"Wow...Is this the Balanced Fortress? It's so beautiful, it looks like a fine art!" At the end of the Eastern Summer, the stars stared at the sky fortress in the distance. Praised from the heart.

However, Feng Yixiu's eyes were attracted by the towering ancient wood with a strange shape in the center of this balanced fortress. It was a verdant ancient wood with a height of over 1,000 meters, and a single tree became a forest. Not enough to describe the shock of this giant tree.

Even at a distance of tens of thousands of meters, Feng Yixiu can still feel a strong Spiritual Qi assaults the senses......

"senior, the origin of the towering ancient wood It must be extraordinary, right?" Feng Yixiu pointed to the huge ancient wood and asked.

"The origin of this ancient wood is naturally unusual. It can be said to be one of the most important treasures in the balanced fortress. I think you have already guessed the origin of this giant tree in your heart. Tell me..." Bingli said indifferently.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a while, said solemnly: "If I didn't guess wrong, this ancient wood should be the World Tree in Nordic legend, right?"

"You guessed it It’s not bad, but it’s not all right..." Bing Li browses slightly wrinkle, indifferently said: "Accurately speaking, the giant tree of the Balanced Vatican is just a branch of the real World Tree. As for the real World No one knows where the Tree is now, and it may have been destroyed."

"This... such a tall ancient wood is just a branch of World Tree. What is the real World Tree? How huge is it!" Dongfang Xia Mo said with a look of horror.

"I haven't seen the details, but in addition to the equalizing vatican, the war vatican also has such a World Tree." Bing Li shook the head, said solemnly.

"I heard that the Nordic World Tree in the Great Wilderness Period was the source of spiritual power. If you can climb the World Tree cultivation, you will surely be able to double the results for half the effort......" Feng Yixiu's eyes are burning. , Whispered.

"Yes, World Tree can indeed speed up the cultivation. It is rumored that the cultivation speed at the top of the World Tree is ten times faster than the normal cultivation speed, but this is just a rumor, and I have not I've really seen it before." Bing Li nodded earnestly, and once again looked towards the top of the World Tree, his eyes were full of longing.

"Senior, you are in the ninth sequence, can't you even go to the top cultivation of the World Tree?" Oriental late summer said somewhat surprisedly.

"Don’t say it’s me, even the first-ranked person is not eligible to go to the top cultivation of World Tree. Only bishop master can go to the top cultivation of World Tree, but he rarely goes to World Tree. Cultivation at the top of the mountain." Bingli explained with a slight smile.

"Oh? Why is this?" Feng Yixiu also said curiously.

"The cultivation speed at the top of the World Tree is naturally the fastest, but the order points that need to be consumed are also massive, and the order points consumed are twice that of the Ninth Layer, and the cost performance is not very high..." Bing Li frowned.

"What is this order point? I have to consume this stuff to go to World Tree cultivation..." Dongfang Xia late scratched his head, muttered.

"Where can there be a free lunch in this world, if you want to have a cultivation speed far beyond ordinary people, you must have enough contributions, and this order point is to measure your contribution to the balance of the Holy See As a measure of the index, the Vatican of War is called a point of war. Although the names are different, they are all of the same nature. After you join the Vatican of Balance, you will understand the importance of this point of order..." Bing Li said positively.

Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Late Xia are listening with their ears upright, which is also related to their future cultivation progress.

This order point is actually similar to that used by the Furlin Academy, and both are the main indicators for measuring the contribution value.

Only by constantly making contributions to the balanced Holy See, can we have more high-quality resources and convenient conditions for cultivation.

And this kind of system can also greatly promote the efficiency of the entire balanced Holy See. After all, no Battle Spirit Master hopes to obtain better resources.

"Senior, you just said that World Tree has a total of 10th layer, right? Then you can enter the level of cultivation with your current authority..." Eastern summer said with a smile.

"The highest layer I can go to is the Sixth Layer, which means I can get up to six times the cultivation speed." Bing Li responded.

"Huh? You have a long sequence, so you can only go to Sixth Layer. This is too strict..." Oriental late summer curl one's lip whispered.

Bingli smiled and explained: "I am very satisfied to be able to go to the Sixth Layer. Normally I am not willing to go to the Sixth Layer! After all, the sequence points are consumed so quickly. Amazing..."

"It's true... the six-fold cultivation speed is really terrifying. No wonder senior, you look so young, but you are already the powerhouse of Battle Spirit Sovereign level." Feng Yixiu has a face. Seriously.

The Battle Spirit emperor powerhouse that Feng Yixiu has seen is quite big for many years, and the youngest one is the Central China Marshal Luo Xingyun.

Although Luo Xingyun looks very young, his actual age is approaching forty.

And Bingli looked like a little girl in her early twenties. Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Late Summer were also the first to see such a young Battle Spirit emperor.

At the end of Eastern Summer, he looked at Bingli carefully for a moment, and immediately laughed and said: "Senior Sister, is it convenient to ask your age?"

Bingli browses lightly raise and asks rhetorically Said: "Guess how old I am this year?"

At the end of the summer, Oriental touched his chin. After a long period of thought, he responded: "I think Senior Sister should be only twenty four-five years old..."

"Your little girl's mouth is quite sweet..." I saw Bingli's mouth slightly raised, and immediately said with a slight smile: "Actually, I am almost 30 years old."

"Oh my God! Senior Sister, how do you take care of you, I really don't see it at all. I don't know, I thought you and I were peers..." Dongfang Xia Mo's eyes widened and he said in surprise.

"It may be because I am the ice attribute Battle Spirit Master..."

Although Bing Li knows that Dongfang is flattering herself at the end of summer, she still bears it as a woman Can't help but be in full bloom.

"senior, can you talk about the rules of this world tree in detail? Can Sister Xia Mo and I also go to the cultivation after joining?" Feng Yixiu asked immediately.

This question is related to Feng Yixiu's future cultivation progress, especially for Feng Yixiu who is under great pressure.

Four Great Vicious Beasts don’t know when they will get rid of the seal, so Feng Yixiu can only take advantage of this time to improve his cultivation base as soon as possible. He doesn’t want to experience a sense of desperate powerlessness again...

"Naturally, it is possible, but does the invitation letter from Master Bishop mention the corresponding position?" Bing Li browses slightly wrinkle and asked.


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