"The Corps Head of the Ninth Legion..." Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, and immediately looked at the brawny man in front of him.

Bingli senior once said that under the sequence length are Corps Head and Vice Corps Head, followed by Captain and Vice Captain.

Not waiting for Feng Yixiu to respond, but at the end of Eastern Summer, he said without fear: "What happened to Corps Head? Senior Sister Bingli invited us to visit the manor, none of your business?"


hearing this, Xia Houyi's face gradually turned blue, because he didn't think that a newcomer was qualified to let the sequence grower invite to visit the manor.

The Bingli sequence normally likes to be clean. Apart from herself, there is basically no silhouette in the manor, at most only some harmless small devil beasts are accompanied.

Because he normally didn't dare to break into the manor when he had an urgent matter, he only dared to wait silently outside the manor door, and only dared to enter after getting approval.

"The newcomers now really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, I want to see why you are so arrogant!" Xia Houyi didn’t care about other things, and walked into the first with an angry face. Within the Nine Manor, the whole person instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared.

"So fast!"

Feng Yixiu's pupils suddenly contracted, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The spiritual pressure that this Corps Head burst out in an instant reached the Battle Spirit Sovereign level. Although it was obviously just after the breakthrough, it was also not just in name only, but also in reality, the Battle Spirit Emperor expert!

Feng Yixiu instantly turned on the real dragon mode, and the whole person turned into a bolt of lightning and appeared in front of the eastern end of summer.

Faced with the expert of this level, I dare not care about it. The dragon scales instantly covered both arms, and the Black Tortoise Seal on the chest burst into light.


The fists slammed together, and the violent force instantly set off a hundred zhang air wave.

The explosive force generated by the collision between the two instantly formed a huge crater of hundreds of meters. Feng Yixiu suddenly retreated five steps before barely stopping his figure.

And Xia Houyi only stepped back three steps and stopped his figure, but he looked towards Feng Yixiu again, but he looked like a ghost in his eyes...

" You brat turned out to be a Level 7 sixth rank Battle Spirit!" Xia Houyi's eyes were round and his face was incredible.

Although Xia Houyi's this fist has retained his hands, he has also used 50% of his strength!

Know that he is a super powerhouse of the Battle Spirit level, and he is also a power-type Battle Spirit emperor...

Don’t say that he is a trifling Level 7 Battle Spirit. , Rao is the impossible of Peak Level 8 Battle Spirit, take this fist!

Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, coldly said: "Senior Xia Hou, we are indeed invited by Bing Li senior, I am afraid there is some misunderstanding..."

But now Xia Hou However, Yi could not listen to Feng Yixiu's words at all, and once again looked towards Feng Yixiu's eyes as if he were looking at a peerless beauty, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Feng Yixiu was a little frustrated by the other's eyes. Is this person incomprehensible?

The more you explain this, the more exciting it gets!

"Xia Houyi has lived for most of my life. This is the first time I have seen a monster like you. Come and come...take me again!" Xia Houyi clenched his fists, and immediately looked like a person. a shell generally moved towards Feng Yixiu rushed size Road: "! you brat have to be careful, this time I can use myself fully" when Xiahou Yi charge of just like a real pretty Like a cow, wherever he has stepped on, it is as terrifying as if he has been stepped on by hundreds of bulls.

"This guy is really a lunatic..." Feng Yixiu scolded secretly in his heart.

However, Feng Yixiu naturally wouldn't wait to die. Soon, an Azure Dragon holy gun appeared in his hand, and the Azure Dragon holy armor also condensed into shape.

I saw Feng Yixiu put on a gesture style of "wandering all over the world". If the other party insists on being reluctant, then he will have to accompany him to the end!

The two suddenly jumped into the air almost at the same time, and the illusory shadow of the bull and the real dragon colliding faintly appeared, and the powerful spiritual pressure was colliding wildly.

"Stop it all!"

A voice of anger came over in the cold, and Feng Yixiu and Xia Houyi almost froze for a moment.

However, the arrow had to be sent on the string. Both of them had already shot with all their strength, and there was no room to stop.

But before the two actually collided, a huge ice sword fell from the sky, even if it was fixed in the center of the two.

A terrifying frosty air instantly spread, Feng Yixiu and Xia Houyi were frozen into an ice sculpture and dropped to the ground before they could react.

I saw Bingli carrying his hands behind his back, and hurried towards the bottom with Controlling Sword Flight moved towards the bottom.

Whenever the ice glaze sword passes by, a clear path of frost will follow, extremely gorgeous...

Bing Li looked at his destroyed manor. Time is also distressed, coldly said: "I just left one hour, are you going to demolish my manor?"

"It's this reckless man, just call us indiscriminately Forcibly breaking into the manor, but also to drive us away!" Dongfang ran to Bingli's side immediately at the end of summer, panting with rage.

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