"Wow... This manor of Bing Senior Sister is so beautiful! It's even more beautiful than our manor in Rage Academy..." At the end of Eastern Summer, he glanced around, Exclaimed.

Feng Yixiu's attention is not on these beautiful scenery, but is surprised that there is no one to take care of this huge manor.

But if you look closely, Feng Yixiu can see that there are many weak devil beasts playing in the manor, most of which are relatively small races.

"Third Brother, this little electric mouse is not afraid of people!"

At the end of the summer, Dongfang Xia squatted down with curiosity, lightly stroking a whole body Little golden electric mouse with fur.

And this little electric mouse is also very well-behaved and did not release the thunder and lightning to protect itself, and even actively exposed his belly for the Eastern Summer to touch...

The palm of the Eastern Summer was turned over. Immediately I took out some delicious snacks, but for a while, all the little devil beasts that were hidden from the sidelines came out.

In an instant, a large group of devil beasts all moved towards the end of the Eastern summer, but what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that these little devil beasts even knew to line up!

"Don't worry...one by one, everyone has it!" At the end of Eastern Summer, looking at these cute little devil beasts, the girls' hearts were flooded for a while, and the smiles were even more harmonious. Not from ear to ear.

Feng Yixiu looked at the scene of harmony between man and nature, and felt a little surprised in his heart, but more of it was warm.

Perhaps this is the right way for human beings to get along with nature. Feng Yixiu increasingly feels that joining the Balanced Holy See is the right decision.

Suddenly, a colorful parrot stopped on Feng Yixiu's shoulder, and immediately looked at Feng Yixiu with an expectant look.

Feng Yixiu also froze for a long time, and immediately shook the head, saying: "you found the wrong person, I don't have any snacks..."

"Poor ghosts..."

I saw that colorful parrot glanced at Feng Yixiu with extremely contemptuous sunlight, and immediately said something that made Feng Yixiu doubt life.

But before Feng Yixiu could fully reflect, the colorful parrot waved its wings and flew onto the shoulders of the late Eastern summer.

At the end of Eastern Summer, he immediately gave the parrot on his shoulders a few nuts, and the attitude of that parrot immediately changed 180 degrees, and it was a rainbow fart towards Eastern Summer.

At this time, Feng Yixiu only felt that he was scolded by a parrot with a lot of question marks?

With the passage of time, almost all the small devil beasts of the entire manor are gathered beside the eastern end of summer, and the scene is very lively and warm.

"Didn't expect Bingli senior looks very indifferent, but in fact he is very caring in his heart... he has adopted so many weak devil beasts." Feng Yixiu looked at the picture in front of him, Can not help but sigh.

No wonder there is no silhouette in this huge manor. If you don’t guess wrong, presumably this manor is managed by these well-behaved little devil beasts...

"Hey! Who made you trespass into the Ninth Manor!"

Suddenly, a thunderous roar exploded, instantly frightening all the devil beasts surrounding the end of Eastern Summer. Ran.

"My little electric mouse..."

At the end of Dongfang Xia, he watched the little devil beasts who were scattered, and immediately turned his head in anger.

I saw a burly brawny man standing outside the gate of the manor with an angry face. He was nearly two meters tall and covered with silver-white metal armor. His expression was particularly serious.

"Why haven't I met you, newcomer?" The brawny man carefully looked at Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xia Mo, and immediately said with a suspicious look.

"Hey! You talk as soon as you talk, why are you so fierce!" At the end of Eastern Summer, he panting with rage with his hands on his hips.

The brawny man looked at the petite Dongfang at the end of summer, and seemed to be a little angry. He just turned his attention to Feng Yixiu, loudly said: "Are you newcomers?"

Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, said solemnly: "We did come to the Ninth District on the first day. I don't know who you are?"

"I am the Corps Head of the Ninth Legion, Xia Houyi The brawny man first reported himself to his family, and then sternly said: "The Ninth Manor is that I don't dare to trespass, you two are really courageous in the newcomer! But because you are a newcomer, you Come out quickly, and I will also withhold investigating."

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