" Whhhhhhhhhhh finally arrived, I almost didn't tire me to death." Han Xiao was already exhausted, and immediately looked back at Xiaoqi who was still asleep behind him. Cautiously put it down.

Feng Yixiu immediately controlled the thunder to generate high temperature, and instantly dried all the clothes of the three of them. Soon afterwards, the queen of black thorns appeared in summon, and the powerful healing power began to heal Xiao Qi.

And Xiaoqi also felt that her numb legs began to feel sensation, and she gradually regained consciousness...

"Have you landed? My feet don't seem to hurt anymore... …" Xiao Qi raised the hem of her skirt, moved her ankle, laughed.

However, the careful Han Xiao saw that Xiao Qi’s ankle hidden under the skirt seemed to have an azure chain. It must be that when she broke away from the Azure Dragon lock, she couldn’t completely destroy it. Chains on the feet.

Han Xiao glanced at Feng Yixiu, and Feng Yixiu was also very understanding, and even quietly handed Han Xiao the key to the Azure Dragon lock that was handed to him by the dean.

I saw Han Xiao walked towards Xiao Qi with a solemn expression, and then squatted down seriously, looking at Xiao Qi's small red and swollen ankles, his heart was also quite distressed.

At the same time, Han Xiao also carefully observed the broken Azure Dragon chain, and found that the chain was full of rough tooth marks. It is hard to imagine how long it took Xiaoqi to snap it off. ……

It can be seen how much Xiaoqi desires for freedom, and making up his mind to become Han Xiao’s second Battle Spirit should also require a lot of courage!

"You...Why do you always stare at my feet?" Xiao Qi was a little frizzy by Han Xiao's stare, and she shrank her feet back and whispered softly.

"I'm sorry... for making you suffer so much, how long did it take you to break the Azure Dragon lock?" Han Xiao stared at Xiao Qi in a daze, and said softly.

"It didn’t take long. The first time it took longer, maybe dozens of years. After the second experience, it was a bit shorter, and it took more than ten years to succeed. Xiaoqi is very difficult to deal with..." Xiaoqi casually said with a smile.

"Several decades..." Han Xiao trembled with a shock in his heart.

Han Xiao has lived for more than 20 years in his entire life. It is hard for him to imagine how it feels to spend several decades breaking the chain. It must be his incomprehensible pain...

"hehe...If Xiao Qi's teeth were flattened, maybe I would bite you in half in one bite! Putting it that way I would also like to thank the Azure Dragon lock......" Xiao Qi Qiangren He said in a joking tone to live the pain in my heart.

"Fool, I would rather you bite me in half than to suffer this kind of suffering..." Han Xiao smiled softly and said softly.

hearing this, Xiao Qi was also stunned, and immediately watched Han Xiao personally use the key to completely untie the shackles on his feet.

When the Azure Dragon lock was completely unlocked, Xiao Qi burst into a strong rays of light all over her body, which was also a manifestation of her power being completely liberated.

I saw a black mark similar to the moon appearing on the left arm, and the powerful spiritual pressure spread like a wave...

Feng Yixiu felt this powerful energy, The heart was also extremely shocked, the Eclipse Pluto Python was still in a state of suppressed power just now.

Judging by the spiritual pressure erupting from Xiaoqi now, the eclipse celestial python has been sealed at least half of the spiritual power!

With such a powerful battle strength, it is hard to imagine how terrifying the strength of the eclipse python in the peak state is now......

"Big Brother Han, This time you really found a treasure..." Feng Yixiu exclaimed in his heart.

"Now that you have lifted my seal, you are not afraid that I will run away! Now if I want to run, you can't stop me..." Xiao Qi smiled, indifferently said .

"If you want to run, just run, you are happy..." Han Xiao shrugged, said with a smile.

"Okay, okay...you should quickly take out the Holy Spirit Treasure Tome!" Xiao Qi laughed helplessly and said angrily.

