"Let's go!"

Feng Yixiu directly held the Tidal Princess and walked out of the great hall of welcome under the glare of everyone.

The wolf spur also followed the steps of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and exited the great hall together.

At this time, outside the great hall is already surrounded by tidal guards. Every soldier raised his weapon high and glared at Feng Yixiu.

"Lord Wolf Spike, my Battle Spirit is flying slowly. You should come to the summon Battle Spirit..." Feng Yixiu glanced at the wolf spear on the side and said softly.

Wolf stabs silently nodded, and immediately summon a bloody wolf Battle Spirit with the ultimate body.

I saw a Platinum Grade flying demon card thrown out, and immediately after this ghost wolf Battle Spirit grew a pair of huge wings.

Although the wolf thorn is wary of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, it is still a grasshopper on a rope at this moment, and no one can leave anyone...

The wolf thorn takes the lead Jumped up, and Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu also followed closely from behind, and did not forget to bring the tide Princess.

After all, this is still the sphere of influence of the Tidal City, Feng Yixiu dare not release Tidal Princess here.

The tens of thousands of tidal guards watched the spirit wolf fly farther and farther, and their hearts were extremely anxious, but they did not dare to act rashly without the order of Xuanshui High Priest.

I saw a burly tidal leader walked out and fell to his knees, frowned: "Xuanshui High Priest, why not order the hunt? Her Highness the Princess is still in their hands!"

Xuanshui High Priest looked at the fading spirit wolf, coldly said: "This is the meaning of Her Highness the Princess, but if it is out of the Tidal City, Her Highness the Princess will also have the ability to protect itself. , You don’t have to worry too much."

"But the subordinates are still a little worried. I still lead a team of elite soldiers to support Her Highness the Princess. At least I can guarantee that Her Highness the Princess will not have accidents." The tidal guards command browse tightly knit and said solemnly.

"This is also good, but you must not let the other party find out, otherwise I am afraid that the other party will jump over the wall in a hurry." Xuanshui High Priest pondered for a while, indifferently said.

"As you bid!"

The leader of the tide stood up abruptly, and soon took away the most powerful soldiers.

Xuanshui High Priest looked at the ghost wolf whose silhouette was completely invisible, and sighed: "I hope nothing will happen to Her Highness the Princess, otherwise how can I explain to the king..."



The Scarlet Blood Wolf violently broke through the outermost diaphragm of the Tides King City, which means that they really stepped out of the Tides King City's territory.

But as soon as he stepped out of the territory of the King of Tides, two crimson slashes moved towards Feng Yixiu and the wolf thorn and the others struck.

"So fast!"

Feng Yixiu and the wolf spur almost simultaneously resisted, and the Azure Dragon holy spear and the wolf spur dagger joined forces to barely block crimson's fierce slash.

Shen Ruyu was naturally not idle either, a faint Nether Fire flame appeared in his eyes, swept around, and immediately pointed to a direction not far away, loudly said: "She is there!"


"moonslash Hua!"

"Ghost slash !"

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu shot almost at the same time, and Qing golden and crimson's slashing speed is faster It's almost reaching the limit.


The combined attack of the two accurately hit Qi Die who was in a hidden state. Only a sound of gold and stone was heard, and violent sparks stirred in the water. .

Qi Die was shocked to retreat more than a dozen steps before barely stabilizing her figure, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

The red blood dyed the surrounding water into pink. Although it is not easy to detect, it can't escape Shen Ruyu's eagle eye detection.

Qi Die knows that being secret has no much meaning, and simply no longer wastes spiritual power to maintain this state, and is directly exposed to everyone's sight.

This hidden ability may be useful on land, but it seems a bit tasteless in the water.

After all, all actions in the water will be amplified by the current. You only need to perceive the fluctuations of the current to perceive the specific direction, especially for Feng Yixiu who has thunder and lightning...

Qi Die gradually revealed her figure, and she saw two crimson blood butterflies entwined around her, and there was eight feet Qiong Gouyu spinning continuously behind her. The imposing manner was even more amazing!

Qi Die glanced at the Azure Dragon Holy Spear in Feng Yixiu's hand, frowned: "It turned out to be you, but how did you get in between us and how did you know our plan?"

"hmph..." Feng Yixiu sneered, and immediately glanced at the wolf thorn in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, indifferently said: "If you don't know, you can do nothing. How do I know this news, I think You should have guessed it."

Qi Die fiercely glanced at the wolf thorn, coldly said: "Wolf thorn, what a traitor, you dare to betray the flower of evil, the commander is absolutely forgiving I can’t help you!"

The wolf thorn also sneered, indifferently said: "Our shadow club does things for you wholeheartedly, but you only use us as a tool of sacrifice. What qualifications do you have to say? I rebel?"

"I don’t know how to repent when I die. I don’t think I need to wait for the chief commander to do it. Today I will send you to hell!" Qi Die stared at the wolf angrily Stabbed, harshly.

"hahaha...If I didn’t guess wrong, the reason why you chose to ambush us instead of running away is probably because you know you won’t be able to hold on for long, and you want to get rid of it within the effectiveness of Bashaqiong Gouyu. Us?" Wolf Spur Yangtian laughed a few times, said with a sneer.

hearing this, Qi Die's face instantly changes gloomy, and the look towards the wolf thorn and Feng Yixiu's eyes become sharper again.

As Langsab said, the reason why Qi Die didn't flee immediately was because she knew that she would be overtaken within a short time after she had been seriously injured.

If you wait until the energy of the blood is exhausted, you can only be slaughtered in the severely injured state.

But if the wolf thorn and Feng Yixiu and the others are solved, and then the tide Princess is held hostage.

Not only can you successfully escape from the danger, but Tide Princess will also become the bargaining chip for the next negotiation with Tide King City.

Another very important point is that Qi Die wants to solve Feng Yixiu’s troubles. After all, he is one of the few people who knows the exact address of King Tide City. It can be said that he has mastered too many important things. information.

Although at first I thought that the other party was the elite of the wind department in the northwestern headquarters, but now I know that the other party is Feng Yixiu who has an absolutely irreconcilable vengeance with him!

Feng Yixiu killed his only daughter in the Asura Tower, but now he has personally shattered the carefully planned plan.

Under the new hatred and the old hatred, Qi Die’s hatred for Feng Yixiu has reached its peak, and it has reached the point where he wants to kill and then quickly...

"Yes again How? I am now infinitely close to the strength of the Battle Spirit emperor, is it possible that you really think that a person who just broke through Level 8 Battle Spirit and a Level 7 Battle Spirit can beat me together, it’s too ridiculous. Come on!" Qi Die pretended to laugh calmly.

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