"xiū xiū xiū ……"

The powerful virtual magic cannon gradually condensed and formed, and the succubus moved towards a direction at will.

I saw a series of fighting Avatars instantly turned into smoke and disappeared, but apparently they did not attack the body of Fighting Heavenly Ape!

"Banshee, who are you hitting?"

Just as the succubus was looking around like a madman, the voice of fighting the sky ape suddenly sounded behind her.

The succubus turned his head abruptly, but only saw a fist with a crack in space coming!


I only saw that the face of the succubus was deformed at a speed that was visible with naked eye, and immediately flew out with the entire body!

But before the succubus stopped completely, the fighting sky ape used the Form Displacement Shadow to instantly change the position, and according to the route of the succubus flying out of the way, it exchanged positions with the fighting Avatar of everywhere.

When the succubus hadn't completely stopped his figure, another fist like a mountain reentered!

Immediately, I can only see the succubus scurrying around like a bouncy ball, and the speed is getting faster and faster...

"The Fist of the God!"

I saw thirty-six Fighting Avatars suddenly returned to the body, and the Fighting Heavenly Ape’s Earth Shaman mode was activated!

The formidable power of this fist is so powerful that it has formed a vacuum area with a radius of thousands of meters, as if the entire space would burst...

I always use my hands to block my face, but the formidable power of this fist is too strong to be reasonable!

She has been subjected to baptism. It can be said that her body is different from ordinary human beings, whether it is power or self-healing power, it is very powerful!

Under normal circumstances, the succubus can even ignore any physical attacks of the complete Battle Spirit, but the fighting ape in front of her has refreshed her knowledge of the complete Battle Spirit...


Now the succubus only feels that his bones are completely shattered, and the internal organs have all been displaced.

If it weren't for the physical quality comparable to devil beast, I am afraid that it would have been bombarded into powder by the fist of the fighting sky ape!


The fighting sky ape's chest was violently ups and downs, and he looked down at the succubus below condescendingly. When he found that the opponent hadn't lost his vitality, he also secretly thought Amazed.

The series of fierce attacks just consumed a lot of physical strength in Fighting Heavenly Ape. Without the assistance of the Queen of Blackthorns, it would be too much to open the Earth Sha mode for a long time.

But the Queen of Blackthorn now needs to protect Princess Chaoge, and her safety is also very important to the battle.

Otherwise, if tens of thousands of magic servants Legion join the battle, I am afraid that Feng Yixiu and the others can only avoid their sharp edges...

"ka ka ka ......"

Only heard a sound of bone rubbing, the succubus with broken bones was healing at high speed!

The succubus in the water can be said to be very advantageous. The rich Water Element can quickly restore him who has the power of 梼杌......

"Feng Yixiu, I finally know the emperor Why do adults value you so much? You do have this qualification!" The succubus slowly climbed up from the sunken ground, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "But you are a pity. Yes, you have no chance..."

While speaking, a huge monster like a dark cloud appeared above Feng Yixiu and the others.

Feng Yixiu suddenly felt a strong oppression coming, as if there was a strong presence watching him!

"gu lu..."

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others involuntarily looked up towards the sky, only to see a huge monster waving huge scarlet tentacles like a mountain Generally fall quickly!

It is the emperor squid who has solved the battle, and the Tide King behind it is unscathed, but the Trident in his hand is covered with mottled blood.

I saw the King of Tides staring at Feng Yixiu and the others expressionlessly, exuding the imperial power of not angry and prestigious!

"Sea King Trident!"

I saw the Tide King waving Trident in his hand at high speed, one after another powerful water blade hiding the sky and covering the earth.

I have to say that the King of Tides, as the well-deserved king of the City of Tides, is much stronger than Xuanshui High Priest!

Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others can only counterattack in a hurry when facing this level of offensive!

"Pulling the sword-breaking the pole!"

"Vermilion Bird's arrow!"

"Eight poles-breaking the huge rock!"

The three of them tried their best to launch a counterattack at the same time, but they were helpless in the face of the Tide King's full attack.

The battle strength of Tide King in the water is several times stronger than that on land, and the abundant Water Element under the water is his endless means of attack!

Feng Yixiu and the others feel that they are not fighting with the same person, but against the entire waters!

At this time, the offensive of the King of Tides has become more and more fierce, and the follow-up of the people without the help of the Queen of Blackthorns is weak, and they are gradually unable to withstand such a strong attack like Immeasurable Sea!


In desperation, Feng Yixiu could only give an order to retreat, and the Cang Thunder Fire Linlong turned into an arc of lightning and left the tidal altar. Scope.


As soon as the front feet of the Cang Thunder Fire Linlong left, the terrifying tentacles of the emperor squid slammed down, and a deafening sound erupted.

The seemingly light blow of the emperor squid made the rock-solid tidal altar all split up and in pieces instantly!


Feng Yixiu and the others involuntarily sucked in a breath of cold air when they saw this scene before them.

Is this the true strength of the half-step Battle Spirit emperor?

It's really terrifying...

The succubus's body hasn't fully recovered, and it's very reluctant to stand up, but it's impossible to do it if you want to fight.

I saw the King of Tide control the emperor squid and came to the side of the succubus, and immediately put it from the ground on the head of the emperor squid with his flexible tentacles.

"Master, are you okay?" Tide King asked.

"Do you think I am okay?" The succubus gave the other person a helpless look, and then said impatiently: "Do you know what to do now?"

The King of Tides looked serious and nodded, his eyes slowly moved to Feng Yixiu and the others, indifferently said: "Kill all those who oppose the master!"

The succubus was satisfied and laughed, and immediately indifferently said: "It's really obedient, worthy of being my favorite demon servant..."

"Many Thanks Master's praise!" The King of Tides completely lost his consciousness and became a succubus controlled at will doll.

At the same time, the black mist in the sky gradually dissipated, and a skinny deep-sea black whale fell from the sky quickly...

Compared to his Battle Spirit, the situation is not much better. He was covered in blood and his battle armour was already riddled with holes.

Xuanshui High Priest weakly half-kneeled on top of the falling deep sea black whale, reluctantly relying on the broken mysterious whale in his hand to prevent it from falling down, and leaving behind a rather short trail during the rapid fall The obvious bloody mark took a turn for the worse.

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