The eight gou jade with a faint gleam continued to spin continuously behind Qi Die, forming a mysterious pattern, and Qi Die’s imposing manner suddenly skyrocketed!

" Bachiqiong Gouyu !"

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others cry out in surprise almost in unison.

No wonder Yuan Shenya has never used Ba Chi Qiong Gou Yu, but only used Eight Inch Mirror.

It turns out that Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu has always been here with Qi Die!

Xuanshui High Priest also recognizes what it is at a glance, coldly said: "If you are from the Sun-Moon Empire, then you will not be able to go back alive!"

Qi Die sneered, loudly said: "If you can do it! You can try..."

After saying that, Qi Die opened her arms abruptly, and she The seven blood-colored gou jade on the back also began to spin quickly.


In an instant, there were only more than 20 Spirit Masters left in the shadow department and made a sound of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves at the same time.

Wolf Spur felt a surge of blood and soul for an instant, but he still tried his best to suppress the surge of blood and soul.

There is another reason for this because the wolf thorn is also the farthest away from Qi Die, so it is the least affected.

But the other twenty-odd Battle Spirit Masters do not have the profound spiritual power of a wolf thorn. They simply cannot withstand the power of Qi Die Qiong Gouyu!

I saw more than twenty crimson blood moved towards Qi Die madly influx, and his imposing manner and power are also skyrocketing at the speed visible to naked eye...

More than twenty members of the shadow club died due to the excessive blood and spiritual power, and all the power gathered in Qi Die's body.

This is the power of Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu, which allows users to stimulate their full potential and obtain the power to draw everything for their own use.

However, the premise is that the object must be marked with the Gouyu curse imprint of Bachiqiong Gouyu in advance, whether it is a person or an object.

The previous Qi Die had silently marked all the shadow team members just in case...

Wolf was seeing Feng Yixiu and When Shen Ruyu didn't respond, he couldn't help but browse tightly knit.

But in this case, he did not tear his face immediately, but pretended that he did not find the abnormality of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

However, Feng Yixiu was right. It turned out that Qi Die brought members of the Shadow Club simply not to seek help, but to use it as a tool to enhance his strength.

Wolf's fear of Shao Si Ming Qi Die now far exceeds the fear of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

Because in his eyes, no matter how scheming Feng Yixiu is, it is nothing more than a Level 7 Spirit Venerable. It is not enough!

"I want to see, none of you can stop me!"

Qi Die's eyes began to become a little red, and the spiritual pressure he emitted was infinitely close to Battle Spirit Emperor rank.

I saw that her butterfly double-edged swords have completely turned into two slender blood-butterfly swords, and the formidable power has been upgraded several levels.

Xuanshui High Priest couldn't help but browse tightly knit when faced with such a powerful force, but he didn't show a panic expression.

After all, Qi Die is already seriously injured. Even if she can't keep her, she won't be hurt by the other party.

Xuanshui High Priest lightly raised the Xuanshui staff in his hand, and immediately tapped it hard.

A huge water dragon wave roared and moved towards Qi Die and rushed over, and the deep sea black whale under his feet also moved towards Qi Die suddenly.

In the face of such momentum is big, power is deep offensive, Qi Die did not dare to fight the enemy even if the power had a qualitative breakthrough, but used ingenuity to deal with it.

She is like a dangerous and flexible blood butterfly. With her soft body directly relying on the powerful tail of the deep-sea black whale, she flies out like a bow and arrow bent together... …

However, the Ice Dragon wave behind him still followed closely, and Qi Die’s body began to rotate violently, and the spiral bloody breath instantly wrapped the water dragon wave.

"xiū xiū xiū ……"

I saw the water dragon wave suddenly stopped, and countless scarlet slashes completely chopped the huge water dragon wave into countless pieces!

Qi Die watched as more and more tidal guards moved towards here, and among them there were a few burly leaders, so naturally they did not dare to stay for a long time...


Qi Die’s silhouette rushed straight into the sky, decisively abandoning the gate that was already surrounded by people, and the sharp spiral blade directly broke through the roof of the great hall.

"Tide King City, today’s hatred, and the next day’s wicked flower will be repaid ten times!"

Before Qi Die left, he did not forget to leave a provocative word. Rush out of the territory of King Tide City at the fastest speed.

Feng Yixiu first glanced at the hole in the roof, then glanced at a few drops of red blood underground, and thought to himself: "This guy must have been seriously injured! Never let the opponent run away." ......"

And the opponent still has a sacred relic like Bashaqiong Gouyu in their hands. Perhaps this is their confidence to integrate the Black Tortoise holy pearl.

Since the Sun-Moon Empire uses Eight Inch Mirror as a condition of exchange, instead of Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu as a condition of exchange.

This shows that the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu's Gouyu is probably more important than the Eight Inch Mirror. It is very likely that the other party has the confidence to acquire Black Tortoise inheritance...

If it is true If you can get the eight-foot Qionggou jade, Shen Ruyu, Dongfang Late Summer and the others may be able to smoothly absorb the Four Sacred Pearls.

"Her Highness the Princess, please feel wronged, if you let this guy run away, you have heard, she will really come back to take revenge." Feng Yixiu whispered to the tide Princess .

Tidal Princess is also very worried about the safety of Tidal City. Hearing what Qi Die said before, it is obviously consistent with what Feng Yixiu said.

"Well then...I can help you." Princess of the tide nodded gently, indifferently said.

But at this moment, thousands of tidal guards directly surrounded Feng Yixiu, the wolf thorn and the others.

"Your boss is gone, if you know each other, I advise you to release Her Highness the Princess as soon as possible, maybe you can spare your life!" Xuanshui High Priest looked at Feng Yixiu coldly, said solemnly .

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, Tide Princess took the lead in opening the mouth and said: "You all quickly retreat, is it possible that you really want to kill me?"

It’s too late to explain so much, otherwise Qi Die might really run away...


Xuanshui High Priest brows slightly wrinkle, some Worried.

"There is nothing wrong, you guys quickly step back!" The tide Princess changed her normally weak personality, but became a bit stronger, and she was still winking at Xuanshui High Priest.

Xuanshui High Priest didn’t know why, but he didn’t dare to go against the will of Her Highness the Princess. He only waved his hand, indifferently said: "Retreat all to me!"

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