Feng Yixiu knows Han Xiao very well. Perhaps he is not a genius in the secular sense, but his toughness and perseverance are absolutely extraordinary. This difficulty will definitely not stump him... …

"It seems that you really know Han Xiao..." Dean Ren smiled slightly and said solemnly.

"That is natural, after all, we are brothers who have experienced life and death!" Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, indifferently said.

"According to my estimation, it is estimated that it will take at least a month here. Do you want to continue to wait?" Dean Ren put his hands behind his back, said with a slight smile.

"What? At least one month, this isn't this too ridiculous......" Feng Yixiu said in surprise.

He originally thought that the dean was talking for a long time, which was only a few days at most, but he did not expect that it would take a month!

"After all, this is the eclipse python. If the contract is successful, it will have a powerful second Battle Spirit that exceeds the limit. We have cultivated the original Battle Spirit since we were a child, but it is easy to cultivate to a complete body. After a few years, it has consumed countless resources. What is a trifling month?" Dean Ren said with scorching eyes.

"What Dean Ren said is that I think it is too simple..." Feng Yixiu looked serious and nodded, said solemnly.

Don’t say it’s a trifling month in exchange for the second Battle Spirit, even if it’s a ten-year lifespan in exchange for the second Battle Spirit, it is estimated that Battle Spirit Masters will line up to try.

However, treasures such as the Holy Spirit Treasure Code alone have discouraged most Battle Spirit Masters, let alone the signing of a Battle Spirit with double Royal Clan Bloodlines. It can be said how many Battle Spirit Master yearn it is. for something even in dreams!

"Let's go... I will pick him up in person in a month, and your time can't be wasted." Dean Ren turned around slowly, said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu stood up slowly, and immediately followed in the footsteps of Dean Ren, whispered: "My time is really running out... I just don’t know when the Dongfang Family will be able to crack the White Tiger. The exact address of Secret Realm."

"It should be coming soon. During this period of time, you will be good at Academy Cultivation. This is one of the few opportunities for you to cultivate well. You must cherish it." Ren Dean said solemnly.


While speaking, the two went out of the Azure Dragon Tower together, only to find that it was too late outside.

While Shen Ruyu and Dongfangxia are already waiting anxiously outside the Azure Dragon Tower, they were overjoyed when they saw Feng Yixiu come out, and immediately moved towards Feng Yixiu rushed over.

"Big Brother Feng, you finally came out, I thought there was something unexpected..." Shen Ruyu pounced on Feng Yixiu and said softly.

"Sorry worries Yu'er. I didn't expect that time has passed so long." Feng Yixiu stroked Dongfang Xia's back and whispered softly.

At the end of the Eastern Summer, he kept moving towards Feng Yixiu and looked behind him, wondering: "Third Brother, why did you come out alone, why didn't Han Xiao big brother come out with you?"

hearing this, Feng Yixiu's expression suddenly became serious, and he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Big Brother Han, he..."

At the end of Eastern Summer, looking at Feng Yixiu's serious expression, he immediately felt Slightly, I was about to rush into the Azure Dragon Tower immediately.

But it was stopped by Dean Ren, and I saw Ren Tianze indifferently said: "Dongfang girl, that kid Han Xiao is fine! Don't be impulsive..."

Feng Yixiu also smiled slightly, indifferently said: "Han Xiao big brother successfully signed the second Battle Spirit, but because the strength of this Battle Spirit is too strong, it may take more than a month, so you can rest assured."


At the end of Eastern Summer, it was only slightly sighed in relief, and immediately glared at Feng Yixiu, frowned: "hmph! Third Brother, you are so disgusting, You lied to me!"

Feng Yixiu laughed and said, "Sister Xia Mo just now, you seem to be very nervous... You and Big Brother Han are almost getting married, right? I'm still waiting to drink Your wedding wine!"

"hmph...you are still making fun of me!" At the end of the Eastern Summer, his face was blushing, and then some sorry turned his head away, panting with rage said: "There was good news. What I wanted to tell you was almost forgotten by you..."

"What good news? Can I admit it to you?" Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said independently.

"I don't listen, I don't listen..." At the end of Eastern Summer, he turned his head proudly and said angrily.

Feng Yixiu can only look towards Shen Ruyu on the side, and she also shook the head with a smile, said solemnly: "Just now Patriarch Dongfang sent a letter, the exact address of White Tiger Secret Realm has been It's cracked."

"Huh? It's cracked so quickly, doesn't it take some time?" Feng Yixiu was a little surprised.

"The Dongfang Family heard that Black Tortoise Secret Realm has completed the inheritance, so naturally they are also very anxious! Besides, they have already started to crack the White Tiger Secret Realm, but only ten days in advance. Nothing unusual..." Shen Ruyu shrugged, said with a slight smile.

"This is true, after all, Dongfang Family has long been thinking about White Tiger Secret Realm..." Feng Yixiu looked serious and nodded, and immediately looked towards the end of Eastern Summer, said with a slight smile: "Sister Xia Mo , don't be angry with me, don't you want to get White Tiger inheritance earlier?"

At the end of the Eastern Summer, the eyes shined, and then he turned his head and said with a smile: "Okay Come on! Then I will forgive you! I must get the White Tiger Secret Realm as soon as possible, otherwise I can’t beat Han Xiao’s big brother normally, it’s not okay..."

Looking at the end of Eastern Summer Han Xiao and Feng Yixiu both obtained the Holy Spirit inheritance, and naturally they were extremely envious in their hearts.

It is reasonable to fail to beat Feng Yixiu, but it is very serious if it fails to beat Han Xiao......

hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are also looked at at each other in blank dismay, his face is full of black lines.

I never thought that Dongfang wanted to become stronger at the end of summer just to be able to beat Han Xiao. They didn't know whether to be happy or sad for Big Brother Han.

While speaking, at the end of Eastern Summer, he took out an envelope that had been opened, and on it there was a family crest unique to the Dongfang Family.

Feng Yixiu took the envelope with both hands. There were two letters in it. One of them was a letter written by Patriarch Dongfang to the youngest daughter Dongfang at the end of summer, and the other was White Tiger Secret Realm. Detailed map markers.

The size of this map is also amazing. It turned out to be a world-wide map. The detailed address of White Tiger Secret Realm is indeed not in China, but in Foreign Domain.

"Why is this place? This is really troublesome..." When Dean Ren saw the White Tiger Secret Realm's marking point, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

Although Feng Yixiu had the experience of going out of China, he went to the Dansha Empire at that time, most of which were dry deserts.

The marking point of this White Tiger Secret Realm is in the middle zone between Hua Xia Country and Bei Yuan Empire. The climatic environment is different as heaven and earth before Feng Yixiu. No reference value...

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