"Big Brother Han, put us a shield of heaven!" Feng Yixiu immediately opened the mouth and said.

Han Xiao immediately nodded, and Xuan even put on a layer of Tiangang shield that exudes faint golden light for everyone.

At this time, the role of the Battle Spirit Master of the defense system is reflected. If Han Xiao were not present, Feng Yixiu and the others would not even dare to attack melee!

After all, if there is a slight mistake, it will pay the price of life...

Feng Yixiu glanced at Shen Ruyu beside him, lightly nodded.

Shen Ruyu immediately understood, and immediately jumped from the back of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow to behind the Tianqingyu Linlong.

Between the two hand in hand, a huge Supreme Absolute Eight Divinatory formation diagram suddenly appeared under their feet, and the two Battle Spirits began to gradually merge.

"clang clang clang..."

Thousands of mosquitoes could not break through the sacred shield of Tiangang, so they immediately changed their strategy and adopted the method of use point to break surface.

I saw that every mosquito started moving towards the same direction and sprayed an extremely sharp poisonous needle. This is also the first Battle Spirit technique of the blood-winged black mosquito, the poisonous stinger!

Just like one after another, the sniper-like stinger strikes Feng Yixiu's Tiangang shield at a very high speed, making the ear-piercing sound of gold and stone colliding.

In just ten seconds, there were obvious tortoise-shaped cracks in Feng Yixiu’s Tiangang Holy Shield...

Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia also saw this at the end of summer. Heart trembled, after all, is the ultimate battle spirit, even if it is not a blood spirit with strong physical attack power, it is an extremely difficult existence to deal with!

Rao is until they are invincible. In order to protect Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu who are merging in the late summer, Han Xiao and Dongfang resolutely rushed up...

"Shanhe Realm!"

Tiangang rushed directly to Feng Yixiu's sacred shield crack position in front of Feng Yixiu, even if he controlled the surrounding Water Element to launch a strong attack.

I saw the surrounding Water Element, under the control of the Tiangang chasing mountains and rivers, formed a broad torrent, rushing to disperse the bloody river in front of you!

After all, Tiangang’s chasing water is the Water Element Battle Spirit. Water combat is its best field. It can emit the most powerful battle strength......

Tens of thousands of demons The mosquitoes once again converged into a river, constantly surrounding Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, looking for breakthrough openings.

But Han Xiao didn't give a chance at all. He immediately manipulated the river and formed a magnificent river of several hundred meters wide, protecting Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, as well as himself, in the middle.

At the end of the Eastern Summer, it is hidden behind Han Xiao, cutting those a fish that escaped the net under the White Tiger holy sickle!

The tacit cooperation of the four people has formed a defense system without loopholes, so that thousands of mosquitoes with no opportunity can't find loopholes...

Stalemate For ten seconds, the bloody river continued to surround Feng Yixiu and the others, but it was too late to find a chance to shoot.

The succubus feels the stronger and stronger power generated by the Battle Spirit fusion, and her heart can't help but feel a little irritable.

"You are really getting in the way, go die for me!"

"Netherworld Cannon!"

while speaking, there are two succubus on top of their heads A high-density demonic energy cannon began to condense between the magic horns.

In the meantime, the demonic energy cannon first appeared pale red, then the color gradually changed to light purple, and finally turned into a thick ink-black!

Before the virtual magic cannon erupted, the intense high temperature generated caused the sea water within a hundred meters of a radius to begin to boil violently, and countless white bubbles were constantly rolling...

"gu lu..."

When Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia end felt the horrible demonic energy, they swallowed involuntarily.

The reason is telling them that they must avoid this horrible virtual magic cannon, but behind them are Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu!

Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo looked at each other, and they fought side by side tacitly!

"hmph...really fearless!" Seeing that the two of them were not going to run away, the succubus sneered.


I saw a magical shock of heaven shaking, earth shattering burst out suddenly, and everything on the path was turned into nothingness!

The terrifying high temperature and powerful explosive force have formed a short vacuum zone, and the speed is so fast that people have no time to dodge...

"Eight poles·Bengshanbo!"

"Holy Scythe Judgment!"

Han Xiao and Dongfang end of summer exploded at the same time, and the roaring White Tiger and Black Tortoise air cannons faced the terrifying matchless virtual magic cannon frontally!

The energy beam of ink-black swallowed everything in an instant. Han Xiao and Dongfang Late Xia only stopped the virtual magic cannon for a moment, and even the unabated moving towards Feng Yixiu blasted past.

At the end of the summer, Han Xiao and Dongfang felt that their arms were empty. When they looked towards their arms again, they had all disappeared!

The succubus has gone through baptism of the blood of 梼杌, and the magic beads he holds can exert even more amazing formidable power!

And the succubus is a Level 8 Battle Spirit, the depth of spiritual power is completely incomparable between Han Xiao and Dongfang at the end of summer.

Han Xiao looked back slowly with a horrified look. With such a terrifying explosive force, he and Dongfang Late Summer are not opponents, and the defenseless Feng Yixiu, I am afraid...

The dazzling holy light produced by the Battle Spirit fusion gradually dissipated, and immediately everyone's eyes were focused on Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

When the rays of light had not completely dissipated, the intact silhouettes of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu appeared before their eyes.

"Very good...So you are all right!" Han Xiao said in surprise.

Two hands were placed directly on the shoulders of Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia, a gentle force of nature made their arms stop bleeding suddenly.

“Of course I’m fine... Attacks at this level want to hurt me, so I’m too underestimated!” Feng Yixiu’s silhouette has not yet been fully seen, and his calm voice But it has already spread.

In an instant, the confident smile on the face of the succubus gradually disappeared, first became a little stiff, even if it turned completely into doubt about life...

Formidable power he knows very well, even if the Level 8 Battle Spirit wants to bear it, he will have to pay a huge price, but Feng Yixiu is unscathed!

"This...how is this possible, how can you possibly withstand the virtual magic cannon of a full strength attack!" The succubus shook his head constantly, and said in a trembling voice.

After the rays of light dissipated completely, I saw that Feng Yixiu was no longer an Azure Dragon holy armor, but a gluttonous magic armor that had been transformed into a demonic energy Ling Ran!

And the mouth of the gluttony at the chest of the gluttonous demon armor also exudes a faint ink purple rays of light, like a high-temperature furnace...

The full magic power of the virtual magic cannon just now It was completely absorbed by the gluttonous magic armor and turned it into Feng Yixiu's own demonic energy!

"You...you actually absorbed the gluttonous devil beads perfectly!" The succubus trembled as if he had seen a ghost.

"hehe...you are only allowed to use the Demon Orbs, but I am not allowed to use the Demon Orbs?" Feng Yixiu smiled contemptuously, and then moved towards the void, a handle exuding a human Demon The angry Primal Chaos Demon sword flew into the hand, coldly said: "I am very interested in your 梼杌魔珠, why not let me..."

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