But anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are firmly at a disadvantage in an imposing manner, and a blood spirit is tightly clinging to a mountain range that can't be shaken at all, with no concealment in their eyes. Revealing his contempt for Feng Yixiu and the others...

"hahaha... Since this deity came to China again, it has been a long time since this deity has fought such a joyous battle. Although you are a little weak, the deity still accompanies you. You guys have fun!" Ying Xiao faced the imposing manner in front of the magnificent Pang Battallion Wu, excitedly said with a big smile.

"Young Master Feng, this battle is yours!" The King of Tide looked towards Feng Yixiu, said solemnly very seriously.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu is also a little surprised, frowned: "I'm just a young junior, you are the King of Tides, where is the reason for my command?"

"Young Master Feng don't undervalue oneself, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid our Tidal King City would have been consigned to eternal damnation..." Tidal King shook the head, said positively.

"Captain, since His Royal Highness Tide King has said everything, don't refuse!" Han Xiao said casually.

"Young Master Feng, I think Royal Father is right. The situation is urgent now. I hope Young Master will not hesitate..." Chaoge Princess also echoed.

"Well then..." Feng Yixiu nodded helplessly, and immediately loudly said: "Everyone listens to my command, the sea devil beast Legion obeys, you are the forward, must find a way to contain the 梼杌! "

"The emperor squid and the defensive Battle Spirit Master are head-on confrontation, and the deep sea black whale leads the assault type Battle Spirit to be responsible for long-range firepower output!"

Feng Yixiu will help everyone in a few words Arranged to the most suitable position, the huge Legion moved towards 梼杌 in an orderly manner!

"Captain, what are we doing then?" Han Xiao asked with some incomprehension.

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, said solemnly: "We are only Level 7 Battle Spirit deity. If we deal with the general ultimate battle spirit, we still have the power to fight. If we face the 梼杌, I am afraid ......"

"Ah? Then let's just watch it here? Isn't it too awkward!" Han Xiao brows tightly knit, with a bitter expression.

"They fought bloody battles there, and we looked from the rear, it seemed a bit unwell..." Eastern Summer was also a little puzzled.

"No...we have more important things." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a serious face, indifferently said.

"What's the matter?"

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang End of Summer asked in unison.

Feng Yixiu turned his head and glanced at the succubus behind him, indifferently said: "The succubus may be crucial to this battle, but if we are still lost, we can only..."

"What can I do?" Han Xiaodang asked.

"Captain means, I can only kill him..." Shen Ruyu looked at the motionless succubus behind him, and said softly.

"Ah? The succubus is also a pitiful person who was dragged into the water by the evil crowd. Isn't it a bad idea for us." Dongfang Xia Mo looked at the succubus with an unlovable face behind him, and said independently.

At this time, all the limbs of the succubus were severely deformed, completely unable to move even a little bit. I saw him expressionlessly looking up at the blue blue sea waves above. No one knew she was right now. What to think...

"Sometimes victory does require sacrifice, but if it is not compelled by circumstances, I would not do it..." Feng Yixiu said solemnly, saying solemnly.

For a time, everyone turned their heads back in silence, and at this moment tens of thousands of tidal forces had already started a head-on collision with Ying Chu.

Because this is the King City of Tides, the ones that have the most are Water Element Battle Spirit Master and the sea devil beast!

Most of the attacks are attacks launched by Water Element. Various Water Element attacks such as high-pressure water cannons, waterspouts, torrent blades, and Water Swords are organized into an inescapable net, moved towards 梼Pouring away!

However, Yingzhao has no intention of evading at all. He still stands in place like a mountain without moving, letting tens of thousands of attacking methods strikes in his body...

"clang clang clang..."

Thousands of Water Element strikes on the Battle Spirit skill strikes. On the heavy and heavy body, they even made the sound of close and numerous dull golden stones!

The strength of the defensive power of 梼杌 has reached the point of suffocation. The simultaneous attack of tens of thousands of people is not a big threat to him...

"Are you tickling the deity? It's so boring..." She moved her eyelids, and opened her eyes for a short while impatiently, indifferently said.

The most fragile parts of the 梼杌 are protected by the extremely hard bone spurs of the owner, and the skin is like a special alloy, and it can be said that there is almost no weakness at all!

So if you want to defeat this kind of strong existence, apart from having enough hard power, there are almost no shortcuts to take...

"Water dragon burial!"

tone barely fell, a strong white water dragon rushes out at a very fast speed, the strength of the power makes the surrounding waters instantly avoid!

Yang Xiao felt a faint threat, and when he was about to turn around, a huge tentacle suddenly emerged from the ground!

Then the huge emperor squid burst out of the soft ground, and instantly attached to the body surface of the 梼杌……

The emperor squid’s tentacles possessed With the super suction sucker, it instantly entangled the hands and limbs of Yan Lu firmly, restricting his mobility.

Yang Xiao felt as if there were countless powerful suckers sucking his own flesh and blood, and his face that had been unable to motivate him suddenly became a little dignified.


The water dragon burial suddenly strikes on the spine of the spine, causing him to stagger heavily, but he did not fall.

"hahaha...These two little fellows are still Interesting, but I don't know if they can make the deity fight happy!" Feeling the sharp pain from his back, she felt extremely excited.

"The king will satisfy you, Trident, the sea king, break!"

The King of Tides descended from the sky, and the Trident in his hand began to spin rapidly, stirring the surrounding water waves.

In an instant, a super-large Trident with a length of more than 100 meters was formed, exuding the brilliance of light blue, just like an imposing manner of a heavenly soldier's ruling, amazing!


I saw the King of Tides suddenly throw the Trident in his hand, and the high-speed rotation brought unparalleled super penetration!

She stared at the constantly magnifying Trident with her eyes, and she didn’t dare to ignore it anymore...

Just when everyone thought that she would be given by Trident by the sea king As it penetrated, Ying Xiao was slightly raised at the corner of his mouth, and the skin above his arms seemed to be wriggling!

"ka ka ka..."

I saw two huge arms, one on the left and one on the right, leaping out suddenly, just like he already had arms!

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