"Okay, then..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but to condense the Azure Dragon Holy Gun at the end of Eastern Summer.

I saw a dazzling lightning burst out of Feng Yixiu's eyes, and immediately the entire right arm was wrapped with a layer of glazed thunder, and under the strong thunder, the White Jade Dragon scales quickly emerged!

The real dragon mode was turned on instantly, and the Azure Dragon saint in Feng Yixiu's hand slammed away with the spiral wind moved towards Han Xiao.

After seeing Feng Yixiu's fierce imposing manner, Han Xiao immediately put away his swollen smile and replaced it with an extremely solemn one.

He knew in his heart that he would definitely not be able to stop Feng Yixiu's full attack, but he did not expect that Feng Yixiu would be so terrible under his full attack!

"spiritual weapon endows- Sky Profound Armguards !"

I saw Han Xiao quickly condense the defensive power the strongest Sky Profound Arm Armor, he Knowing that his physical strength and the Black Tortoise sacred armor cannot withstand Feng Yixiu.

And he also wants to know how far he is from Feng Yixiu now!

The Profound Sky Armor began to deform violently at the fastest speed, and immediately became a giant shield that could cover the entire Han Xiao.


Azure Dragon sacred gun slammed into the center of the sky shield, making a deafening sound of gold.

Under the collision of the two extreme forces, the black ice surface where they were helpless began to faintly show a trace of cracks...

The powerful air wave is like a hurricane. Sweeping out, Shen Ruyu and Dongfang At the end of the summer were pushed out by a strong air wave to a distance of more than ten meters.

"Oh my God...Is this really the power that humans can possess?" After the end of the summer, Dongfang Xia stabilized his figure, with a look of astonishment.

"Black Tortoise real blood is really domineering..." Shen Ruyu also nodded in agreement.

For a while, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao insisted, and neither of them could do anything about it.

But this is obviously Feng Yixiu's retention, and Han Xiao still knows this...

"Captain, don't let me deliberately! Otherwise I can just I'm not happy..." Han Xiao browses slightly wrinkle, said solemnly.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu also smiled slightly, and immediately nodded silently.

I saw Feng Yixiu's chest sun imprint burst out dazzling rays of light, and then the Azure Dragon imprint burst out faint rays of light!

A lifelike Azure Dragon wrapped around Feng Yixiu's arm, and the violent Azure Dragon holy thunder exploded frantically around the surrounding area, and then Thunder Dragon moved along the arm towards the barrel of the gun...


A deafening sound of dragon's roar sounded between Heaven and Earth. The power of this gun is really unpredictable and mysterious!

The Azure Dragon imprint greatly stimulates the defensive effect of the Azure Dragon Holy Spear, even the Sky Profound Shield blessed by Force of Black Tortoise is a bit unstoppable...

"ka ka ka ......"

Along with Feng Yixiu's angry roar, one after another obvious tortoise crack appeared on the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable sky shield!

The shield of the mysterious sky was broken open in an instant, and the Azure Dragon holy gun was just a tiny insignificant crack.

When Han Xiao saw that the Profound Sky Shield was broken, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his heart was shocked.

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Late Xia are also dumbfounded. If they hadn't tried Han Xiao's defensive power before, they would not have been so amazed.

But both of them know that Han Xiao's defensive power is extremely unreasonable, but Feng Yixiu's attack power is even more unreasonable!

However, Han Xiao's reaction speed is also extremely fast. Almost at the moment when the Profound Sky Shield was broken, a clever sideways let the blow brush across his chest...

Feng Yixiu was about to launch a second attack in the future, Han Xiao's right arm was wrapped in a black and blue Black Tortoise sacred pattern, and his right hand firmly grasped the tip of the Azure Dragon Holy Spear. An inch later!

Han Xiao is Feng Yixiu's teammate. It can be said that he is one of the people who know him best, and Feng Yixiu's most powerful ability is lightning speed.

As long as Feng Yixiu takes a little distance, Han Xiao will become a sandbag that can only be beaten, no matter how powerful it is, it is meaningless.

Now he can only take advantage of this extremely rare opportunity to limit it, so that he can use his power...

"chi chi..."

Under the devastating force of the two men, the Azure Dragon Holy Spear began to undergo serious deformation, bending like a bow!

Originally, the Azure Dragon Holy Lance broke the Sky Profound Shield blessed by Force of Black Tortoise, which has already been damaged. Now that it’s tossing like this, it’s about to break at a glance...

Han Xiao smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Third Brother, it seems that our strength is inseparable..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said softly: "Big Brother Han, this time I want I really used my full strength!"

Hearing this, Han Xiao's brows couldn't help but frowned, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

I saw the Azure Dragon mark on Feng Yixiu's chest gradually began to dissipate, replaced by the Black Tortoise Seal mark!

Just now, Han Xiao and Feng Yixiu were sitting back to back. They didn’t know that Feng Yixiu had awakened the Black Tortoise Seal at the same time. They couldn’t help being shocked...

Good deed, Feng Yixiu is true Dragon descendants, it is excusable to be able to awaken the strength of Azure Dragon, but he is not a child of the Han Family, there should be no Black Tortoise bloodline in his body, why can he awaken not weaker than his own Force of Black Tortoise?

But before Han Xiao wanted to understand, the Black Tortoise Seal on Feng Yixiu's chest exuded a faint divine glow, and a heavy and domineering force burst out!

Feng Yixiu’s right arm is already a real dragon, and now under the blessing of Force of Black Tortoise, there is a Black Tortoise sacred pattern winding on it, although the muscle line is not too big Change, but it is as strong as a dragon-like dragon, with a unique beauty of power...


Under the full explosion, the Azure Dragon holy gun finally cannot support Suddenly broke apart, before landing, it turned into aura and disappeared.

Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao’s power has already been charged to Peak, and both of them are already on the line and have to send them!

I saw the two people's long-charged fists violently collide together, and the air wave that was set off was terrifying like a violent hurricane...


Only a loud bang was heard. With Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao as the center, a huge crack appeared on the ice within a radius of 100 meters.

Feng Yixiu's reaction speed could have been flying into the air before falling into the water, but he still fell under the water with Han Xiao.

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang at the end of summer immediately guarded the periphery of the broken ice with a nervous face, and kept moving towards the underwater shouting.

But for a long time no response was heard, and the dark sea completely blocked their sight.

"I’m all to blame... I knew I would not let Captain teach Han Xiao’s big brother. Maybe they were both injured..." At the end of the summer, Dongfang Xia stared at the calmness gradually. On the sea, talking to himself.


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