"You...couldn't you not have a double Battle Spirit?" The black big snake sees Han Xiao complexion ashen, frowned.

Han Xiao's head dropped lower, and he whispered in a low voice: "Master Hades...I am only a dual attribute Battle Spirit Master, not a dual Battle Spirit..."

"The dual-attribute Battle Spirit Master is also very good. At worst, it just doesn't evolve towards Black Tortoise. In fact, it's not a major event. You moved towards me. Although there is no integration of offense and defense, at least defense is invincible... …" Xuan Gui seemed to see Han Xiao's loss, and smiled comforted.

But it is okay for Xuangui not to speak. Han Xiao dropped his head lower after a relief, and almost buried his head in the soil.

Han Xiao’s dream is to one day be able to evolve the Supreme Holy Spirit comparable to Black Tortoise, but this dream seems to be killed in the cradle...

"If you don’t speak, you will have less Say something..." The black snake glared at Xuangui, then said solemnly: "In fact, the double Battle Spirit can be compensated by other ways besides innate talent."

Feng Yixiu immediately opened the mouth and said: "Senior refers to the Holy Spirit Treasure Code?"

"Oh? Do you know the Holy Spirit Treasure Code?" The black snake gave Feng Yixiu a little surprised.

tone barely fell, Feng Yixiu gave two magical Spirit Treasure to summon, and one holy Spirit Treasure to summon.

In an instant, the mysterious turtle and the dark snake looked at the three magic Spirit Treasure scripture floating beside Feng Yixiu, the whole person seemed to be petrified...

Good fellow! This guy actually owns three Battle Spirits, and one more is the Holy Spirit Treasure!

Not everyone can freely use the Holy Spirit Treasure Code, even more how with the dual Battle Spirit, the difficulty is even more unimaginable...

" Worthy of being the son of the boss, he is also a wicked evildoer..." Black Snake Orochi whispered to himself.

"Senior, what are you talking about?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"No...nothing, it's just that your holy Spirit Treasure scripture has been contracted to the master and can no longer be used." Ming She said with a serious face.

"I still have another one! This one I just got..."

While speaking, the championship ring in Feng Yixiu's hands emits weak rays of light, and It was a holy Spirit Treasure book that appeared in his hands.

Suddenly, Underworld Snake and Xuangui were dumbfounded again, and the two of them actually started looking at each other in blank dismay.

This holy Spirit Treasure code is obviously obtained from the gods, who snatched the treasures of their town hall from the vicious gods. Even if they think with their feet, they know the danger...

With Feng Yixiu's own strength, they want to extract teeth from a tiger's mouth. They know in their hearts that it is impossible to do.

There is another reasonable explanation for apart from this, that is, these two holy Spirit Treasure scriptures are gifts given to Feng Yixiu personally by the gods and evil spirits......

" You...are you already joining the crowd?"

"You...are you already a blood Spirit Master?"

Xuanguihe Ming She also questioned in his heart, looking at Feng Yixiu in surprise.

They are very clear about Feng Yixiu's life experience. If Feng Yixiu joins the crowd, they will not be too surprised.

After all, Feng Yixiu has the Black Dragon curse in his body. The four evil forces and the bloodline of the Black Dragon king are not a joke...

Feng Yixiu is in front of the two seniors I didn't dare to lie, I could only be nodded, and immediately switched to the blood Spirit Master state, indifferently said: "I am indeed a blood Spirit Master!"

"Sure enough..."

The faces of Xuangui and Mingshe suddenly became serious, and their eyes were full of jealousy when they looked towards Feng Yixiu again.

It can be seen that they are now very entangled in their hearts. Righteousness and personal affection are constantly gambling in the heart...

Feng Yixiu feels the more serious atmosphere. The two seniors misunderstood, so the Asura King illusion behind them immediately appeared!

"This...this is the illusion of Asura King, do you have the heart of Asura King?" The snake stared at Feng Yixiu in horror, loudly said.

"Junior was indeed invaded at the beginning, but now he has gained the heart of Asura King. It is already myriad evils will not invade. Don’t worry about the two seniors..." Feng Yixiu explained calmly, and immediately Opened the mouth and said: "There are also these two holy Spirit Treasure classics obtained by our good luck. They were not given to me by the gods."

"Good guy...if you Not the boss’s son, I don’t believe in what you said! But when I think of you as the boss’s son, I think I can understand it.” It took a long time for Xuangui to come back to his senses, said solemnly.

"As expected of my eldest nephew, he did not disappoint me!" Hades is also nodded with a proud face, said with a big smile.

At the end of Dongfang Xia and Shen Ruyu listening to the side, they were confused. In any case, they could not understand why Feng Yixiu and the two Black Tortoise holy spirits who were so close three hundred years ago...

"If you just want to use this holy Spirit Treasure book, you must resist the power of the evil spirits in it, I'm afraid..." Feng Yixiu still said his confusion.

If this is not a concern, Feng Yixiu will immediately hand it over to Han Xiao or others when he gets the Holy Spirit Treasure of the Demon Temple.

Nether Snake smiled slightly and said indifferently: "More than three hundred years have passed. The power of demons remaining on this Holy Spirit Treasure Tome is already very weak. Although this old bastard and I are already old There is no problem in purifying it..."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao smiled at each other, and the most critical problem was finally solved.

If all goes well, Han Xiao can also become a Battle Spirit with dual Battle Spirits!

"Han Xiao and my eldest nephew, you guys should prepare a little bit. After you are ready, you can start the Black Tortoise inheritance ceremony!" Hades quickly moved towards Xuangui and swam over, and immediately went to prison. It was tightly wrapped around Xuangui's body.

Feng Yixiu and the others felt a powerful aura permeating after the underworld snake and the mysterious turtle merged together.

This is not a simple winding. The two seem to be born together, and their strength has made a qualitative leap...

If you guessed it correctly, it should be similar. The means of Battle Spirit fusion, but it is totally natural!

Feng Yixiu pointed to himself with some doubts, and said in surprise: "What's the matter with me?"

Feng Yixiu gave Feng Yixiu a white look and said seriously: "In your body I originally have the strength of Four Saints, including Force of Black Tortoise, but it is suppressed by the Black Dragon curse, but as long as you bathe in the true blood of Black Tortoise, you can awaken the Force of Black Tortoise in your body, and your mother’s pressure is also It will be much smaller!"

"Yes, this is also an indispensable step for you to lift the Black Dragon spell, but you will suffer a lot of pain on the way, can you accept it?" Xuangui is also a Concord with a serious face.

"In order to understand and save mother, a little bit of pain is nothing, of course I accept it!" Feng Yixiu released a dazzling lightning in his eyes, without the slightest hesitation agreeing.

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