The four main players of Team Fury are naturally all out, and the four are still in the most commonly used formation.

Han Xiao is still in the lead, while Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are located on the two wings of the formation, acting as the team's strongest attacker.

The silhouette of the late summer of the East follows like a ghost at the end of the team, making people completely unpredictable of her steps...

They are also fast on the way. The summon produced their respective Battle Spirit, and carried out spiritual weapon and spiritual armor.

Feng Yixiu first summon the sky green jade dragon and the queen of black thorns, and the moment the queen of black thorns appeared, they started to sow the seeds of black thorns wildly.

And Shen Ruyu, Eastern Summer, and the others are also summon out of their respective Battle Spirits, and various basic demon cards are turned into flowing lights and submerged in their respective Battle Spirits.

Team Xuantian was also dispatched by the four main members. This is an extremely rare situation for a team with an auxiliary Battle Spirit.

It can be seen how confident the Xuantian team is for their defensive power, even if they are supporting the Battle Spirit Master, they don’t need to worry about their own safety.

"Tiankui mysterious tortoise!" Han Jiang angry roar, and a large golden summon array appeared next to him.

The volume of this summon array is slightly smaller than that of Tiangang Chasing Water, but this is still a huge monster among the complete Battle Spirit.

The whole tortoise of Tiankui appears as golden, with black rune embellishment on it, and the thick tortoise shell feels like a heavy tank...

There is no doubt, Han Jiang, as Xuantian Academy Number One Person, is naturally an ultra-limit Battle Spirit, but only his defense and physical attack have reached the SR level.

And Tiankui Xuangui doesn't seem to have the means to fly, just running fast on the ground.

Every stepping will cause the ground to vibrate violently, as if there is a sense of sight of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses running together.

However, this is not over yet. Han Jiang's palm trembles slightly, and several demon cards begin to fly upside down.

Along with the armed forces of the demon cards, the Tiankui Xuangui has also undergone tremendous changes.

The tortoise shell, which is already extremely hard, has become more like a metal texture, emitting dazzling golden rays of light as a whole.

"Titan Dragon Tortoise-Titan Arms!"

I saw Han Jiang threw out only one fantasy-level demon card, which turned out to be a black-gold-level existence.

This black gold demon card was not originally owned by Han Jiang, but was temporarily lent to Han Jiang by Yuan Shenya.

And there are more than one. Yuan Shenya spent a lot of money to get Xuantian team to defeat the angry scale team...

and also promised that as long as it defeats the angry scale team, this Two fantasy-level demon cards are given to each other.

Although Huaxia banned the inflow of people from the Sun-Moon Empire, it was unable to prevent the entry of the Demon Card.

These two black gold demon cards were also applied for after Yuan Shenya issued a military order. If he does not win the championship, even if he is a prince, he will be severely punished!

The Tiankui Xuantuo after the Titans was armed began to skyrocket at a speed visible to naked eye, but in a moment it became a super-large Battle Spirit with a size of nearly 100 meters.

The current Tiankui Xuangui is really like an incomparable super-heavy bulldozer. There is an obvious gully on the road...

This has not been calculated yet. After that, Han Jiang began to condense a golden shield in his hands. This is the golden shield given by his spiritual weapon, Tiankui!

Han Jiang’s spiritual weapon is a spiritual weapon of the manifestation system, but there is no True Spirit phantom, instead it transforms into a super-large golden light shield.

The scope of this light shield reached half a hundred degrees, not only protecting Han Xiao, but also protecting the teammates behind him.

Xu Zi, Vice Captain of the Xuantian Team, is also a pure defense Battle Spirit Master. He has teamed up with Han Jiang from the Intermediate Battle Spirit Academy. It can be said to be established and very strong. tacit agreement.

This can also be seen from Xu Ziyi’s Battle Spirit, the cooperation between them is not simple.

Xu Ziyi’s Battle Spirit is also an ultra-limit Battle Spirit, whose full name is Dikui Xuangui. It can be said that this Battle Spirit exists to cooperate with Han Jiang.

Although Xu Ziyi’s Battle Spirit is an ultra-limit Battle Spirit, only the defense item barely reaches the SR level, and it is still the result of the great help of Han Family and Xuantian Academy.

The Dikui Dragon Tortoise appears black as a whole, with golden rune embellishments on it, and its appearance is very similar to the Tiankui Dragon Tortoise.

It’s just that the size of the Dikui Dragon Tortoise is slightly smaller than that of the Tiankui Dragon Tortoise, and the weight is not much different...

And Xu Ziyi’s spiritual weapon is A huge black hammer, its full name is Dikui Warhammer, and it is also a spiritual weapon of manifestation.

A large black Warhammer taller than a human appeared in Xu Ziyi's hands, which formed a perfect match with the Tiankui Golden Shield.

There is an unusual tacit understanding between a hammer and a shield, and the two are floating high above them, appearing unusually heavy!

"Titan Dragon Tortoise-Titan Arms!"

Under Xu Ziyi's angry roar, the chief Dragon Tortoise has also undergone tremendous changes.

But within a short while, the size of the Dikui Dragon Tortoise has grown to nearly a hundred meters, and it seems to be a huge monster.

For a time, two giant tortoises like mountains ran wildly in the Star Source Forest, and countless giant trees seemed impossible to withstand a single blow in front of them.

Even some small hills cannot withstand the crush of two giant Battle Spirits, but wherever they pass by is a mess...

And the two auxiliary systems of Xuantian team At the time of Battle Spirit, spiritual weapons and spirit armors were condensed, and they were not eager to summon their respective Battle Spirits.


The entire Star Source Forest seems to be trembling, and the gravel on the ground is constantly bounced several meters high by the huge force!

Since the entire Ragescale team was above the sky, they immediately observed the movement in the distance.

"The opponent also used Titan weapons, and it seems that this level is not low!" Feng Yixiu immediately judged the opponent's situation with a serious face.

"It seems that Team Sun and Moon is really helping them!" Shen Ruyu also browses tightly knit, indifferently said.

"Fortunately, the Xuanji teacher has the foresight, otherwise I guess we really have nothing to do with these two iron kings." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said differently.

Shen Ruyu lightly nodded, said with a slight smile: "But this level is not enough for us to use the hole cards. Let's meet them for a while."

"I will play first , I want to see, everyone is a Turtle Spirit, who is better!"

Han Xiao looked at the closer and closer Tiankui Xuangui, his eyes revealed a warlike flame.

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