After saying this, Qi Die continued to move towards Tide King City, and Langstab followed her closely in order not to doubt it together.

It didn't take long for the entire group to successfully come to the front gate of Tidal City, and also saw a lot of tidal clansman coming and going back and forth.

Tidal clansman are not the same as ordinary humans. They have the appearance and shape of the legendary merfolk, and the skin surface is covered with light blue scales.

The ears of the Tidal family are different from normal humans. They are a bit like fish fins, exuding colorful streamers, and they are extraordinarily beautiful.

It may be the reason why the sun cannot be seen for a long time. The tidal clansman also has white skin and beautiful long hair like a waterfall.

Although I have not seen more tidal clansman, both men and women have the perfect face that makes human beings ashamed of being inferior.

The arrival of the Qi Die entire group soon caused many people to stop and watch. They seemed to have seen humans on land once, so they showed full curiosity.

But besides curiosity, there is also an indescribable jealousy and hostility.

In a while, the gate of the entire Tidal City began to be a little congested. Many tidal clansman faced Qi butterfly and the others started pointing fingers.

However, this crowded situation only lasted for a while, and was quickly dissipated by the guards of Tide King City.

I saw the tidal guards wearing light blue one after another filed out of the gate, standing on both sides of the gate, full of solemn killing aura.

Each of these guards is dizzying, and within both eyes are full of iron and blood. It can be seen that they are all well-trained soldiers.

Qi Die and the others are still calm and calm in the face of such a huge battle, and seem to have anticipated the reaction of the other party a long time ago.

"Who would dare to break into my Tidal City?"

I didn't see him, but first heard his voice, I saw a handsome man with a height of more than three meters walking slowly.

This person is wearing a black robe, and the aura that he emits is unusually stable and powerful, and the spiritual pressure he releases is also very terrifying.

Feng Yixiu quickly judged that this is a Level 8 Battle Spirit expert based on the strength of the opponent's spiritual pressure!

"Meet Xuanshui High Priest!"

The guards of hundreds of people shouted in unison, the voice shook the sky.

As the Xuanshui High Priest approaches, everyone is more and more able to feel the strong spiritual pressure, which makes people feel great pressure.

Even many members of the shadow club have a pale face, and their whole bodies are trembling slightly.

However, Qi Die is not an easy one. She knows that this is the other side giving them a predicament. Naturally, she will not be polite with the other side, and suddenly releases violent spiritual pressure to fight against it.

In an instant, an invisible spiritual pressure barrier was formed between Xuanshui High Priest and Shao Si Ming Qi Die, and the two sides were constantly colliding and squeezing each other.

For a while, no one can help each other, but this tentative shot lasted only a moment, and then the two stopped at the same time in a very tacit understanding.

Qi Die took the lead in breaking the deadlock. When he flipped his palm, a simple token appeared in his palm, said solemnly: "Black Tortoise Clan, Han Family come to visit!"

Xuanshui High Priest moved towards Void, he sucked the primitive token and checked it carefully.

"Yes, it is the token left by the Saint Spirit King of the Black Tortoise." Xuanshui High Priest nodded, immediately frowned: "But, you really are the descendants of Black Tortoise Clan?"

"Does Xuanshui High Priest have any doubts?" Qi Die calm replied.

"As far as I know, the descendants of Black Tortoise Clan should all be Water Element or Earth Element Battle Spirit Master, but there seem to be few Water Element and Earth Element Battle Spirit Master among you?" Xuan Water High Priest glanced at Qi Die and the others, frowned.

Qi Die smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Xuanshui High Priest knows something. We humans do not have the same longevity as your clansman. Hundreds of years have passed generations of replacements. The Holy Spirit The purity of the bloodline has gradually become thinner, so..."

Nodded of Xuanshui High Priest looked thoughtful, indifferently said: "I forgot about this. Please forgive me for the rudeness before."

"What the Xuanshui High Priest said, after all, we are also visiting your Tidal City for the first time. You should be careful." Qi Die smiled slightly and said softly.

"The Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King was the benefactor of our tide clan in the ancient times. If it weren’t for him, I’m afraid we would have been annihilated at that time. As the descendants of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King, we Naturally, we should treat each other with courtesy." Xuanshui High Priest's voice was as pleasant as the rain and wind, and continued to open the mouth and said: "Everyone, please follow me in."

Qi Die slightly nodded, Xuan Even following the steps of Xuanshui High Priest moved towards and stepped into the interior of the Tidal City.

The interior of this King of Tides is extremely lively. They seem to have developed their own unique civilization, and the various peculiar means of transportation are also jaw-dropping.

Such a scene seems to have been seen in a dream, full of dreamlike meaning, especially to-and-fro are the merfolk of Handsome Men and Beautiful Women, which makes people a little unreal. a feeling of.

Sure enough, as soon as Qi Die and the others entered it, a lot of tidal clansman stopped and watched, and the traffic on the road was once again congested.

Xuanshui High Priest has an extraordinary position in the King City of Tides, so I don't dare to get too close, and just watch from a distance.

After a while, a large vehicle driven by the sea devil beast stopped in front of the crowd, which could accommodate hundreds of people.

Xuanshui High Priest walked over first, and then the rest of the people entered it in turn.

Their final destination this time is the Tides King Palace, which is also the most important place in the entire Tide King City.

"Let you all laugh, our tidal clan has never been out of Tianhai Lake for more than 300 years, and has never had contact with humans, so I am a little curious about you, I hope you don’t mind." Xuanshui High Priest smiled and explained patiently.

Qi Die reluctantly laughed, and said indifferently: "In the past three hundred years, your tides have never had contact with humans?"

"Our tides have our own If it’s not necessary, it’s generally not easy to expose itself. Even if it’s necessary to go out of Tianhai Lake, it will choose to do it at night, but the frequency is very low." One exception..."

"Oh? What exception?" Qi Die browses slightly wrinkle, indifferently said.

"I remember that about a hundred years ago, the prisoners detained in King Tide City, because of our negligence, escaped. As outlaws, they would not care about the rules of King Tide City, so they went out without permission. Tianhai Lake, and there are still winds and waves in several villages around Tianhai Lake, and our tidal clan was misunderstood as a murderous sea devil beast. Since then, we have never been out of Tianhai Lake."

Xuanshui High Priest sighed helplessly and said solemnly.

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