"World Overlord, Human Race has been so conceited since ancient times..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said to himself.

Feng Yixiu is also Human Race, but he also has half of the real dragon bloodline, and his thoughts are naturally not limited to the standpoint of Human Race.

"Then what is the second reason?" Dongfang asked immediately at the end of summer.

"As for the second reason, it is more realistic. It is the result of the world all influence weighing the pros and cons. When the first world conference was held, the opinions of various countries could not be unified. In the end, two completely different sects can only be established by combining the opinions of the two sides. The checks and balances between the two are not easy to cause chaos. After hundreds of years of evolution, they have become the current balanced Holy See and the War Holy See..." Bing Li said patiently.

"It turned out to be like this..." Feng Yixiu touched his chin, and then said solemnly: "Can the senior talk about how the war Vatican and the balanced Vatican operate in detail?"

"The world Battle Spirit alliance divides the entire Desolate World into ten jurisdictions, and each jurisdiction is jointly responsible for a judge and a sequence leader. As the ninth sequence leader, I am mainly responsible for the ninth. Jurisdiction."

While speaking, Bingli directly took out a world map, but it is completely different from the world map that Feng Yixiu normally sees.

This world map clearly divides the ten major jurisdictions, and this is completely invisible on the general universal map...

There is also detailed devil beast ethnic group information above this jurisdiction. Feng Yixiu found that the Earth Dragon ethnic group just now happened to be within the ninth jurisdiction.

"If there is a contradiction between the chief judge and the sequence chief, what should we do?" At the end of the summer, Oriental looked at the world map curiously and asked.

"This kind of situation usually rarely happens. Don’t look at the area of ​​the jurisdiction on this map. In fact, the real area is astonishingly large. This is also a huge pressure for us, generally Adhering to the principle of whoever finds out first, he will deal with it. If one party is dissatisfied with the result of the other party's processing, it must be handed over to the Pope for a ruling." Bing Li said solemnly.

"Under the title of the Pope? Are you referring to the president of the Demon Hunter Guild?" Feng Yixiu stunned and asked.

"Yes, you can also call him the president, but we generally call him honorably under the crown of the pope." Bing Li nodded, respectfully said.

It can be seen that when Bing Li mentioned under the pope's crown, his expression was full of respect.

This makes Bingli such a peerless powerhouse so respectful and transcendent, and Feng Yixiu is also very curious.

"It may be a bit rude, but I can ask, which country was the person under the crown of the Pope?" Feng Yixiu still did not hold back his curiosity and asked.

"The Pope does not belong to any country under the crown. He is a stateless person, but only in this way can absolute fairness be maintained and everyone will be convinced of the Pope's ruling." Bingli explained patiently.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Late Summer are also silently nodded, and they are more curious about this mysterious pope's crown.

I have to say that what Bingli said is indeed very reasonable. If the pope is born in a certain country, it will definitely be subjective, so it will inevitably not bring true justice. ruling.

"The age under the pope's crown should be very old? Isn't it the kind of great grandfather with a gray beard..." Eastern summer said with a smile.

"Sorry, it's not that I don't want to answer your question, but that I have never seen the true face of the pope. I really can't tell you what he looks like." Bing Li was helpless. The shook the head, said solemnly.

"Ah? You have never seen the true face of the pope, why do you listen to him like this?" Dongfang Xia Mo scratched his head, wondering.

"Because the Pope has never made a mistake, even if it is a seemingly absurd ruling, after time has passed, he will always be right..." There is a trace of respect between Bing Li Meiyu , Said solemnly.

The Pope’s subordinates are in charge of the two huge and extraordinary organizations of the War Holy See and the Balanced Holy See, and they have never appeared.

If there is no extraordinary ability, I am afraid that the war church and the equilibrium church would have fallen apart a long time ago, and it will last for hundreds of years...

"My god... Is it so magical? How do I feel senior? You are not talking about a person, but a god..." Dongfang Xia Mo's eyes stared like copper bells, cry out in surprise.

"I don’t know if there are gods in this world, but I know if there are gods in this world, it is probably under the crown of the Pope..." Bing Li put his right hand on his chest , Said solemnly.

"Where does the pope live? The war Holy See or the Balanced Holy See?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

I saw Bing Li shook the head, said solemnly: "Under the crown of the Pope, he neither lives in the war church nor in the equilibrium church. His whereabouts have always been a mystery, but I was lucky to hear Master Bishop mentioned that the place where the Pope lives under the crown seems to be called the Divine Palace in black and white......"

"Divine Palace in black and white......" Feng Yixiu silently remembered the name in the heart, and immediately asked: " Do you know the location of the black and white Divine Palace senior?"

"Don't say it's me, I'm afraid the two bishops don't know the specific location of the black and white Divine Palace. Where will I know..." Bing Li once again shook the head, sighed.

"If there is an opportunity, it would be nice to see the pope..." Feng Yixiu muttered to himself.

"You have not yet joined the Balanced Holy See. You are still a newcomer. It is better not to think so much..." Bing Liqing coldly smiled, and immediately looked up, said solemnly: "This Earth The head of Dragon is very fast, and he arrived so soon."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xia Mo raised their heads almost at the same time, even when they saw the shocking picture.

On the top of the vast sea of ​​clouds, a large pure white mechanical fortress erects the clouds, even if it is 10,000 meters apart, you can still feel the imposing manner of this aerial fortress!

The volume of this balanced fortress is very exaggerated, even several times larger than the island of Furyscale, and there are flying devil beasts hovering around it from time to time.

The building of the Balance Fortress is very simple, mainly pure white, which is dotted with various types of lush plants. This architectural style does not have any national style, but is in its own right. It not only has the rich heritage of ancient architecture, but also has the modern practicality and sense of technology.

This kind of combination that should be contradictory, but it seems to be an integrated whole, and the perfect combination of nature and technology...

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