
Feng Yixiu rushed out of the ice, landed firmly on the solid ice, and immediately took off his The clothes were covered on Shen Ruyu and Dongfang at the end of summer.

The violent Azure Dragon Saint Thunder flickered around Feng Yixiu, using the strength of Azure Dragon to protect Shen Ruyu and Dongfang from the cold in the late summer.

The clothes of the two of them were quickly dried under the high temperature, and their consciousness gradually became sober.

After seeing the two wake up, Feng Yixiu wanted to rush back to save Han Xiao without saying a word.

But he was helpless to find that the ice surface that had just been rushed out had been covered with a thick layer of ice, no matter what the attack could not break it!

When Shen Ruyu and Dongfang awakened at the end of summer, they looked suspiciously at Feng Yixiu with his upper body naked on the ice of crazy strikes.

After looking around for a week, I realized that Han Xiao seemed to be absent. Even if I understand why Feng Yixiu is so crazy...

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Late Summer are also forcibly suppressing the sadness in their hearts. , And immediately followed Feng Yixiu's strikes on the heavier and heavier ice surface!

"Boom boom boom..."

Various elemental attacks are constantly struck on the black ice surface that is as hard as steel, but it has no effect at all.

The damage caused by their attack on the ice surface is far less than the speed at which the ice surface freezes. Seeing that the entire ice surface becomes heavier and heavier, everyone is gradually desperate...

" Han Xiao big brother......"

At the end of Eastern Summer, both hands clasped the White Tiger holy sickle, his eyes could not help but become blood red, tears burst into his eyes instantly.

"Blame me...If it weren't for me to hold back, Big Brother Han would definitely have a chance to escape..." Shen Ruyu looked sadly at the thick ice and said softly.

"What bullshit Black Tortoise trial! Is this letting people die?" Feng Yixiu gnashing teeth said.

"youngster...don't be so angry!"

Suddenly, a deafening sound blew in Feng Yixiu and the others' ears, and it was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky that made people's heart shocking. .

If Feng Yixiu and the others heard this voice normally, the first reaction of Feng Yixiu and the others would be to run away, but now everyone is holding a wave of extreme anger.

Subconsciously, the master of this sound was sent out as the monster that swallowed Han Xiao, and everyone was full of anger moved towards all around, watching...

But looking around After staying nearby for a long time, except for a giant island not far away, there was no living thing at all.

"Don't pretend to be gods, are you swallowing my Big Brother Han, spit him out to me quickly!" Feng Yixiu moved towards all around angrily roared.

"Youngster, isn't the old man right in front of you?"

The familiar voice sounded again just now, and this time Feng Yixiu finally heard the direction of the sound source.

It was from the island that Feng Yixiu rushed towards the island, and Shen Ruyu and the end of summer in the East also rushed towards Captain.

Feng Yixiu and the others hovered around the island, but they didn't find a living thing, as if it were a deserted island.

"It's really weird, I obviously heard the sound coming from here, how come there is no?" Feng Yixiu slowly landed on the island, staring at all with a solemn expression. Around, could not help but browse tightly knit, talking to himself.


Suddenly, Feng Yixiu and the others felt a violent vibration under their feet, as if it were a major earthquake!

"This...what's the situation?" Feng Yixiu immediately rose into the air, looking down at the island below him, surprised.

I saw that huge uninhabited island started to move slowly, and the huge island slowly pulled up from the thick ice!

The primitive forest-like landscape on it slowly fell off under the violent shaking. Feng Yixiu only saw the true face of the island in midair.

This huge island is simply a huge turtle!

I saw the giant tortoise slowly began to move, and immediately stretched out all the limbs and head, and slowly looked towards Feng Yixiu and the others in the sky.

The size of this giant tortoise can be said to be the largest that Feng Yixiu has ever seen. At first, Feng Yixiu never thought that this island with a diameter of several kilometers would be a living creature...

"You are the Black Tortoise Holy Spirit?" Feng Yixiu looked at the huge monster, frowned in front of him.

"It's...it's not..."

What the giant tortoise said is a bit familiar. Isn't this what the unknown being in the sea said before?

Feng Yixiu immediately condensed the Azure Dragon Holy Spear, and the Azure Dragon Sky Wheel behind it exploded with great power. I saw the long spear in his hand pointing to the giant tortoise, loudly said: "I know I am not you My opponent, but if you don’t vomit Big Brother Han, I will pay you even if I die!"

"youngster...are you from the Long Family?" Giant Turtle Looking at the Azure Dragon Sky Wheel behind Feng Yixiu, he said at a moderate pace.

"Break the clear sky!"

Feng Yixiu is not in the mood to communicate with the other party at all. He just wants to rescue Han Xiao as soon as possible.

Azure Dragon holy gun condenses all kinds of Power of Thunder, and it quickly merges into a three-color glazed thunder!

This is also the strongest single source martial skill Feng Yixiu himself can use. I saw a dazzling thunder beam blasting towards the giant turtle.

And Shen Ruyu and the Eastern end of summer and the others also shot together, and immediately only saw the powerful elemental attack like raining giant tortoise strikes.

"No...you are not from the Long Family, could it be that you are..."

The giant tortoise did not take Feng Yixiu and the others seriously, but looked at it instead. The faintly discernible White Dragon mark on Feng Yixiu's chest seems to be lost in thought.


Feng Yixiu and the others have done everything possible, but no matter what kind of attack it is, they can’t hurt a single vellus hair of the giant tortoise in front of you, tired. It's all gasping for breath.

But the huge giant tortoise in front of me didn’t even show any injuries, and his heavy body like a mountain range didn’t even move a step...

"hahaha... It turned out to be the big nephew of the old man!" The giant tortoise looked towards Feng Yixiu again and his eyes were full of surprise, said with a big smile.

Feng Yixiu is almost certainly the Black Tortoise Holy Spirit after hearing the other person calling himself like this...

It is worthy of being the Black Tortoise Holy Spirit. The defensive power has been reached. To the point of desperation, it is too terrifying!

"We have come through suffering untold hardships. I don't know why the senior swallowed up the inheritors?" Feng Yixiu is really out of the question, and can only start to reason with the other party.

The giant tortoise shook the head with a smile, indifferently said: "I said that there is no need to be so troublesome. It is the old woman who has to be a monster. You can't blame the old man!"

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