Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said solemnly: "This is your ultimate battle spirit, shouldn't you not have enough to eat?"

"ka ka ka..."

Lin Xuan on the shoulders of the Three-eyed Ice Demon Ape turned green with anger, and the shock and anger in his heart made him run away completely.

"Feng Yixiu, you will pay for your conceit!"

tone barely fell, I saw the magic Spirit Treasure next to Lin Xuan, one by one. The demon card began to float out.

"Unloading the Ling Ape Emperor-Unloading the Ling Armed Forces!"

With Lin Xuan's angry roar, several demon cards with increased power turned into streamers and plunged into the three-eyed ice The body of the magic ape.

In an instant, the shape of the three-eyed ice demon ape did not change much, but the muscles all over became extremely terrifying, especially the exaggerated arms doubled in thickness. more than!

Feng Yixiu's pressure has become more and more intense, the huge strength finally made him a little unsupported, and his brows couldn't help but frowned.

This is the ultimate power battle spirit after all. Feng Yixiu is able to share the same with the opponent without using the demon card, which is already a miracle that is difficult to replicate.

"spiritual weapon-Azure Dragon holy gun!"

Feng Yixiu moved towards the void, an Azure Dragon holy gun exuding dazzling lightning appeared His hands.

I saw Feng Yixiu's silhouette instantly turned into a lightning and disappeared in place, and the three-eyed ice demon ape's punch as heavy as Mount Tai blasted to the ground.


Along with a loud bang, the huge high platform was a bit unable to withstand this terrifying force and trembling constantly, there was a lot of distance below the stage The closer student almost fell to the ground.

Feng Yixiu has made a qualitative leap in speed after condensing the Azure Dragon Holy Gun. The speed is so fast that the naked eye is hard to see. Only a lightning is surrounding the huge three. The ice-eyed demon ape was constantly running around.

The three-eyed ice demon ape moved towards all around randomly and attacked, but its speed is far behind Feng Yixiu at this time. It can only be angered and beat his chest to vent his anger. .

Lin Xuan browses tightly knit, coldly said: "Feng Yixiu, didn't you just say you want to beat me? I'm standing here, you can come if you have the ability!"

" crackle......"

I saw a huge thundercloud condensed above the head of the three-eyed ice demon ape, and a dragon-shaped lightning moved towards Lin Xuan with precision.

However, such an attack was obviously not enough to threaten Lin Xuan. The three-eyed ice demon ape only waved his hand gently and resisted the heavenly thunder.

Feng Yixiu's fast-moving figure stopped abruptly, and immediately stopped in the mid-air where Lin Xuan was looking at him, staring coldly at Lin Xuan in front of him.

What the opponent said is also a Level 8 Battle Spirit with rich experience in actual combat, and also summoned out the Ultimate Battle Spirit. I wanted to defeat it without summon Battle Spirit, not that I didn’t. Maybe, it's just a little difficult...

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly waved his hand, and the three magic Spirit Treasure books appeared beside Feng Yixiu, and three summon arrays of different shapes condensed in an instant.

In an instant, Lin Xuan looked at the three demon cards of Feng Yixiu and was about to urinate, and the corners of his mouth were trembling slightly.

Feng Yixiu hasn't used Battle Spirit yet, and he can't help him. This time, summon has produced three extreme Battle Spirits, so what a fart!

"hey hey hey...Haven't you said that you don't use Battle Spirit before? There are so many Junior Brother junior sisters here watching, pay attention to the influence!" Lin Xuan stopped in a flustered expression. .

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, and asked: "Oh? Haven't you summon Battle Spirit already? Don't you want to win your face?"

Lin Xuan is simply a broken jar He broke, and said confidently: "I am shameless, what can you do about me? Anyway, if you use Battle Spirit, go back on one's word, you, as a Chinese hero, It shouldn't be to do this kind of nonsense thing. Huh ?"

"Hehe...there is a shameless person like you on the world. I really saw it today."

After that, Feng Yixiu actually waved Waved, even if Xuan took all the three demon cards back, the summon array naturally disappeared.

This Lin Xuan is shameless, but he still wants it, and even if he doesn't use Battle Spirit, he still has a way to win!

Lin Xuan saw that Feng Yixiu actually took the magic Spirit Treasure back. He said with a sneer in his heart: "hehe... after all, it is a hairless brat who knows nothing about the world, what a lie!"

"Extreme ice magic pupil, open your eyes!"

Lin Xuan was caught off guard, even if the three-eyed ice magic ape instantly opened the third magic pupil.


I saw the moment when the third magic pupil of the three-eyed ice demon ape opened, a Dao Accumulation beam containing a terrifying frost and cold air moved towards Feng Yixiu. Come.

"Break the clear sky!"

Feng Yixiu had long anticipated that the opponent would have a sneak attack, and the Azure Dragon Holy Spear had been charged for a long time.


I saw a thunder beam violently collided with the polar ice beam, triggering a huge explosion of energy.

In the terrifying explosion circle, the extreme cold and Extreme Hot are violently intertwined, and the snow-white mist gradually diffuses, blurring everyone's sight.

In the thick white fog, a spiral thunder whirlwind draws a shatter void, like a sharp bayonet piercing the forest hanging on the shoulder of the three-eyed ice demon ape.

The three-eyed ice demon ape wants to catch Feng Yixiu in midair with two huge palms, but Feng Yixiu's speed is too fast.

Feng Yixiu even swipes sideways from the fingertips of the three-eyed ice demon ape several times. This extreme speed and skill is amazing!

Lin Xuan looked at Feng Yixiu, who was getting closer and closer. He jumped directly into the palm of the three-eyed ice demon ape, and escaped Feng Yixiu’s pursuit...

"Lin Xuan, you are really a dog..." Feng Yixiu directly attacked the root of the problem and failed, frowned.


At such a close distance, the three-eyed ice magic ape naturally did not give up this excellent opportunity, and the third magic pupil broke out again in terror. Cold light!

Feng Yixiu was caught off guard by Extreme-Cold Force and instantly frozen, and the three-eyed ice demon ape’s mountain-like fist struck by following closely from behind.

In this case, as long as you are hit, I am afraid that it will instantly turn into a fan, and even the strength of Azure Dragon cannot be saved...

I only see Shen Ruyu and Dongfangxia At the end, and the others stood up excitedly, and they were ready to take action.

But when the mountain-like fist of the three-eyed ice demon ape was less than three meters away from Feng Yixiu, it turned out to be frozen, and its body was almost in place.

Looking carefully, it turns out that two huge wooden dragons entangled his arm for some time, restricting his movement!


Feng Yixiu was released from the frozen state in just two seconds, and immediately hit the heart of the three-eyed ice monster with a sharp shot.

But there was no one-shot death, only a strange black metal rays of light reflected on the skin of the three-eyed ice demon ape.


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