Feng Yixiu lowered her head and whispered, "I don't think it's worth it for the brothers... We don't need to be born or die, and we still have to be plotted against by our own people. I think she just wants to monopolize the credit. I guess it's just using us as a tool. "

hearing this, the wolf thorn was also stunned for a long time, seeming to be enlightenmented.

But still whispered: "I think you two will be a newcomer soon after entering the film department. I will bypass you this time. Next time, pay more attention, if it is heard by other people. When it arrives, I can't keep you..."

After saying that, the wolf stab first gently patted Feng Yixiu's shoulder, even if he turned around.

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