Han Xiao flipped the palm of his hand, and a Holy Spirit Treasure book exuding holy light appeared in his hand. After experiencing the Black Tortoise baptism, the Holy Spirit Treasure book didn’t have a fierce aura, but instead radiated. With soft divine aura.

Xiao Qi and Han Xiao sat cross-legged, placing the holy Spirit Treasure book in the center of the two.

I saw Han Xiao bit his index finger, and a drop of effort was dripped on the Holy Spirit Treasure canon, the latter exploded with amazing rays of light.

And Xiaoqi also bit her finger gently, and immediately imitated Han Xiao's movements, dripping a drop of her own real blood on the Holy Spirit Treasure canon.


I saw a huge staff centered on two people, and a black beam of light rose into the sky, stirring up the changeable situation.

Feng Yixiu was also quietly guarding the side, but he was surprised to find that the Battle Spirit contract ceremony took much longer than he thought.

When I signed Xiao Kongkong, it was almost an instant success, but now that more than ten minutes have passed, Xiao Qi's silhouette has not even shown any signs of blurring.

" Feng Xiaoyou , didn't expect you really succeeded..."

Just as Feng Yixiu was puzzled, a familiar silhouette sounded behind Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu immediately turned around, only to find that Dean Ren appeared behind him at some unknown time.

"As the dean, didn't you wait for us outside? Why did you come in..." Feng Yixiu was a little surprised.

"I always feel a little worried. In the end, I inspected the entire Azure Dragon Tower Sixth Layer and found that almost all the demons had disappeared. This reminded me that the Eclipse Python broke free. Restraint..." Dean Ren explained patiently.

"The dean's guess is correct. Xiaoqi has indeed broken free from the shackles a long time ago, and has evolved to Disaster Grade devil beast, which is only one step away from the immortal devil beast..." Feng Yixiu Said so.

"Good guy! This guy was unruly at the disaster level. I had seen it before. You tamed Disaster Grade and other eclipse pythons. You didn’t do it. "" Dean Ren said with a look of horror.

"Tame? I don't think the word is appropriate. Xiaoqi is now our partner. It's only a matter of helping each other. It won't be too difficult..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"Partner...I'm sorry, I seem to be shallow." Dean Ren looked at Xiao Qi with a smile on his face, said with a slight smile.

This is completely incompatible with the brutal eclipse eclipse in his mind, and I admire Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao even more.

The higher the level of the devil beast, the more difficult it is to sign the Battle Spirit contract. This is a universally recognized truth in the Battle Spirit world, but Han Xiao and Feng Yixiu seem to have broken this routine.

"As the dean, it has been more than ten minutes? Why hasn't Big Brother Han completed the Battle Spirit contract? I didn't spend so long before..." Feng Yixiu raised the question in his mind .

"It’s only ten minutes. The Celestial Eclipse is wearing the Titan Royal Clan Bloodline and Disaster Grade devil beast. The spiritual power in the body is like a vast sea of ​​smoke. How can it be to sign the Battle Spirit contract with it? Such an easy thing." Dean Ren shook the head with a smile and explained.

"Is the signing of the Battle Spirit contract directly related to the level of the target devil beast?" Feng Yixiu pondered and asked.

"You are right, but not completely correct. The stronger the Battle Spirit signed, the longer theoretically it will take, but the specific time it takes depends on the strength of the Battle Spirit Master. , If the strength gap between the two sides is too great, there is even a risk of failure!" Dean Ren said with a serious face.

"so that's how it is, it's no wonder that when I signed Xiao Kongkong almost instantly, Xiao Kongkong was just born at that time, and my strength is far superior to him..." Feng Yixiu nodded, Talk to himself.

"The Eclipse Pluto is a super devil beast with the Titan Royal Family bloodline, and it is also Disaster Grade. Don't you worry that your Big Brother Han will fail?" Dean Ren wondered a bit.

"I have great confidence in Big Brother Han. Maybe he will spend a long time, but he will never fail!" Feng Yixiu smiled confidently and said solemnly.

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