Lin Xuan frowned when he saw Feng Yixiu and Ren Tianze whispering, and glanced at the drone he had set up from time to time.

"hey hey hey...what are you two whispering on? Isn't it another crafty plots and machinations discussion?" Lin Xuan used a loud voice to cover up his guilty conscience.

"hehe...Do you think everyone in the world is as nasty as you?" Feng Yixiu laughed coldly, indifferently said.

"hmph! I think you are guilty after being pierced by me! Are you thinking about how to cover up this matter!" Lin Xuan both hands crossed near chest, coldly said: "But I I won’t accompany you in acting like Four Great Holy Clan. Today I have to lift your hypocrisy!"

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook the head, then moved towards Dean Ren whispered: "President Ren, leave it to me next. You can go down and have a good rest."

President Ren silently nodded. At this moment, his drinking spirit has completely regained consciousness, and he is steadily awake. Walked down on the high platform.

When he passed by Lin Xuan, coldly said: "Originally, I wanted to give you a bit of face and didn’t expel you immediately. didn't expect you to bite me back, really a dog who is not familiar with..."

Lin Xuan also knew that Dean did not dare to do it at this time, and whispered: "I, Lin Xuan always It’s seeking revenge for the slightest grievance. If it weren’t for the kid Feng Yixiu, I would why did it come to this! I would drag this kid to hell even if he died today..."

"hmph... You deserve it!"

Dean Ren gave a cold voice, and even if he passed by Lin Xuan indifferently, each minding their own business moved towards the seat next to the teacher of Xuanji.

However, after Ren Tianze and Lin Xuan pass by, he can see that his browse tightly knit seems to be a bit worried...

"Ren Tianze, follow this There is no need to be angry with the villain, drink some beer to quench the fire..." The mysterious teacher smiled and filled the glass in front of Dean Ren with beer, and immediately raised the glass in front of him, said with a slight smile.

Dean Ren raised the wine glass next to him in surprise, and browsed slightly wrinkle: "Xuanji, why don't you seem to be in a hurry?"

Xuanji teacher smiled slightly. indifferently said: "What is there to worry about, it's just a small scene... Let Xiaofeng solve it by himself!"

"How does Lin Xuan say that it is also an angry scale high level instructor, and it is still a level 8 Battle Spirit, don’t you worry at all?" Dean Ren asked in surprise.

The mysterious teacher shook the head with a smile, said solemnly: "As the dean, it seems that you still don't know Xiaofeng well!"

"You mean Lin Xuandu Not Feng Yixiu's opponent?" Dean Ren drank the beer in one sip and asked rhetorically.

"I won't finish the abuse, at least Xiaofeng will definitely not be life-threatening..." Xuanji teacher smiled slightly, indifferently said.

"I know that Xiaoyou Feng is very strong among his peers, but the opponent can be a great realm higher than him, and Lin Xuanshi, a high-level teacher, is very rich in battle skills. Are you right? Xiaofeng is a little too confident..." the dean browses tightly knit, questioning.

"So I said that you still don't know Xiaofeng well... Just look at it seriously if you are the dean." The corner of Xuanji teacher's mouth slightly raised, and immediately looked towards the high platform.

I saw Feng Yixiu put his hands behind his back, and looked at Lin Xuan below with a calm expression, without any sign of stage fright.

Lin Xuan was a little hairy when Feng Yixiu's calm and stern eyes looked at him, and immediately said, "You brat, don't pretend to be there, Four Great Holy Clan will accompany you in acting, Lao Tzu won't !"

Feng Yixiu coldly smiled and asked: "You keep on saying that we were able to win the championship because the children of Four Great Holy Clan released the water. Then I would like to ask you, the Sun Moon team is also an overseas team Acting with us?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but look pale. There really is no reason for Team Sun and Moon to release the water.

But Lin Xuan deserves to be a real villain, even if he took a bite back, he said: "Who knows if you brat secretly colluded with the Sun Moon Empire? I heard that Yuan Shenya kid was in tournament. At the time, my attitude towards you was not so common..."

tone barely fell, the crowd that hadn't calmed down for a long time caused another riot.

In order to isolate Feng Yixiu, Yuan Shenya deliberately got close to Feng Yixiu in public.

However, all the misunderstandings that followed were solved, but now Lin Xuan has brought up the old things again, obviously throwing dirty water at Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, coldly said: "It's not so common! After all, in the finals, his fiancee died on the field, but there is an insoluble hatred between us... …"

Just one sentence stopped the riot at the scene. If the two sides really collude, there will be no such hard-to-resolve hatred.

Lin Xuan's face is pale, gnashing teeth said: "No matter how skillful you brat is, you can never lie to me! Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu and the others are from Four Great Holy Clan, and They are still future patriarch heirs. You can’t deny that!"

"Okay...I don’t have the time to fight Tai Chi with you. Come on!" Feng Yixiu is obviously lost Patience, since the other party is unreasonable, he can only fight his fists!

In an instant, not only Lin Xuan was stunned, but the countless teachers and students below were also stupid.

What does Feng Yixiu mean by letting Lin Xuan come to power, is it possible that you are preparing to challenge Lin Xuan?

"Are your ears bad? I let you come up! I want to beat you!" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, furiously.

Lin Xuan was stupid. He came back to his senses after a full three seconds. It was the first time he saw a student dare to challenge his tutor!

And I am also an Academy high level instructor of Raging Scales, a Level 8 Battle Spirit expert who is not just in name only, but also in reality...

"This kid actually Said I was going to punch me! I'm really scared, hahaha..." Lin Xuan laughed extremely angry, and immediately looked at the teachers and students beside him, smiling even more from ear to ear, and said with a smile: "Lao Tzu Dang It’s the first time I've seen such an arrogant and ignorant student after so many years!"

The teachers and students who did not move the Young Master to remove the Ragescale Identity Medal also gathered around Lin Xuan, you say I started to talk with one word.

"Master Old Lin is a Level 8 Battle Spirit, even if this kid is strong, how could he have been able to fight..."

"Hey... I took a moisturizer The Chinese high level league champions don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. This child is really floating."

"Don’t say that the Chinese high level league champion has moisture, even if there is no moisture. It’s impossible to challenge a high level instructor. It’s too much to believe oneself infallible......"


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