In the front pattern, there is a vivid black Tortoise of the Holy Spirit. It is not in an old state, but in a prime of life in the Peak state.

On the back is the mighty and domineering Totem of the Four Saints. This is the unique pattern of the Four Saints series of Holy Spirit cards...

"I’m so envious... I don’t know when we will be able to Have your own holy spirit card..." At the end of the summer, Dongfang looked at the holy light holy spirit card in Han Xiao's hand with eyes full of stars, pouting.

Shen Ruyu didn’t speak, but when he looked towards the Holy Spirit card in Han Xiao’s hand, his eyes were full of envy...

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said differently: "Don’t worry. , Isn’t the Dongfang Family about to find White Tiger Secret Realm? It’s just a matter of time..."

"It's also..." At the end of the Eastern Summer, the mood was a little better, and he immediately surrounded Han Xiao turned around and said with a smile: "Big brother Han Xiao, I think you have absorbed a lot of Black Tortoise blood, but it doesn't seem to have changed much?"

Han Xiao brows slightly wrinkle, indifferently said: "At the end of summer, are you irritating me? Why don't you try..."

"Then I'm welcome! I can't condense the Black Tortoise armor right away Oh..." At the end of Dongfang Xia's mischievous tongue, he immediately showed a successful smile.

At the end of the summer, Dongfang suddenly condensed a silver blade from the back, and immediately pierced Han Xiao's soft abdomen at a very fast speed.


But only a clear metal collision sounded, and the back silver blade made of special mithril could not penetrate Han Xiao's skin!

This is a silver blade specially made by the Dongfang Family. It is the fourth rank source of the general defense system, Martial Artist, who dare not confront it head-on.

But this is the case, Han Xiao’s skin didn’t even show any wounds. On the contrary, a curl appeared on the back of Silver Blade...

"Late summer, you Would you be more serious?" Han Xiao shook the head somewhat boringly, indifferently said.

At the end of the Eastern Summer, I couldn’t help but browse tightly knit, and immediately began to get serious.

She did keep a little bit of her hand just now. She thought she could at least break the defense, but she didn't expect even a single hair of Han Xiao to hurt!

"Then I must be serious!"

I saw her violently waving the back silver blade in her hand, and then using all her strength, she violently slammed Han Xiao's neck !


Only a clear sound was heard, and the silver blade from the back suddenly broke into two pieces.

On Han Xiao’s neck, there is only a white mark that is difficult to see with naked eye...

"At the end of summer, your mithril dagger seems to be bad. ..." Han Xiao smiled and touched his neck, indifferently said.

hearing this, at the end of the Eastern Summer, he gave Han Xiao a fiercely stare, and his eyes could burst into flames.

Han Xiao shook his throat subconsciously when he saw the look in Dongfang's late summer.

Not good! It seemed a bit too awkward just now, and it seemed to really anger the end of summer...

But before Han Xiao's defense, at the end of the Eastern Summer, the Heavenly Mind Slashing Night Scythe was condensed in an instant. The thunder was caught on Han Xiao's neck.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, you say it again..."

The cold baleful aura burst out from the night sickle in the hands of the Eastern Summer in the end, let Han Xiao couldn't help but feel a cold in his neck.

Good guy! This is just a try, why do you want to condense spiritual weapon?

"gu lu......"

Han Xiao still knows how strong his fleshy body is. Without the Black Tortoise Saint Armor possessed, he would definitely not resist. Live the full strength attack at the end of the Eastern summer!

"At the end of summer, I was wrong. I shouldn't be too awkward..." Han Xiao insisted on the attitude of admitting his mistakes immediately, regardless of whether he was wrong or not. Only then did he achieve the end of the Eastern Summer understanding.

"hmph...this is almost the same!" At the end of the summer, Dongfang immediately put away the night sickle in his hand, and raised his head proudly.

Feng Yixiu watched carefully on the side, and immediately opened the mouth and said: "Big Brother Han, I’m afraid you are using the Black Tortoise Seal and the Black Tortoise Sacred Armor. In the end of summer and Yu'er can't break through your defenses even if you use a spiritual weapon..."

"Ah? Is it such an exaggeration?" Dongfang Xia Mo asked with a look of surprise.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently: "If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

"Huh? Try it again?" Han Xiao looked horrified. Looking at Feng Yixiu, he immediately aggrieved: "You can't do it if you don't try it?"

"Let you try and try, why so much nonsense! Just stand there and don't move!" Rubbed his hands, said with a smile.

Shen Ruyu also smiled and walked to the side of the end of Eastern Summer, and immediately condensed the Vermilion Bird Burning Sky Bow!

Han Xiao saw that he would become a human sandbag, but he did not dare to resist. He could only condense the Black Tortoise holy armor with a grievance on his face.

And the Black Tortoise Seal mark began to appear on the center of the eyebrows, I saw Han Xiao's breath suddenly became dignified, and the thick ice surface under his feet also faintly cracked...

After the Black Tortoise Seal is turned on, not only will Han Xiao's defensive power have a qualitative leap, but also his strength and weight will skyrocket at the same time!

"The Arrow of Vermilion Bird!"

"Heaven and night slash the night!"

Shen Ruyu and the eastern end of summer broke out the strongest offensive at the same time, I saw an arrow carrying the Vermilion Bird sacred flame, and a rapidly rotating sickle slammed into Han Xiao...

" Chi chi..."

The Vermilion Bird sacred fire and the heavenly sword and night sickle were spinning frantically, and they started to rub violently sparks flying in all directions!

Han Xiao was still somewhat unsure at first, but he just covered his eyes with his hands.

However, after confirming that he was breached, Xuan Shi slowly moved the palm of his hand that was blocking his eyes, and said excitedly: "Damn! I'm so hard!"

Only Seeing that the arrow of Vermilion Bird and the night sickle can only leave a shallow mark on the Black Tortoise holy armor, but they are far from breaking the defense!

Feng Yixiu also showed a surprised look after verifying his conjecture.

Vermilion Bird Burning Sky Bow and Tianming Slashing Night Scythe are not ordinary spiritual weapons, it can be said to be a higher grade than ordinary spiritual weapons!

If neither Shen Ruyu nor Dongfang Late Summer can break the defense, I am afraid that the average Level 7 Battle Spirit statue, even the Octopus Battle Spirit statue who has not awakened the spiritual weapon can not break the defense with their own strength...


Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xia looked at each other depressedly at the end of summer, and they were tired of gasping for breath.

"hahaha...didn't expect me to be so fierce, why haven't I noticed it before?" Han Xiao admired his body with a look of intoxication, rather narcissistically said.

The panting with rage in the late summer of the East ran to Feng Yixiu's side and said: "Captain! Look at him so desperately, just take care of him!"

Feng Yixiu Shook the head with a smile, and said separately: "Forget it... From now on you will get your own Holy Spirit inheritance, so he won't dare to cry."

"Then I can't Regardless of him, he will swell!" Dongfang Xia Mo forced a push of Feng Yixiu, grinning.

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