Fortunately, they found out what was wrong in time. Otherwise, if they find out later, I am afraid that when the time comes, it will be too late to find out!

"Big Brother Han, didn't expect that you don't like to use your brain normally. It's pretty reliable at the critical moment..." Shen Ruyu made a difficult voice, but he appeared very weak.

Shen Ruyu, as a Martial Artist from Fire Element, has the worst resistance to ice and cold, and her state is not very optimistic.

"Han Xiao big brother, do you think we can't get out..." Dongfang Xiamu also whispered softly.

"At the end of summer, what are you talking about stupid? As long as I'm still alive, you will definitely be fine." Han Xiao calmed the Dongfang at the end of summer, said indifferently.

"Well, I believe you..." At the end of the summer, Dongfang closed his eyes again, saving his energy as much as possible.

"Captain, let's speed up!" Han Xiao glanced at Feng Yixiu, loudly said.

Feng Yixiu silently nodded, even if he took the lead and swam in the opposite direction before moving towards.

During their journey, they encountered several changes in the gravitational field. However, Feng Yixiu and the others did not hesitate again when judged by the sky and water.

And above the sea, an ancient island floats quietly on the jet-black sea.

"This little fellow is not bad..."

A deafening magnetic sound keeps exploding, and the terrifying sound waves roll up thousands of zhang waves!

"The fighting wisdom of the little fellow is still good, but this alone wants to inherit the inheritance of both of us, I am afraid it is not enough..."

Another familiar voice It sounded, but only the sound could be heard, but there was no silhouette at all.

Then I heard two different voices communicating, and the picture looked a little strange.

"Oh? Are you going to be a demon again?"

"old bastard! Are you dying to clean up?"

" hahaha...I don’t have any comments, but you are too harsh!"

"This is related to China’s future fortune. Didn’t you just feel the breath of Demon Venerable? The current situation is not optimistic..."

For a while, the ancient and dull male voice did not make a sound, as if he was in deep thought.

After a moment of silence, the ancient voice came again: "Then you are talking about your ideas..."

"This inherits the Black Tortoise Inheritor, not only has to have someone Wisdom, you also need to have the courage to sacrifice. Only if you have both, can you be called the strongest shield of China!"

"You are right, do whatever you want. ...I don't want to interfere!"

After saying this, the ancient voice gradually began to calm down, and the sea above the sea returned to its former calm again.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu, Han Xiao and the others are still working hard to move towards the surface of the sea, and their stamina is gradually running out.

Now the temperature of the entire endless sea is icy, and it has even begun to freeze gradually.

Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao and the others must not only keep moving fast, but also crush the oncoming ice!

Shen Ruyu and Dongfangxia had already fainted due to the biting icy water, and they could only rely solely on Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao behind them.

Looking at the brighter light above their heads, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao both endured the icy cold and kept moving at high speed...

Finally, they were far away The sea level is already less than 500 meters away, as long as you break through the thin ice surface, you can see the light again!


Suddenly, a powerful undercurrent rolled up under the calm sea, and it seemed that some unknown huge existence was approaching quickly.

In an instant, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao were aware of the approach of this strong being, and the two of them instantly judged that they were absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this unknown creature!


Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao simply had no reaction time, and a huge force swept them out!

The strength of this force is that Feng Yixiu has no resistance at all, it is completely crushed...

Because they are in the dark sea , Can't see exactly what is attacking them.

But in the process of being knocked out, they saw two huge "lanterns!" emitting weird rays of light.

If you guessed it correctly, These two huge lanterns are the eyes of the unknown creature that attacked them, and their size is about the same as the Demon Venerable in endless void!

Conservatively estimated, this unknown creature is at least several thousand meters in size. There is no doubt that it is an impossible enemy!

Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao's pupils contracted suddenly, and the fear in their hearts made their brains blank.

After Feng Yixiu reported it, he loudly said: "Big Brother Han, take Yu'er and go first. Let me deal with this monster!"

Han Xiao stared at those huge eyes, loudly said: "No! You go first, I will cover your retreat!"

"I am Captain, listen to me!" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit , Some anxiously said.

"I'm still your big brother! Do you still recognize me as your big brother?" Han Xiao refused to give in and said furiously.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu is also a little confused. It is the first time that he has seen Han Xiao make such a big fire at him!

Normally Han Xiao looks like he is haha, and he is very obedient to Feng Yixiu's Captain's order.

But today, it seems like a person has changed. The imposing manner is not lost to Feng Yixiu!

Han Xiao simply didn’t give Feng Yixiu time to refute, but he immediately condensed the martial arts armbands, and involuntarily threw the Eastern Summer End behind him to Feng Yixiu, and then caught Feng Yixiu by surprise. Waist.

"Let's go!"

I saw Han Xiao burst out suddenly, the force of terror mixed with the powerful control of Power of Water forced Feng Yixiu to fly out, and he was in Under the reaction force, moved towards seabed and fell away...

When Feng Yixiu reacted, he was already pushed out to a distance of thousands of meters, and he was only less than ten kilometers away from the ice. A few meters away.

Just as Feng Yixiu was in a dilemma, Han Xiao’s voice came again: "Third Brother, help me take care of the end of summer, and we will be brothers in the next life..."

"ao !"

Before Han Xiao finished speaking, he heard the sound of a giant swallowing him.

"ka ka ka..."

Feng Yixiu held Shen Ruyu in one hand, and the end of Eastern Summer in the other. The violent anger made his fists burst into a harsh rubbing sound.

If Shen Ruyu and Dongfang end of summer still need his care, I am afraid he will turn back on the spot and fight the monster!

I saw Feng Yixiu trembling violently, but looking at the two people who were already in a coma in his hands, clenched the teeth slammed into the ice!

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