"huhuhu ……"

Lin Xuan has carried out at least hundreds of attacks in just ten seconds, huge spiritual power and physical strength Consumption makes him feel gasping for breath.

"Damn it! You brat is it possible that is a tortoise? I only know that defense is not possible!"

Lin Xuan brow beaded with sweat staring at Feng who is stable as Mount Tai. Yixiu, gnashing teeth said.

Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, shook the head with a smile and did not speak, but calmly moved towards Lin Xuan and beckoned him to continue the attack.

"The ice demon roars the sky!"

Lin Xuan looked at Feng Yixiu's calm and calm expression, and was even more angry, even if he moved towards Feng Yixiu again Stormed over.

This trick is the most powerful source martial skill of Lin Xuan's destructive power. The whole person is like a savage bull moved towards Feng Yixiu, rushing towards Feng Yixiu. The terrifying frost and cold air made a thick line appear on the path. Frost.

The strong rotating force formed a fierce frost whirlwind, which was mixed with sharp snowflakes, like the screams of winter...

Feng Yixiu looked at the imposing manner of the amazing forest. The suspension was completely motionless, and his two arms were slowly covered with dragon scales, and the real dragon mode was instantly turned on!

“clang! ”

I saw Feng Yixiu suddenly stretched out his right hand, spinning the high-speed rotation of the ice magic whistle Heavenly Halberd's sharp blade in his hand , Even if the severe cold and snow attacks do not care.

"This...how is this possible!"

With all his strength, Lin Xuan could not shake Feng Yixiu's one-handed clamp in front of him, his eyes staring like copper bells .

Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, staring coldly at Lin Xuan in front of him, indifferently said: "I am not only defensive, but if I act, you will have no chance!"

hearing this, Lin Xuan felt the icy murderous aura revealed in the eyes of the man in front of him at close range, as if he had fallen into a ten thousand zhang cold lake.

Is this an imposing manner that normal humans can emit?

Besides, the other party's realm is still far below him. After reacting, Lin Xuan only felt severely insulted!

"you brat bully intolerably!"

Lin Xuan gritted his teeth and wanted to pull out his spiritual weapon, but he was just incompetent and furious...

"Ka ka ka..."

I saw Feng Yixiu's right dragon claw slowly clenching tightly, and a tiny crack appeared on the ice magic roar Heavenly Halberd.

"gu lu..."

All the teachers and students in the audience looked stupid, Feng Yixiu was able to crush the spiritual weapon with his bare hands!

What kind of weird power it is to achieve this point, it is too terrifying...

Lin Xuan was even more amazed in his heart, watching the ice demon in his hand. Heavenly Halberd was crushed by the man in front of him.


A clear voice sounded, and the Ice Demon Howl Heavenly Halberd completely turned into fragments and dissipated into the invisible.

The loss of the spiritual weapon made Lin Xuan complexion pale, and he even spit out a deep breath of blood under the anxious fire, but his first reaction was still to quickly get away from the man in front of him.

I saw Lin Xuan suddenly start to retreat backwards, but Lin Xuan's speed is fast, and Feng Yixiu's speed is even faster!

Feng Yixiu remained steady as Mt. Tai, but once it started to move, it turned into an unpredictable lightning!


Before Lin Xuan landed, he could only watch a lightning condensed in front of him. Before he could see clearly, a dragon shape The fist quickly enlarged in the pupil.

The oppression force caused by the terrifying fist wind made him amazed, and he could only use his hands to block his face.

“bang! ”

Feng Yixiu’s Dragon Boxing, momentum is big, power is deep, blasted Lin Xuan like a cannon, and it was emitted when the two collided. An explosive roar.

I saw that Lin Xuan was blown off like a kite with a broken thread, leaving only the blood spurting out of his mouth and a few bloody front teeth...

Under the double superposition of the real dragon mode and the Black Tortoise Seal mark, Feng Yixiu's power has reached a level that ordinary people can't understand, even the most common punch has the power of a cannonball!

In an instant, everyone in the audience stared at the thick smoke in astonishment, and the shock in their hearts was even greater.

I originally thought that Feng Yixiu’s challenge to Lin Xuan would be a matter of no suspense, but the result was indeed no suspense, but the subject seemed to need to be changed...

"This... …Is this the power that humans can possess? It’s too terrifying!"

"Don’t forget Feng Senior, even Battle Spirit hasn’t used it yet!"

"It's more than Battle Spirit, Feng Senior hasn't even used spiritual weapon yet, okay! This kind of strength still needs acting?"


Those who were just talking about Feng Yixiu The new students and teachers who were still skeptical seemed to have changed, and they started to speak for Feng Yixiu.


Suddenly, there was a burst of crazy and weird laughter from Gaotaizhi, and a violent breath of frost blows away the thick smoke.

I saw a huge silhouette appeared in front of everyone, it was Lin Xuan's Battle Spirit, the three-eyed ice demon ape!

This huge three-eyed ice demon ape is nearly 100 meters tall and covered with snow-white hair. Each one is as sharp as a sharp steel needle, and its strong muscles contain violent power.

The most strange thing is that it has three eyes, but the third magic pupil has not been opened yet.

The three-eyed ice demon ape is a complete Battle Spirit, and it is not just in name only, but also in reality, the power type Battle Spirit. The strength is naturally not to be underestimated...

Feng Yixiu looked at Lin Xuan standing on the shoulders of the three-eyed ice demon ape, said with a sneer: "I just didn't know who said not to use Battle Spirit. It shouldn't be you, right?"

Lin Xuan's face turned red, and immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation and said: "nonsense! Give me death!"


I saw violent The three-eyed ice demon ape slammed his chest, and immediately pounced with his hands and feet and moved towards Feng Yixiu, his huge fist was like a small mountain!

Feng Yixiu had no plan to escape, so he raised his fist and moved towards the three-eyed demon ape and rushed over.

He is preparing to use fleshly body strength to stubbornly resist an ultimate body's power-type Battle Spirit. This is no different from the act of courting death in everyone's eyes!

Just when everyone thought Feng Yixiu would be smashed into meatloaf by the three-eyed ice magic ape, a scene that made people feel extremely surprised appeared.

Feng Yixiu actually took the three-eyed ice magic ape's full punch head-on, and was not obviously at a disadvantage, but just took two steps backwards!

Suddenly, everyone was completely dumbfounded, and the picture in front of them caused a very serious damage to their world view.

Feng Yixiu's body is not as big as a fist of the three-eyed ice demon ape, so how can he not let down?

This picture produces an extremely amazing visual impact, I am afraid that everyone present will remember this picture for life...


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