"Xiao Ba, let's go!"

Han Xiao stared at the front with scorching eyes, and Xuan even started to accelerate suddenly while driving the sky through the water.

I saw that the vortex suspended under the feet of Tiangang Chasing Water was spinning faster and faster, and the speed of flight was gradually accelerating!

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others followed Han Xiao closely, and did not rush to take action immediately...

"Tiangang Holy Shield!"

Even if Han Xiaodang used the first Battle Spirit technique, a mysterious black tortoise shield was condensed around the Tiangang chasing water.

This is also the Battle Spirit skill usually possessed by the defense system Battle Spirit, which can greatly enhance the defensive power of the Battle Spirit.

Han Jiang looked at in the sky moved towards Han Xiao, who rushed over, and said with a big smile excitedly: "hahaha...I really don’t know what to do!"

"Tiankui Holy Shield!"

Han Jiang also immediately responded with the first Battle Spirit technique, and the tortoise shield exuding dazzling golden light gradually turned from virtual to real.

The speed of Tiankui's Dragon Tortoise's action also suddenly accelerated, apparently preparing to meet force with force with the oncoming Tiangang.


When the two collided, a huge impact formed a strong shock wave.

The sand and gravel within a radius of hundreds of meters are all blown out, and even many ancient woods seem a little impossible to withstand a single blow in front of this shock wave.

This is a collision between pure power and power. There is no skill at all. It can be described as full of violent beauty...

Han Xiao and Han Jiang are here At the moment of the collision, the brows were frowned, and the surprise in my heart exhibited one's feelings in one's speech.

Neither of them thought that the other would be evenly matched with him, and they were completely deadlocked in a short time.

"This...how is this possible!" Han Jiang exclaimed secretly in his heart.

I borrowed a dream-level black gold demon card, and is a powerful Titan weapon.

The size of the current Tiankui Dragon Tortoise is several times larger than that of Tiangang.

With the increase in strength and weight, the Jinkui Xuangui is completely equivalent to a super-large bulldozer at the moment.

It is reasonable that the opponent should be knocked out!

Han Xiao's thoughts are similar. He has already let Tiangang use the Motionless As Mountains Battle Spirit technique.

And he also has a fantasy series of magic cards, using this power to dissolve the opponent's powerful strength.

Motionless As Mountains can increase the weight of Tiangang by water ten times. It is not easy to shake Tiangang by water by Feng Yixiu's power...

However, the two actually held a stalemate within a short period of time, and their strength and defensive power levels were basically the same.

"Good boy! Over the years, he has become a lot stronger, but it's still far from it!" Han Jiang's mouth was slightly raised, loudly said.

tone barely fell, only heard the Tiankui Xuangui roar from the sky, and the surrounding boulders and clods began to move towards this gathering.

Tiankui Xuangui's fourth Battle Spirit skill, move mountain, collapsing sea is launched!

With the Tiankui mysterious turtle as the center, a huge golden field is slowly condensed and formed, exuding brilliance.

move mountain, collapsing sea can control the sand and water flow within several hundred meters, and can form a large-scale crushing attack...

This is also one of the few Tiankui mysterious turtles Many of the methods that can be used for attack, which have the meaning of a big deal.

But in a moment, a huge mountain was formed on top of Tiankui's Dragon Tortoise, and the height of the mountain reached hundreds of meters!

Han Jiang looked at Han Xiao indifferently, said indifferently: "I will let you know the gap between us!"

"The huge mountain is on top!"

I saw Han Jiang wave his arm slowly, and the huge monster above his head suddenly moved towards Han Xiao and smashed over.

Han Xiao smiled slightly when he saw this, indifferently said: "It's ridiculous, do you have the Battle Spirit skill?"

"Mountain and river domain!"

Under the angry roar of the sky, a huge black field quickly condensed and formed.

However, there is not much Earth Element around now, and the speed of condensing the Earth Element is unusually slow.

So Han Xiao chose to condense the faster-flowing water, only to see a river not far behind Han Xiao began to agitate.


The calm flowing river suddenly rushed into several huge water columns, and moved quickly towards Tiangang’s madness towards the water. Come.

The flow of water condenses much faster than the Earth Element, but it converges into a super-large mountain in a second.

The magnificent mountains and rivers are floating above Han Xiao, and you can even hear the sound of torrential water splashing...

"Water Dragon Waterfall!"

Under Han Xiao angry roar, the flowing mountains above his head suddenly turned into a roaring dragon head.


As if the sound of a kilometer waterfall hitting a rock, two huge monsters slammed together.

The water splashed all over the place for a while, and the water dragon waterfall was slightly declining at the beginning, but it was full of stamina.

Water is the softest thing in the world, but it is also a magic weapon to overcome the hardest thing!

With the passage of time, the huge mountain of momentum is big, power is deep was completely washed away by the soft water waves...

Like a mountain cry out and sea The howl-like water slammed on the Tiankui Divine Shield, causing it to slowly appear cracks.

And the shattered rock also slammed on the sacred shield of Tiangang, Han Xiao and Han Jiang both became serious at the same time.


Almost at the same time, the sound of fragmentation sounded, and Tiangang Zhushuiyuan and Tiankui Xuangui started a close hand-to-hand fight.

The sizes of the two seem to be very exaggerated. The Tian Gang rushing through the water in front of the Titanized Tiankui Dragon Tortoise, it seems unusually small.

But no one thought that in the head-to-head wrestling between the two sides, Tiankui Xuangui did not have the slightest advantage at all!

The hard ground is totally unable to withstand the devastation of two giant beasts, and the whole ground is constantly falling down...

Such a huge visual difference makes Xuantian Martial Practice Stage Everyone was stunned.

"Oh my God! I know Han Xiao is very strong, but didn't expect to be comparable to the Captain of Team Xuantian!"

"Team Xuantian's A leader and the defensive team members of the angry scale team are inextricably fought. The hard power of the two teams can be said to be judged..."

"But it is hard to say now, after all, Team Tian hasn’t used the Black Tortoise sacred beads and the eight mirrors yet, and the final outcome is hard to say..."

The audience of the entire Xuantian Martial Practice Stage are discussing spiritedly, most of them are against Doubts about Han Jiang's strength.

Han Jiang naturally heard these gossips, and his brows began to frown.

Since the Battle Spirit is deadlocked again, you can only change the situation yourself!


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