In an instant, the lively celebration dinner just now was stirred by Lin Xuan, and the atmosphere instantly dropped to a freezing point.

Although most of the students and teachers know the strength of Feng Yixiu and the others, many newcomers who have just joined the Academy have some doubts...

After all, that However, it was the highest level of China China High Level League, and Feng Yixiu and the others were only sophomores when they competed. Realm has already fallen behind by a lot.

In this case, winning the China High Level League Championship is either an unrepeatable miracle or a terrifying scam!

"Lin Xuan, don't forget your identity!" Dean Ren clenched his fists and pointed at Lin Xuan angrily.

Lin Xuan coldly smiled, put on a fearless posture, opened his hands and said: "What? The dean is guilty of conscience, are you going to kill me?"

Now Lin Xuan has already planned to break the jar, anyway, the current situation is also impossible to get worse.

The more dean Ren expresses his anger, the happier he feels. This is exactly his purpose...

"If you are spitting blood, don’t blame Ben You are welcome!" Ren Dean browses tightly knit, furiously.

A violent cold air suddenly swept away, instantly covering the entire high platform with a thick layer of frost.

Ren Tianze is the powerhouse of Level 9 Battle Spirit Sovereign level. His words and deeds can even affect the surrounding environment!

"hahaha...have the ability to kill me on the spot today! What a shit, the first of the four Saint Courts, simply a joke!" Lin Xuan's eyes were red, looking at the furious Dean Ren not only He didn't flinch, but he became even more excited.

"courting death!"

The dean was already very hot, but today he drank some wine and was ready to fight if he didn't agree with him.

I saw a naked eye visible frost and cold air tangling on Ren Tianze's right arm. After the awakening of Dean Ren's spiritual weapon, the "Frost Tianba Sword" gradually began to condense and take shape.

The Shuangtianba knife as a whole is like a frost dragon, entwining around Ren Tianze, coldly looking at the small forest hanging in front of him, as if it is always possible to choose someone to eat!

"I'll give you one more chance to take back your words!"

The extreme anger woke up Ren Tianze's drunkenness a little, and he looked at the people under the high platform with indifference. Lin Xuan, made no secret of the violent murderous aura!

"Everyone is watching! Dean Ren is going to fly into a rage out of humiliation. If it is not for a guilty conscience, why is he so angry..." Lin Xuan not only didn't admit it. On the contrary, he laughed and moved towards the surrounding teachers and students loudly said: "Even if I am dead today, I will expose this hypocritical and ridiculous deception. You have all been deceived! I advise you to quit the Raging Academy as soon as possible!"

For a while, many outstanding students who have just joined Nulin Academy, and even overseas exchange students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone looked at Lin Xuan’s chest of the angry scale high level instructor medal. This is a symbol of the backbone of the angry scale mentors...

Could it be that this angry scale Academy is true in private Some shameful deeds, and this China high level league is just a farce?

Many students who have just joined the Raging Scale Academy not long ago, and who were not determined, have taken off the medals of the Raging Scales students on their chests.

After the first person first took off the Ragescale Medal, the Domino Bone Token effect appeared immediately.

I saw that a large number of freshmen who had just joined the Ragescale Academy all followed suit, and even many new teachers took off the Ragescale Medal...

Feng Yixiu The whole process just looked at everything happening below with cold eyes, and didn't rush to speak.

Han Xiao originally wanted to refute, but because of Feng Yixiu's eye gesture, he backed away.

Actually, Feng Yixiu is observing the teachers and students who have taken off the Raging Scales Status Medal. If only one or two provocative words can shake them.

Then such people are not worthy of staying at the Raging Scale Academy. If the Raging Scale Academy really encounters a crisis in the future, I am afraid these people will be the first to escape, or even stabbing a knife in the back!

Feng Yixiu took a closer look and found that none of the Yuanmen had taken off the identity badge on his chest, so he was nodded with satisfaction.

The Dean Ren watched many people take off the identity medals from their chests, and was even more angry. He immediately stared at Lin Xuan and said furiously: "Well, you foolish people. Little man! die for me!"


I saw Ren Tianze gently waving his right hand, and the frost giant dragon around him roared and moved towards Lin Xuan, rushed towards it!

The battle of the Battle Spirit emperor is simply a crushing existence. Lin Xuan looked at the frost giant dragon getting closer, but was unable to move a step due to the incomparable fear in his heart...

But when Lin Xuan closed his eyes to prepare for death, he was surprised to find that the frost giant dragon in front of him didn't seem to really attack him, but stopped just one meter in front of him.

"Little friend Feng, what are you doing to stop me? How can I let this kid be let go of this despicable villain!"

Ren Tianze looked at him and held him. Feng Yixiu with his arm was quite surprised.

I am not surprised that Feng Yixiu will stop me, but I am surprised that Feng Yixiu has touched his right hand without being frostbitten!

This is the Shuangtianba knife after awakening, and the frosty air contained in it is not something ordinary people can withstand.

Normally, Feng Yixiu should be frozen when he touches his arm, but judging from the strength of Feng Yixiu’s arm, the other party does not seem to be affected too much. !

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook the head, loudly said: "As the dean, kill a chicken with a sledgehammer..."

After that, I saw Feng Yixiu patted as the dean. On his shoulder, he whispered in his ear immediately: "President, don't dirty your hands for such a villain. If you do it, you will be in his hands. Look at what it is..."

Ren Tianze followed Feng Yixiu's gaze, but saw a small drone in a dark corner in the distance, recording everything that had just happened.

It turns out that Lin Xuan came prepared, in order to pull Feng Yixiu and the others, and even the Raging Scale Academy from the altar.

Even if it’s the kind that pays the price of life for it, you can't hesitate...

The villain who is afraid of death is not terrifying, and the madman who is not afraid of death is not terrifying, the most terrifying He is a despicable villain like Lin Xuan who is not afraid of death!

Dean Ren was also startled in a cold sweat, and immediately whispered: "Many thanks, little friend Feng reminded me, otherwise I would really be fooled by this kid."

Who I don't know if Lin Xuan's drone is broadcasting live. If this drone is live broadcasting the whole process, I am afraid it will have a lot of negative impact on the Rage Scale Academy.

Now that the Raging Scale Academy has just become the top of the four Saint Courts again, the outside world still has some doubts about this.

If this happens at this time and it is widely circulated in the Battle Spirit world, I am afraid that the efforts of Feng Yixiu and the others will be ruined...


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