The succubus’ smile stopped abruptly, and immediately his face became very gloomy, gnashing teeth said: "I only wanted to starve to death with father, but father picked up the knife. , He actually wanted to kill me!"

Feng Yixiu instantly understood the meaning of the succubus' words, and he knew a little about the methods of the succumbs.

It can be said that most of the blood Spirit Masters are forced to annihilate humanity and become a cruel and bloodthirsty demon, and the succubus is undoubtedly one of them...

Feng Yixiu was silent for a long time, and independently said: "I only ask you one question. Do you think that an adult male, and with a knife, will be no match for a young girl?"

In an instant, the smile on the succubus's face suddenly stopped, replaced by a deep self-doubt!

Feng Yixiu's words wake him up, does father really want to kill himself?

At that time, I was just a fourteen-year-old ordinary child, but father was an adult man in his prime!

And he actually took a knife from his hand to kill the opponent, this is obviously impossible to do!

If this kind of thing happens, there is only one reason for it. The succubus's father was killed deliberately...

The succubus’s mind suddenly recalled that dark At that moment, father seemed to be smiling when he was killed by himself.

At the beginning, I was too scared to notice the insignificant details at all, but now under the intense stimulation, it reminds her of the unwilling picture in her mind, which seems to fully confirm Feng Yixiu's words.

The reason why I was able to live was all her father's voluntary sacrifice in the first place!

And in the heart she has always hated her father, and she has also committed countless crimes...

"Impossible...This is absolutely impossible!" The succubus is crazy. He shook his head, and immediately looked at the Chaoge Princess beside his eye shows the ominous light, the soft magic whip in his hand suddenly became straight and turned into a slender sword!

I saw that the sword in the hand of the succubus pierced the Chaoge Princess straightly. This was to put the other party to death...

At the crucial moment, the body The stiff King of Tides suddenly jumped over, blocking the front of Chaoge Princess, and the sharp sword pierced his abdomen!

"Ge'er, I have lost Ning'er, I can't lose you anymore..." The King of Tide clutched his abdomen where light purple blood was constantly spraying out, and immediately moved towards the Tide Song beside him with a smile .

"Royal Father..."

Chaoge quickly climbed to the side of King Tide, covered the wound on King Tide's abdomen with his hand, and kept crying.

"How could it be like this..."

The succubus looked at the scene in front of him, and could have taken advantage of this opportunity to make another knife, but his body was constantly trembling. Completely impossible to move even a little bit ……

"Boom boom boom…"

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit Treasure Tome next to the succubus began to vibrate, and it continued A suffocating and terrifying demonic energy erupted.

"Succubus, you really let the deity down!"

A majestic magic sound slowly spread, and I saw a purple mist from the Holy Spirit Treasure. Flew out.

This purple fog group is constantly expanding, and gradually condenses into a very huge beast!

And when Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others saw the rudimentary fierce beasts gradually condensing in front of them, their eyes were full of horror...

"No... Isn't it the existence?" At the end of the summer, Dongfang said to himself, looking up at the huge silhouette that gradually condensed into shape.

Although I haven't seen the true face of this blood spirit, from the perspective of the rudiment and the imposing manner, it is exactly the same as one of the Four Great Vicious Beasts!

When the magic mist is completely dispersed, everyone knows that their guess is correct. This is the fierce beast!

Accurately speaking, it should be the human body that has spent hundreds of years condensed in endless void. It is also the strongest existence in the world...

Succubus When Ying Xiao was condensed, her face became white. Although she is the Baji Battle Spirit, but the existence of such a strong summon still requires a huge price!

Whenever the succubus summon smashes once, she needs to consume a full ten years of life essence and a lot of blood essence. This is one of the reasons why she is so reluctant to summon out of 梼杌...

Feng Yixiu and the others were shocked when they saw clearly that the huge monster in front of them was the legendary 梼杌!

The height of this 梼杌 is more than three hundred meters tall. Just standing still on the spot is like an unshakable mountain.

Yang 杌 has ink purple hair, and his skin is light blue as a whole. It actually has a pair of huge arms, four strong and powerful limbs, and the soles of the feet are entwined with suffocating rich demonic energy. .

The powerful muscles are like dragon-like dragon-like all over the body. There are a series of sharp white bone spurs on the weakest spine and joints of the back, full of an overwhelming sense of power!

From a distance, it looks like a monster with a bull's head, and on the terrifying bull's head, there is a pair of domineering and mighty giant white magic horns.

The hair of the ink purple flutters with the wind like flames. Just standing in place without moving makes people feel a supreme demon might of the world!

"gu lu......"

Feng Yixiu and the others looked up at this legendary beast, involuntarily began to shake their throats.

Is Rao the real Demon Venerable 梼杌, but the power caused is already suffocating, and it is hard to imagine how terrifying existence the real Four Great Vicious Beasts will be!

I’m afraid no one would have thought that in this holy Spirit Treasure of Succubus, since it is the human body of Demon Venerable, it’s no wonder that the other party dared to enter the King of Tides alone!

The most important reason why Tianxianzhong selected the most outstanding successor among the Spirit Master of Thousands of Blood is that the human body of Four Great Vicious Beasts can easily escape the sight of the high-level Huaxia.

After all, the size of Four Great Vicious Beasts is too huge. As long as it appears, it will inevitably cause a frenzied siege of the entire Huaxia high-level. This is not the result that the gods want.

If a devil’s son is selected to make a contract with it, Four Great Vicious Beasts can achieve their goals top secretly.

And if you can use the hand of the devil’s son to evolve into a holy Spirit Physique, you can remove the seal in advance and be free from endless void!

Yang Xiao looked down at everything below, indifferently said: "For these hairless brats, I even let the deity take the shot. You are the person I personally selected, the succubus... You really disappointed the deity. Now..."

The succubus seems to be still immersed in the sadness of killing father with his own hands, and tremblingly said: "His Royal Highness Demon Venerable, is what Feng Yixiu just said is true?"

"What about the real and what about the fake? Is it because of this kid's words that shake your beliefs?" Demon Venerable speak human's words, furious.

As one of the Four Great Vicious Beasts, Demon Venerable simply disdains to lie, and is not in the mood to perfuse a Human Race "tool"!

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