" Xuanshui High Priest, I am not able to discipline, let you laugh, but also look at Haihan..." Qi Die's attitude appeared very polite, bowing lightly said.

Xuanshui High Priest is full of anger, but Han Family is the benefactor of the tide clan after all, and he didn't say much.

However, his face is not as pleasant as before, but has become a little cold.

"What are you talking about, you, as the great benefactors of our tide clan, I can't afford..." Xuanshui High Priest held Qi Die up while coldly said.

“It seems that High Priest still didn’t forgive me! Let’s do it, I will punish myself for three cups later, and if I visit next time, I will send a generous gift to apologize. I hope you don’t get angry. The friendship between our two races." Qi Die was still a little angry when she saw the other party, but she couldn't help but smile.

hearing this, most of the anger of Xuanshui High Priest disappeared, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"I'm serious, I'm not the kind of person with small belly and chicken intestines." Xuanshui High Priest smiled slightly, indifferently said.

Feng Yixiu frowned when he saw this, didn't expect Qi Die has two brushes!

It looks like a big move is needed, otherwise this matter will really be settled.


At the same time.

On the promenade outside the palace, servant girls are holding all kinds of wine and delicacies, one after another moved towards the great hall of Huibin.

I saw a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous light blue Bihailuo skirt just passing by, and she knew she was an aristocrat in the Palace of Tides.

This woman's hair is different from the snowy white color of the ordinary tidal clansman, but a blue golden waist-length hair, which is as beautiful as the Great Sea Waves.

Sure enough, all the servant girls who passed by this person stopped one after another, bowed and said: "Meet Her Highness the Princess!"

That one was called Her Highness the The Princess’ girl stopped, looking at such a big battle, and wondering: "Is there any distinguished guest from the Tide Palace?"

"Tell Her Highness the Princess, Xuanshui High Priest is hosting a group of land Human Race is now above the great hall."

A servant girl did not dare to look directly at Her Highness the Princess, and bowed her head to report truthfully.

"What? Humans on land?" Her Highness the Princess looked a little excited, and whispered: "I have never seen humans on land when I grow up. You take me in and take a look. Okay?"

Although Her Highness the Princess of the tide clan is in a high position, her mind is a little simple, and she doesn't have the arrogance of the usual Princess.

On the contrary, she appears to be gentle and gentle, even if she is dealing with a humble servant girl, she will not be arrogant, but will ask softly.

"But you are Her Highness the Princess. How honorable you are. You can't easily show up in front of strangers. If you let Xuanshui High Priest know about it, you will definitely blame us..." the servant girl He looked a little scared, and said softly.

Her Highness the Princess also thought about it for a while, and immediately eyes shined, indifferently said: "Then I can pretend to be a servant girl, it’s all right, I just want to take a look, I promise I won’t be Xuanshui High Priest found it."


The servant girl saw Her Highness the Princess with a firm attitude, and naturally she did not dare to violate the meaning of Her Highness the Princess. .

"Very good, then you can change your clothes with me..." Her Highness the Princess said excitedly.

The two changed their clothes after finding a remote bedroom.

Her Highness the Princess is capable of causing the downfall of a nation, but after putting on the wig and clothes, it can't be seen even with the head down.

I saw Her Highness the Princess, dressed as a servant girl, mixed into the procession going to the great hall for welcoming guests. In order not to be noticeable, he always hung his head and mixed into the welcoming palace. Among.

Xuanshui High Priest saw the servant girls who came to serve drinks, loudly said: "This is the wine we have cherished for hundreds of years, and there are many that you can't eat on land. Haiwei, I hope you don’t dislike it."

Qi Die waved his hand and said with a slight smile: "What High Priest said, you are able to treat me so kindly, that’s our honor."


Princess, a tidal clan posing as a servant girl, glanced around, and immediately spotted the distinctive Feng Yixiu.

There is really no way. After all, everyone in the great hall sits politely, except that Feng Yixiu looks like an uncle. It is difficult to be unobtrusive.

I saw Her Highness the Princess walked towards Feng Yixiu very naturally, and the other servant girls did not dare to compete with Her Highness the Princess, they moved towards the others. .

Her Highness the Princess bends down slowly and personally serves Feng Yixiu with wine and delicacies.

At this time, Feng Yixiu was thinking about how to engage in a major event. A casual glance happened to see a beautiful face.

Although this tidal clansman is wearing very ordinary servant girl clothes, the aristocratic aura it exudes cannot be concealed at such a close distance.

And her beautiful face is even more unforgettable. Feng Yixiu can see the unusualness of the woman in front of him at a glance...

This look is not the most important thing. , But he carefully saw a few strands of blue golden hair hidden in the snow-white hair of this tide woman, apparently wearing a wig.

Feng Yixiu, even if it is judged that this is definitely not an ordinary servant girl, otherwise she will never deliberately wear a wig, and her temperament will not deceive.

Although Feng Yixiu has not guessed the true identity of this servant girl, she knows that it must be unusual...

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu’s thoughts have turned around, a bold idea in The heart is gradually brewing.

Under the harmonious situation in the entire great hall, Xuanshui High Priest and Qi Die also started to change their cups.

I saw Feng Yixiu suddenly loudly said: "Hey! Give this Uncle a squeeze!"

The maid on the side was also taken aback for a while, pointed at herself, and said softly. "Me?"

"Otherwise? You are a servant girl, won't you even pinch your legs, right? Don't you look down on the life saving benefactor of your tidal clan..." Feng Yixiu said slightly at the corner of his mouth raised, loudly said.


Her Highness the Princess nodded lightly, and then she really knelt down and began to pinch his legs for Feng Yixiu.

Shen Ruyu also knew that Feng Yixiu was planning to break Qi Die, so he was quiet and silent.

Feng Yixiu drank the wine comfortably, and there was a slight blush on his face, indifferently said: "I said Xuanshui High Priest, there are so many beauties of the tide clan! I wonder if I can buy it. Next to this servant girl..."

In an instant, the great hall became quiet again, and the servant girl who pinched Feng Yixiu's legs was also stunned for a long time.

Feng Yixiu spoke again, loudly said: "This price is good, as long as you want, I can pay a lot of money to buy!"

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