"father...I'm sorry..." The succubus seems to have completely lost the fighting spirit, and the whole person looks very depressed.

Father's hard work just hopes that his daughter can live, even if it is worth hating himself for a lifetime.

Perhaps the father of the succubus hoped that she would find a chance to escape from the devil's claws, but she failed the father's expectations and became a Demoness commiting any imaginable misdeed.

"Humans really don't have a reliable one... This deity shouldn't have chosen you as a waste to sign a blood contract." Demon Venerable looked at the desperate succubus with a serious anger. .

"Shut up, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't kill my father myself!" The succubus seemed to have forgotten life and death, staring at the tall slab of several hundred meters. Said furiously.

hearing this, Ying's face gradually became extremely gloomy, and bursts of violent spiritual pressure spread out with endless anger.

It is this extremely strong oppression force that everyone can't bear, and they are forced to push it to a distance of hundreds of meters by this terrifying pressure...

" Demon, who do you think you are talking to? Do you really think that the deity can't do anything about you?" Suzuka looked down at the succubus below him, said solemnly.

"he he he...Do you think I still care about life and death now? You and I have signed a contract. If I commit suicide, you can't live anymore!" Demon God is extremely crazy, Said with a big smile loudly.

In an instant, Ying Xiao's face became a little ugly, he didn't expect this to happen.

Although she was surprised, she didn't show too much fear, but her expression was a bit solemn.

"hahaha...you take yourself too seriously, right? You are just a way for the deity to hide yourself, don't you really think you can control the life and death of the deity?" Xiao Yangtian laughed, and the sound of a bell like a twilight drum exploded under the water, making people have to cover their ears.

At this moment, the succubus’s eyes are full of death will, and he doesn’t care whether Ying Lu is true or false...

He only hopes that Ying Lu can pay a certain price, so I am worthy of my father under Yellow Springs.

I saw the whip in the hand of the succubus suddenly hardened, forming an extremely sharp rapier, even though the preparation for the slightest hesitation was inserted into his heart.

Yang Xiao said nonchalantly, but suddenly made a move when the succubus was about to dictate himself!

I saw the ground under the feet of the succubus vibrate suddenly, like an amazing scene like heaven falls and earth rends, as if the whole land was under the control of 梼杌.

The earth suddenly condensed into four huge palms, which instantly bound the hands and feet of the succubus, and gave her no chance of suicide at all.

"ka ka ka..."

A series of dull bone cracks sounded, and the limbs of the succubus were rapidly deforming at a speed visible to naked eye.

The limbs of the succubus were squeezed off in an instant, and the sword in his hand turned into a magic whip slowly dropped to the ground.

"hahaha...the deity once taught you that the weak do not even have a chance to die!" While speaking, he was about to reach out and grab the succubus in his hands.

But at the moment when Yingzhang stretched out his hand, a Vermilion Bird arrow and a shot of "Breaking the Clear Sky" hit his palm in time!


Sang Xiao shrank his hands subconsciously when he was eating pain, frowning involuntarily.

Taking this opportunity, the tentacles of the emperor squid suddenly stretched out from the ground, and suddenly dragged it into the ground and disappeared.

When the succubus was reappeared, it had already appeared next to Feng Yixiu and the others, keeping it tightly guarded.

Yang Xiao stared at Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu with an angry face, frowned: "It turned out to be the strength of Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird. It seems that you have absorbed the four Great Saint beads..."

After a slight pause, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, indifferently said: "However, with this degree and strength of Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird, it is far from hurting the deity!"

While speaking, I saw the palm of his hand suddenly spread out, and the arrow of Vermilion Bird was completely crushed into a powder under the huge grip strength!

While the palm of the hand is tight, there is only a slight abrasion, apart from this there is almost no injury at all!

For a time, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others all had their pupils contracted suddenly, and the shock in their hearts was even more than that...

What a terrifying weird power and defensive power. Let the Arrow of Vermilion Bird and the Holy Spear of Azure Dragon are completely helpless!

The legendary Four Great Vicious Beasts are so terrifying...

It was just a momentary shock. Feng Yixiu and the others quickly regained their spirits, even if the other party was stunned. Hey, they are also impossible to shrink back!

"Demon Venerable, your goal should be Black Tortoise Secret Realm? We won't let you succeed!" Feng Yixiu was the first one to stand up despite some fear in his heart. , Loudly said.

"hahaha... just for you little ghosts who are smell of mother's milk not yet dried, the deity does not know where to find you! This time, since you are walking right into a trap, the deity will You catch it all in one go!" Ying Xiao mocked said with a smile unceremoniously.

Yang Xiao is now the ultimate blood spirit, and he is definitely not a normal ultimate blood spirit that can mention on equal terms. After all, he is one of the legendary Four Great Vicious Beasts, once The nightmare of the entire China!

Undoubtedly, if Feng Yixiu and the others play a serious fight between Feng Yixiu and the others, there will be no suspense in the end...

" Feng Yixiu , don’t forget And us!"

While speaking, Tide King and Xuanshui High Priest glanced at each other, Xuan Shi walked to Feng Yixiu's side solemnly.

The deep sea black whale in midair and the emperor squid on the ground also slowly swam to their side, the imposing manner suddenly skyrocketed!

Feng Yixiu was not idle just now. With the powerful healing power of the Queen of Blackthorns and the Azure Dragon Sacred Thunder, the injuries of the King of Tides and the High Priest of Xuanshui were not fully recovered, but they also recovered. Bits and pieces...

The Chaoge Princess also slowly stood up, looking up at the mountain-like Demon Venerable with a solemn face, slowly playing the blue conch flute.

Thousands of sea devil beast Legion swept once again, surrounding Feng Yixiu and the others, stirring the current of the entire Tidal City, and the scene was spectacular!

Because the succubus lifted the charm control, the people of the demon servant Legion gradually began to wake up, but most of them were already seriously injured, and the tidal guards who were slightly injured quickly assembled in Feng Yixiu and the others behind...

In an instant, I saw two invisible energy walls colliding wildly!

Feng Yixiu and the others seem to be many people, with tens of thousands of people and thousands of sea devil beasts participating in the war.

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