"As the dean, do you know this place?" Feng Yixiu humbly asked for advice.

"This place is called Spirit Ruins mountain range, and it has another name, called the taboo place of Human Race. The natural environment there is very suitable for the devil beast to thrive and thrive. There are countless powerful devil beasts. It is said that some people have seen strong demon beasts of the Sovereign class here. It is a dangerous place not just in name only, but also in reality!” Dean Brows tightly knit, Positive soundtrack.

"Is it so scary? Didn't the Third Brother also go to the Dansha Empire? Didn't he come back safely..." Dongfang asked indifferently at the end of summer.

“There is no comparison between the two. The surrounding areas of the Dansha Empire are mostly deserts, which are not suitable for devil beasts to thrive and hide. Therefore, the number of devil beasts is not that many, and the wind is small. You also bypassed the danger of the overwhelming majority, so you can walk safely, but your destination this time is a completely dangerous place, how can you avoid it?" Dean Ren sternly put his hands behind his back.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Late Xia and the others are both grim complexions and a little upset in their hearts.

This White Tiger Secret Realm is within the spiritual virtual mountain range. If they want to go to the White Tiger Secret Realm, they must enter the Spirit Ruins mountain range. There is really no way...

"Putting it that way, don't we have no way to get White Tiger inheritance?" Feng Yixiu said a little lost.

"Hey...why did the White Tiger Saint Spirit King place the White Tiger Secret Realm in such a ghost place? Doesn't this let us go to death?" Eastern summer is also complexion ashen, gritted his teeth.

The dean was also lost in thought, and immediately kept pacing in place, suddenly eyes shined, said solemnly: "If you go alone, it will definitely not work, but if you get help from an international organization, maybe The situation will be different!"

hearing this, Feng Yixiu's pupils suddenly contracted, loudly said: "The dean, do you mean to seek help from the Demon Hunting Guild?"

" That’s right, to be precise, it’s to find the help of the Equalized Holy See. Didn’t you get the invitation of the Equalized Holy See? It just happens that the geographical position of the Equalized Holy See is not far from the Spirit Ruins mountain range. You can go to the Equalized Holy See first, and then Lead the helper to the Spirit Ruins mountain range, so it’s safe enough..." Dean Ren said seriously.

"But what if the balanced Holy See refuses to help me?" Feng Yixiu said somewhat worriedly.

After all, he has left China’s homeland and the Wild Foreign Domain is also unfamiliar to him. Everything is unknown...

"I have a close friend in the Holy See of Balance, she is It is the ninth sequence leader of the Holy See of Balance, whose name is Bingli. She is also a Chinese like you. I will find ways to get in touch with her to help you gain a foothold in the Holy See of Balance as soon as possible." Dean Ren looked at Feng in front of him. Yixiu, said solemnly.

"The ninth sequence is long? What is that..." Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"Balanced Holy See has a total of ten sequence lengths. In addition to the balanced bishop, the ten most powerful people are deep and unmeasurable. Don't be rude when you see her. "The Dean Ren looked solemn and said earnestly.

"Then is she also the existence of Battle Spirit Sovereign level? How does her strength compare to you..." Feng Yixiu asked with a smile.

"Of course it is the existence of Battle Spirit Sovereign level. Those who can serve as the sequence leader in the Balanced Vatican are not weak, and they are in a weak are prey to the strong Desolate World. The most important thing is life and death. Compared with the experience and abundant resources, the territory of China is simply heaven..." Dean Ren turned around in embarrassment and said softly.

"President Ren, you said so much, but in fact you want to say that you are not her opponent?" At the end of Eastern Summer, the ruthless debunked Ren Tianze's careful thoughts, laughed.

"Cough cough..." Dean Ren coughed a little embarrassingly, and immediately gave Dongfang Xia Mo a glance, stubbornly said: "I haven't seen her for many years. Who is strong and who is weak? It's easy to say, but you can also make two strokes ..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said solemnly: "As the dean, I would like to trouble you to contact me. I also want to see this balance. The true strength of the Holy See."

The Dean Ren once again looked towards the map marker, said solemnly: "If I remember correctly, this marker point seems to be the territory of the Orc tribe. This tribe is in Spirit. The Ruins mountain range is very special. It has both the wisdom of Human Race and the strong physique of devil beast. They did not expect to guard the White Tiger Secret Realm."

"The Orc Tribe... If I understand correctly, all of them are half human half beasts?" Some said curiously in the late Eastern Summer.

"Yes, the orc tribe is a very powerful tribe. It is said that this tribe has been developed for hundreds of years, but I don't know how strong it is now." Dean Ren said with a face. Seriously.

"This reckless Desolate World is really there is no lack of strange things, there is such a peculiar existence of orcs, which really opened my eyes..." Feng Yixiu is also clicking one's tongue in wonder, frowned.

"After you really understand Desolate World, you will find that this is not surprising, not only Beastman Race, you may also see Elf Race, and Winged Race, etc. With the existence of unimaginable, your view of the world may be subverted, but this is an experience that you must go through..."

"It seems that I am ignorant and inexperienced. Desolate World is becoming more and more interested..." Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, excitedly said.

"The orc tribe is a typical tribe whose martial power is supreme. I am afraid it will not be a simple matter for you to obtain White Tiger inheritance. You must be mentally prepared..."

"Mother has given me the White Tiger badge of the Dongfang Family. I think they should not deny it." Nodded, said solemnly at the end of Eastern Summer.

As the dean nodded, immediately said solemnly: "Everything will happen sooner rather than later, you guys get ready for the past few days, and I will also find a way to get in touch with Bingli, and you will set off when everything is ready! "

Feng Yixiu looked towards Shen Ruyu who was aside, softly said: "Yuer...are you going with us?"

Shen Ruyu meditated for a moment, then whispered Said: "There is no news from Vermilion Bird Secret Realm. Father and Clan Elder said that I had two trips to the Four Saints Secret Realm. They asked me to go back and help crack the clues of Vermilion Bird Secret Realm, so..."

Four Great Holy Clan was the first to learn about the Four Great Secret Realms from the Long Family, and the relationship between the Shen Family and the Long Family was the same, so there was no news at all.

The Han Family and the Dongfang Family were still in contact with the Long Family at that time, so there have been some news in the past, which also led to the Vermilion Bird Shen Family being the latest family to learn about the existence of Secret Realm.

Although the Shen Family is doing its best to crack the secrets of the family, the time gap is hard to make up, and there is no way for the progress to fall behind.

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, the dean opened the mouth and said: "Miss Shen said it well. The most important thing is to uncover the secrets of Vermilion Bird Secret Realm. Besides, this time I will go to the Spirit Ruins mountain range. There are many dangers, too many people are not safe..."

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