"Bah! Who do you call old woman? Are you tired of living?"

On the calm ice, I saw a huge black snake With no difficulty smashed the thick ice.

Only half of the body was exposed to the surface of the water and reached a terrifying height of thousands of meters. Feng Yixiu and the others were dumbfounded.

"gu lu..."

Feng Yixiu and the others looked up at the huge black snake, but the heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

This big snake seems to be more dangerous than the giant tortoise, and the two feel completely different.

The feeling that the giant tortoise is as stable as Mount Tai, but the offensive does not seem to be very strong, even if Feng Yixiu and the others know that they are not his opponents, they still dare to attack.

But this big black snake feels extremely dangerous. Feng Yixiu has no doubt that if he dares to attack, the other party will swallow it without the slightest hesitation...

Feng Yixiu stared at the huge black in the sky, looked at the dazzling eyes like a lighthouse, and instantly confirmed that this was the monster that had just attacked them on the seabed!

"Are you the monster that just attacked us in the seabed?" Feng Yixiu looked at the big black snake in front of him, and blurted out subconsciously.


Black Big Snake's eyes became more dazzling, as if True Fire was moved, and the frosty air of ink-black was sprayed from his mouth!

But this ink-black frosty air is not moved towards Feng Yixiu and the others erupting, but moved towards the giant tortoise gushing past...

In an instant, I saw The giant tortoise was instantly frozen by this terrifying cold air, and completely turned into a black Iceland.

"gu lu..."

Feng Yixiu just wanted to question the opponent, but after seeing the end of the giant tortoise, he was so scared that he forcibly held back the following words.

This black snake is also too terrifying. A word of disagreement may make Feng Yixiu and the others all become ice sculptures......

"ka ka ka ......"


I saw the huge black Iceland gradually began to vibrate violently, and the ice on the back surface also began to burst.

After the giant tortoise broke free from the ice, he said with a grievance: "It's not the old man who said you, why are you spraying me?"

" My old lady is happy, you have Any comments?" The black snake glanced at the giant tortoise, said solemnly.

hearing this, the giant tortoise also shook the head with an aggrieved look, and didn't say anything to refute.

He seems to be used to treating himself like a big black snake, anyway his skin is rough, flesh is thick and it doesn’t matter...

"Before...senior, Big Brother Han no Will it really be swallowed by you?" Feng Yixiu asked courageously.

Black Big Snake glanced at Feng Yixiu, and immediately flicked his tail soaked under the seabed.

I saw a black silhouette suddenly moved towards Feng Yixiu and flew over, and Feng Yixiu also subconsciously caught it firmly.

"Big Brother Han! You are still alive!" Feng Yixiu looked at Han Xiao who was shaking in front of him, excitedly said.

"If you guys keep talking for a while...I'm going to freeze to death!" Han Xiao's cold teeth were shaking constantly, whispering.

Shen Ruyu immediately condensed the Vermilion Bird sacred flame upon seeing this, and the three fiercely burning flames quickly dissipated the cold air in Han Xiao's body.

"This is the other power of the holy spirit level. If Four Great Vicious Beasts were born, I am afraid it would not show mercy like me!" The black big snake looked condescendingly at Feng Yixiu, and then again. opened the mouth and said: "I hope you can remember this feeling of despair throughout your life. If you don't want the tragedy to happen again in the future, you will do your best to become stronger!"

Feng Yixiu immediately moved towards the black snake and bowed , Said solemnly: "Senior has worked hard, I just misunderstood you, please forgive me..."

"It's all... If it's not for your mother's face, today I have to let you Long memory!" The black snake shook the head gently, indifferently said.

"Congratulations on passing the Black Tortoise trial. I don't know this descendant of the Han Family, what is your name?" The giant tortoise slowly looked towards Han Xiao and asked.

Han Xiao glanced at the giant tortoise below, then looked up at the big black snake, and said, "Junior Han Xiao, I just don’t know which of the two is the Black Tortoise Lord Saint Spirit?"


The giant tortoise and the black snake looked at each other and laughed, and immediately laughed at the same time.

Han Xiao scratched his head with some doubts, looked at the people around him, and said to himself: "Did I say something wrong?"

"Black Tortoise is not A holy spirit, but the name of the two of us, my name is Hades More extensively..." Black Orochi explained patiently.

"It turned out to be like this..." Han Xiao touched his nose somewhat sorry, indifferently said.

"If you hadn't passed the Black Tortoise trial, the old man would have some doubts about the identity of you brat, and he didn't even know the meaning of Black Tortoise..." Xuangui laughed.

"In fact, Junior is very interested in Black Tortoise adults, but I have been excluded from the family since I was a child, and no one in normally will teach me, so normally I can only read the relevant ancient book by myself, but when I was a child I don't understand those ancient texts, but I just learned a little bit. I ask Master Black Tortoise to forgive me..." Han Xiao bowed slightly, said solemnly.

hearing this, the mysterious turtle and the dark snake were also looked at each other in blank dismay, but they were full of sympathy when they looked towards Han Xiao again.

"It seems that the Han Family is also in decline... Such an excellent young man will be squeezed out by the family. Are they blind?" Black Orochi said angrily.

"The child...it really hurts you! But the old man sees you as a blessing in disguise now!" Xuangui took a look at Feng Yixiu while speaking, said with a big smile.

Han Xiao also moved towards Feng Yixiu laughed, and immediately said solemnly: "The senior said well...If that were not the case, I am afraid I would not have the chance to meet the two adults now!"

"The Black Tortoise trial tests the wisdom of successor, and the most important point is the determination to make dedication. Only by possessing these two points can we be called the strongest shield of China! And your performance in these two stages is our In my eyes, it fully meets the conditions of the Black Tortoise successor!" Black Da Snake looked towards Han Xiao with a rather admiring look, and said straightly.

"putting it that way, am I eligible for Black Tortoise inheritance?" Han Xiao's eyes were bright and excited.

This is the existence of every Han Family child yearn for something even in dreams, and it is the ultimate dream of every Defense Department Battle Spirit Master.

Now that this dream is within reach, how can Han Xiao not be excited...

"Of course I am qualified, but you have also seen it. From now on, I have to think about Black If Tortoise evolves in the direction, it needs a dual Battle Spirit. You should have a dual Battle Spirit, right?" Xuangui nodded, said with a slight smile.

hearing this, Han Xiao and Feng Yixiu and the others are both looked at each other in blank dismay.

Didn't expect moved towards Black Tortoise, the threshold for direction evolution is so high...

Anything can be achieved by hard work, even if the innate talent is not enough, you can rely on hard work. make up.

But this pair of Battle Spirits is not something that can be made up with hard work. If most people don't have it at first, then there is a high probability that they won't have it in the future!

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: (m.soxscc.org) The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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