Facing two Level 8 Battle Spirit exalted existences at the same time, and the King of Tide still half-stepped into the super powerhouse of the Emperor of Battle Spirit.

No matter how confident Feng Yixiu is, he knows that it will not be the opponent of the two of them. It is estimated that when the time comes, there will be no suspense in the battle...

I saw Feng Yixiu look again Glancing at the clock tower, communicating with Chaoge Princess through his eyes.

The Chaoge Princess also immediately understood, controlling thousands of sea devil beast Legion and launched a storm again.

And this time the target of the assault is not the succubus, but to drive tens of thousands of demon servants Legion out of the battle circle...

but it’s left behind He used one of the most powerful immortal sea devil beasts to contain the succubus, completely preventing him from having the opportunity to worry about others.

The succubus is not prepared to fight hard against the powerful immortal sea devil beast, but is constantly evading by virtue of its dexterous walking position.

Her goal is not to defeat Feng Yixiu and the others, but to drag the Tide King to defeat Xuanshui High Priest.

As long as King Tide and her join hands, these people are naturally the fish on the chopping board, and they are completely slaughtered!

"Young mosquitoes swarm!"

The succubus while speaking threw out a black gold demon card at the same time, which turned out to be a dream series of black gold demon card.

In order to hide the demon card used by the succubus, it just turned the back of Feng Yixiu's and the others, and did not give him any opportunity to capture valid information.

Feng Yixiu and the others couldn't help but marvel at it, but the thought that this demon's daughter is a genius cultivated by the Demon Temple with all his strength seems to be expected.

I saw that the tail section of the black mosquito began to spray out a massive amount of scarlet insect eggs, the number of which is completely unclear.

If you don't see it carefully, it looks like a mist of scarlet, and you can't see that it is an insect egg at all.

Feng Yixiu's eyesight is extremely terrifying, but for a moment I can see that this is not a blood mist, but a tiny bloody insect egg!

"Not good...These are all insect eggs, Yuer hurry up and use fire attack!" Feng Yixiu immediately opened the mouth and said.

Shen Ruyu also knows the seriousness of the matter. Even if he recognizes several demon cards, loudly said: "Huo Huo, use Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie!"


The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow immediately waved its wings, and saw the Fire Phoenix moving towards that group of dense blood mist, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The flames used by the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow after the Hellfire Armed Forces can burn freely under the water, but the formidable power is greatly reduced...

The blood mist instantly plunged into a fire sea, but the succubus didn't care, as if he didn't care at all.

When the fire sea dissipated, I saw that the bloody mist was still not degraded in the slightest, but the incubation was accelerated due to the high temperature!

Feng Yixiu looked at the scene in front of him, and instantly inferred that the other party had just used a demon card that enhanced the resistance of Fire Attribute.

Otherwise, relying on the terrifying flame of Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, the insect egg in its larval state is basically impossible!

"Chi chi..."

The countless magic pattern insect eggs began to agitate, and the tiny bloody magic patterns burst out.

In the blink of an eye, all the larval mosquitoes in the blood-colored insect egg swarmed out like a blood-colored wave, and the range reached several hundred meters!

From a distance, it looks as if there is a river of blood entwined by the succubus. The huge visual impact makes people scared...

"weng weng weng …… "

Tens of thousands of devil mosquitoes follow the frequency of blood-winged black mosquitoes and keep making sharp "weng weng" sounds, which is simply a headache!

The fourth blood Spirit Master of the blood-winged black mosquito is launched, and the magic sound is heard!

This kind of sonic attack's blood spirit skill is simply unavoidable, to avoid the unavoidable existence.

These magic patterns can emit buzzing sounds of different frequencies according to the opponents, making the opponents into a state of mental confusion.

"Everyone should cover their ears!" Feng Yixiu was upset and immediately reminded.

Although this method looks very clumsy, it is the simplest and most effective way to resist sonic attacks.

Feng Yixiu and the others are a little farther away, but the immortal devil beast closest to the succubus has no hands to cover his ears, so it just shuts itself down...

When this immortal devil beast stopped its attack, tens of thousands of larvae devil mosquitoes were attached to its body surface like a wave.

The second blood spirit skill, the black mosquito draws blood to start!

Tens of thousands of mosquitoes began to draw the blood of the immortal devil beast at the same time, and the scene looked very infiltrating.

I saw the immortal devil beast came back to his senses, which was over 100 meters in size, and then let out a painful wailing sound, swaying his body constantly trying to disperse the devil mosquitoes from the body.

But these mosquitoes are like tarsal maggots, and the power of the immortal devil beast can't be thrown away no matter how terrifying...

Immortal devil The huge body of beast gradually became shriveled, but the blood light on the larvae mosquitoes became brighter and more than doubled in size!


In less than ten seconds, the immortal devil beast completely lost its vitality, and tens of thousands of devil mosquitoes dispersed with a boom .

Feng Yixiu only saw the end of the immortal devil beast. It can be described as horrible to see...

The bone frame is covered with a thin layer Skin and flesh, like a dried corpse!

The succubus is simply the nemesis of the giant devil beast. The larger the devil beast, the more unable to resist the bloody offensive of the blood-winged black mosquito.

In fact, if the two sides compare their hard power, perhaps the immortal devil beast just now is much stronger.

But under the circumstances of being restrained to death, the arrogant power of a lifetime is completely useless, and can only end with hatred.

I saw the immortal devil beast gradually moved towards the ground falling, and the blood-colored river entwined around the succubus doubled again...

"he he he …It’s really many thanks to the immortal devil beast you sent, otherwise my devil mosquito will grow up so fast…” The succubus covered his mouth and said quite proudly.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others couldn't help but browse tightly knit, and their hearts became a little heavier.

The succubus is worthy of being the super genius selected by the temple of 梼杌魔殿. The strength is really terrifying. It is completely different from the enemies Feng Yixiu encountered before!

"The next words...it's your turn!" The succubus showed a wicked smile and gently waved the magic whip in his hand, indifferently said.

" weng weng weng ……"

In an instant, I saw the river of blood of demon mosquitoes wrapped around the succubus moved towards Feng Yixiu and the others attacked.

Feng Yixiu and the others dare not care about such an offensive of hiding the sky and covering the earth...

As long as these mosquitoes get close, I’m afraid they will end. It will be the same as that immortal sea devil beast that has become a corpse!


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