"Blood-winged black mosquitoes, absorb their blood!"

With a light wave of the succubus palm, a small black summon array with a small Dao body began to gradually Condensed into shape.

Before seeing the real face of the blood spirit, I heard the disturbing "weng weng" sound...

Only a black silhouette appeared. In front of everyone, it turned out to be a scarlet mosquito no more than two meters in size.

This demon mosquito presents a scarlet all over, with a sword-like mouthpart, and the tail section has a sharp poisonous needle, and it is still dripping with purple venom.

The wings behind are waving at high speed, emitting glazed rays of light, and the sound is also very harsh...

Feng Yixiu looked at it with a serious face That magic pattern, even if the system scan:

[Blood Spirit Name]: Blood Wing Black Mosquito

[Blood Spirit Attribute]: Poison, Water

[Blood Spirit Grade]: Ultimate Body

[Blood Spirit Level]: Level 8 third rank

[Blood Spirit Quality]: King Level

[Blood Spirit Skills]: poison stinger, black mosquito suck blood, young mosquito rebirth, magic sound penetrating ears

Sure enough, as Feng Yixiu expected, the blood spirit of the succubus must be a king-level Exist, very powerful!

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said: "You call yourself a succubus, but the blood spirit is an annoying mosquito. It's really ironic..."

hearing this, The succubus's face couldn't help but became hard to look, and her brows couldn't help but frowned.

"I hope you will be able to laugh later..." The succubus said coldly, even if he waved the magic whip in his hand, loudly said: "My loyal servants, give me Tear them to pieces!"


In an instant, the tens of thousands of tidal guards beside the succubus moved towards Feng Yixiu and the others crazy. Rushing over, the entire tidal altar trembles.

These all are The results of these seven days of succubus have almost transformed most of the elite guards of the tide clan into their own demon servants!

Now these demon servants controlled by the succubus have completely forgotten life and death, and their strength is even more terrifying than before the demon...

Han Xiao immediately stood by Feng Yixiu and In front of the others, loudly said: "The wall of the mystery!"

I saw the black tortoise shells gradually condensing into a huge wall in front of Tiangang's body.

"Titan Dragon Tortoise-Titan Arms!" Han Xiao immediately threw a black gold demon card, and then threw out several other demon cards.

Tiangang’s body shape began to skyrocket, but it reached a 100-meter body shape in a moment, as if it were a fortress of activity!

With the use of Motionless As Mountains, Tiangang Chasing Water has completely become a heavy tank, and the ancient tidal altar under its feet can’t bear this weight. The sour voice...

"War crash!"

Han Xiao gave an order, and saw Tian Gang rushing through the water and moving crazy towards the oncoming tens of thousands of demon servant Legion Bumped into the past!

“bang! ”

Only heard a collision sound resounding through Heaven and Earth, the front row of magic servant Legion was directly knocked out of several hundred meters.

Tiangang Chasing Water is like a real heavy tank, pushing tens of thousands of Demon Servant Legion to push a distance of tens of meters again...

But this is already the limit Now, this is Legion, the demon servant of tens of thousands of people!

Han Xiao's ability to withstand a moment with the power of one person is already a shocking performance. The succubus behind the demon servant Legion can't help but frown.

"ka ka ka ......"

Like a firepower net, it attacked the wall of the profound realm of constant strikes, but it was blasted out in a moment one after another naked eye. Visible Crack.

These magic servants Legion are completely fierce and unafraid of death, as if they are charging as if they are desperate, even if they have broken hands and feet, they are crawling towards here, extremely terrifying...

"Captain, I can't hold on anymore..." Cold sweat oozes from Han Xiao's forehead, loudly said.

Feng Yixiu inadvertently glanced at the clock tower not far away, and then silently nodded.

The Tidal Princess hidden at the highest level of the clock tower has been observing the situation here. After seeing Feng Yixiu moved towards her nodded, she immediately understood it.

In an instant, I saw a melodious sound of the snail flute, and it was the Chaosong Princess hidden on the bell tower playing the blue conch flute.

With the sound of the flute sounding like a song, like the cry of the sea, people can’t help but shock...

In an instant, the entire tidal altar was covered by countless huge shadows. Shrouded, as if the sky was covered by dark clouds, and from time to time there was a roar of beasts.

"gu lu..."

The succubus suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and then slowly raised his head.

When he saw the huge monster in the sky that looked like a dark cloud, he swallowed involuntarily and his pupils contracted rapidly.

I saw a group of close and numerous sea devil beasts directly above the tidal altar, with thousands of them.

There are also a few existences that exceed 100 meters in size, and they seem to have evolved to an immortal powerful existence!

This is something that the succubus did not expect anyway. She has no idea that the tide song Princess, which seems to be harmless to humans and animals, has such terrifying power...


Thousands of sea devil beasts crashed into Yushui Formation frantically, but the tidal Princess was the mechanism that triggered Yushui Formation in time.

In an instant, the Yushui Formation began to gradually dissipate, and the sky full of water curtain completely submerged the entire Tidal City.

Fortunately, tidal clansman can breathe freely in the water, otherwise it may cause a large area of ​​casualties.

And this also allowed the thousands of sea devil beast army to smoothly enter the Tidal City, and swam crazy towards Feng Yixiu and the others in the direction......


Under the attack of tens of thousands of demon servant Legion, the rock-solid wall of the profound realm burst open.

At the crucial moment, the grandiose army of thousands of devil beasts rushed to Han Xiao's side.

Thousands of sea devil beasts attacked at the same time, and suddenly a burst of several hundred meters high waves!

The Demon Servant Legion was caught off guard, and was bombarded by such violent offensives, including the succubus behind the Demon Servant Legion...

Feng Yixiu looked condescendingly at the defeated Demon Servant Legion, coldly said: "Succubus, your Demon Servant Legion is only this!"

The succubus slowly got up, frowned: "Don't be happy. It’s too early...How long do you think Xuanshui High Priest can last?"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others became extremely solemn.

The current situation is still very pessimistic. If Xuanshui High Priest is defeated, the King of Tides will definitely join the battle.


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