"Yes! Master..."

The King of Tides suddenly stopped attacking, and immediately moved towards the bell tower not far away while controlling the imperial squid swaying towards the clock tower. .

Feng Yixiu and the others Even if you want to stop it, you can't stop the king-level Battle Spirit emperor squid at all!

"This is bad..."

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, whispered quietly.

"he he he...When I get rid of this troublemaker, I will let you know what regret is!" The succubus saw Feng Yixiu and the others panicked and laughed triumphantly. Said: "Don't expect me to give you another chance at this time, I want you to die without a burial site!"

while speaking, the emperor squid has come to the foot of the bell tower, and it is two hundred meters high In the eyes of the emperor squid, his bell tower was fragile.

I saw the emperor squid preparing to swing the tentacles to knock down the bell tower in front of him, but at this moment, a series of dark golden thorns entangled from all directions!

In an instant, the eight tentacles of the emperor squid were all firmly bound, completely impossible to move even a little bit ……

A huge black thorn The flower suddenly opened at the top of the bell tower, and Queen Blackthorn sat on the Dark Golden Throne with a face of indifference, looking down at the emperor squid below.

"I said Feng Yixiu why not use the second Battle Spirit! It turned out to be sent to guard the clock tower." The succubus was nodded with a smile, and immediately said indifferently: "But one completely The Battle Spirit wanted to stop us, it would be too small to look down upon us!"

While speaking, I saw the emperor squid's body began to deform rapidly, and the weak and boneless body could not be completely overwhelmed. The dark golden thorns of thorns are restricted!

The Queen of Blackthorns feels that what she is grasping is not a shaped object, but like a pool of slippery autumn mud...

The dark golden vines are harder. If you want to limit the emperor squid, the emperor squid will slip faster. It is completely difficult to imagine how the huge body can slip out of the gap of less than one meter, but it did it with no difficulty!

The Queen of Blackthorn was shocked when she saw this. This is completely different from all the Battle Spirits she has encountered in the past. It is simply the nemesis of the Battle Spirit of the control system...

" Dark Golden Cage!"

The Queen of Blackthorn slowly stood up from the Dark Golden Throne, her face becoming heavier and heavier.

In an instant, dark gold vines full of barbed thorns suddenly grew near the bell tower, forming a huge dark gold cage between them.

This is to want Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground to protect the Princess from the tide, but the Queen of Blackthorn knows that it is impossible to stop the emperor squid. Her real purpose is I want to delay...

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw the emperor squid madly strikes the dark golden cage, and the force of every heavy blow is very overbearing. !

The invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable dark gold cage began to deform violently under these violent attacks, and it seemed to be completely unsupported...

When the outer dark gold cage was breached, a brand new dark gold cage was re-organized. The emperor squid lacked the means of energy attack and was helpless in a short time.

The succubus browses tightly knit, said solemnly: "Want to postpone the time? I won't give you this opportunity!"

After that, I saw the thin on the top of the succubus head The long magic horns began to condense a high-density "virtual magic cannon."

This straight-line bursting technique instantly blasted out a huge circular hole in the dark golden cage, and the dark golden molten iron is still dripping...

The Queen of Blackthorns I was also taken aback by this powerful explosive force, and immediately after reacting, he began to manipulate countless dark gold vines to repair this hole.

But the emperor squid didn't give her this opportunity at all, and her weak and boneless body forcibly penetrated into the loophole, even if it squirted out ink-black ink violently.

The inky black ink instantly made the Queen of Blackthorn lose the precise position of the emperor squid, and she could only control the thousands of dark golden vines to fumble around.

This kind of attack method trying to limit the emperor squid is simply a dream. You can only watch the black mist quickly moved towards the clock tower approaching.

When the silhouette of the emperor squid was reappeared, it was already at the foot of the clock tower. Without a word, he wielded the tentacles like a battle axe, and swept the clock tower from the bottom with one blow!


The huge bell tower instantly collapsed, and the melodious sound of flute disappeared instantly, and the eyes of the King of Tides and Succubus Jian were all focused on the top of the bell tower.

I saw a jellyfish exuding dreamy rays of light rushing out, and above her head was the Chaosong Princess who fled in a hurry.

This is the Battle Spirit of Chaoge Princess, whose full name is Star Jellyfish, is a complete Battle Spirit.

However, the battle strength of the Star Jellyfish is not too strong, and is not good at fighting, but the ability to escape is unique!

The starry jellyfish instantly turned into countless phantoms, each of them existed as if they were fake, which also made the succubus preparing to launch an attack could not help but browse tightly knit......

" It turned out to be the Princess of the Tide... didn't expect that a princess who looks weak has such a strong battle strength. This is a mistake in my judgment." The succubus frowned and said to himself.

The appearance of Tide Princess looks harmless to humans and animals. It is completely unimaginable that such a person owner can control the terrifying ability of thousands of seas of devil beasts!

If Princess Chao hadn’t helped Feng Yixiu and the others secretly, I’m afraid she would have solved Feng Yixiu and the others a long time ago, and how could she become as embarrassed as she is now...

I saw the succubus looked towards the King of Tides next to him, and suddenly an interesting thought came into his heart, indifferently said: "King of Tides, your daughter is against me. You should know what to do, right?"

Tide King’s expressionless nodded, said solemnly: "The one who dares to oppose the master, there is only one ending, and that is death!"

"Very good! Then you go... …" The corner of the succubus’s mouth slightly raised, indifferently said.

"As you bid!"

The King of Tides bends over nodded, even if he turns around, looking at the tide song Princess with indifference.

I saw the eight tentacles of the emperor squid moved towards eight different directions violently attacking the past, and the speed is so fast that naked eye is hard to catch...

Tide Song Princess When he saw the tentacles stretched out, his heart was also shocked.

She knows the strength of Royal Father very well, and the probability of wanting to escape from Royal Father's hands is almost zero!

The eight tentacles of the emperor squid simultaneously destroyed all the other phantoms, including the real body of Chaoge...

The powerful tentacles tightly bound Chaoge Live, and then slowly sent to the front of the King of Tides behind.

"Let go of me..." Chaoge kept struggling to break free, but it was useless.


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