"It turned out to be like this..." Qi Die gently nodded.

"The King of Tides is right in front of us. As our King of Tides is ill recently, we really can’t entertain you personally. Please forgive me." Xuanshui High Priest pointed to the splendorous and majestic in front. The dream palace, said solemnly.

"Since the Lord of Tides is ill, naturally he should take a good rest. If the illness is aggravated for our rash visit, we will also feel sorry." Qi Die seemed polite, said with a slight smile.

Xuanshui High Priest silently nodded, waved slowly, and the gate of the heavily guarded Tidal Palace slowly opened.

"ka ka ka..."

As the gate of the Tide Palace gradually opened, everyone let out a heartfelt surprise.

I thought that the Tides King City was already a very dreamy scene, but I never thought that the Tide King City was even more exaggerated.

I saw Luminous Pearls used for lighting everywhere, and the ground was randomly exuding multicolored rays of light pearls and colored shells.

And the maids in the Tide Palace are all female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, and each guard is an uncommon martial heroism, with firm and bold eyes.

Their costumes are mostly sky blue, which matches the color of their scales and skin very well...

Xuanshui High Priest just entered the Tide Palace, All the maids and guards began to bow and salute respectfully.

And Qi Die and the others followed the pace of Xuanshui High Priest and came to a palace dedicated to receiving VIPs.

Xuanshui High Priest sits on the highest theme, and Qi Die sits on the guest seat aside.

The wolf spur is sitting on the other guest seat. Next to him are Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

According to the normal rules, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are both newcomers and should not have been sitting behind the wolf spur.

However, the wolf spurs deliberately arranged Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu in a position closer to the main seat.

It seems that Feng Yixiu has completely obtained the trust of the wolf spur, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have such a deliberate arrangement...

"If you guessed correctly, come today, It should be for the Black Tortoise Secret Realm?" Xuanshui High Priest is also straight to the point, with a solemn expression on his face.

Qi Die smiled slightly and said solemnly: "Frankly, we are here today to visit the Tidal family, and to ask about the Black Tortoise Secret Realm."

"Our Tide family has guarded the Black Tortoise Secret Realm for more than three hundred years. If you can successfully obtain the Black Tortoise Secret Realm, we would naturally welcome it, but..." Xuanshui High Priest stopped talking. Some worriedly said.

"But what?" Qi Die browses slightly wrinkle, anxiously said.

"The Xuan Water Totem we have can indeed open the Black Tortoise Secret Realm, but if you do not absorb the Black Tortoise holy orb, I am afraid that you will not be able to successfully obtain the Black Tortoise inheritance." Xuan Shui High Priest 1 Said with a serious face.

"This Black Tortoise sacred pearl is not a problem, but now our Young Master is participating in the China High Level League, and we still can’t get out of it now. It may take a month or two. After we win the championship, I will come and visit in person." Qi Die said in deadly earnest.

"China high level league? It seems that your Han Family heirs are also very good, so I can rest assured." Xuanshui High Priest smiled slightly and said in a deep voice.

During this period of time, Feng Yixiu has just listened silently and did not speak.

Because this is one of the few opportunities to learn about the tide family and Black Tortoise Secret Realm, I can also learn what I want to know through Qi Die's mouth.

However, there is a little Feng Yixiu who doesn't quite understand it. How can this Black Tortoise holy pearl be absorbed so easily?

If it is really easy to absorb it, I am afraid that no one has successfully absorbed it for hundreds of years...

But listening to Qi Die’s tone, it seems It's not like joking, it's more like a sure tone.

'Could they have any good way to absorb the Black Tortoise holy pearl? 'Feng Yixiu stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

If this is the case, the current situation is really not optimistic.

But if you think about it from another angle, since the other party has a way to absorb the Black Tortoise Holy Orb, can you borrow the other party's method?


Suddenly, Feng Yixiu felt someone push himself with his elbow, it was a wolf stab.

"This is going to be done right now? Didn't you say that there is a way?" Wolfthorn whispered anxiously.

Feng Yixiu came back to his senses, smiled slightly, said indifferently: "No problem, look at me..."

I saw Feng Yixiu stood up abruptly , Said with a slight smile: "Master Xuanshui High Priest, we are coming all the way, don’t you have any drinks to entertain you? It’s too stingy..."

At that time, not only Xuanshui High Priest was stunned, but Qi Die on the side was also completely stunned.

Where did a rash person pop out of this?

However, Xuanshui High Priest still held back his anger, stood up politely, and said indifferently: "This Little Brother is right. It is indeed our negligence. Naturally, our tidal race has For good wine and food, I will let people prepare..."

Feng Yixiu was also taken aback for a while. He didn't expect the temper of Xuanshui High Priest to be so good.

is it possible that I am not arrogant enough?

No, you must see it later, what is recklessness...

"Come on! Get the best wine in the cellar, and get ready quickly. The dishes are here!" Xuanshui High Priest immediately ordered the servant girl to prepare wine and food.

Feng Yixiu sneered, and immediately put his feet on the guest seat, and said casually: "If it weren't for our Han Family, where is your tidal clan, you are so scornful of your great benefactor," It's impossible to tell good from bad......"

In an instant, the entire great hall was silent again, and everyone looked at Feng Yixiu with shock.

You haven’t had any alcohol yet?

Why did it start to float!

Qi Die and Xuanshui High Priest are both pale, if they are not scrupulous, I am afraid they will shoot on the spot.

I saw Qi Die stand up with a gloomy face, cold water said: "Wolf stab, how do you control your subordinates ?"

Wolf stab was also scared by Feng Yixiu's words It's not light, but when I think of the previous words, my tone suddenly becomes tough, coldly said: "My subordinate, don't bother you."


Qi Die stood up on the spot angrily, but didn't dare to do anything on this special occasion, and immediately sat down again with an angry expression.

Before coming, I repeatedly emphasized not to talk nonsense, but this group of people obviously wanted to make trouble.


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