Spirit Ruins mountain range is located in the border area of ​​the Northern Yuan Empire, and its range extends to the interior of the empire.

The lush and green forest is full of greenery and fragrance of flowers. If there is no devil beast roar from time to time, this place can really be called a pure land.

I saw a flaming red-shadow swallowtail butterfly lightly landing on a coquettish giant flower, just as it was gathering pollen by a gorge oneself, that seemingly non-threatening coquettish The flowers began to close silently.

When the Red Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly noticed something was wrong, the fascinating flowers unexpectedly began to close suddenly, and the pitch-black venom continued to flow down as they chewed.

“ka ka ka ……”

The chewing sound that made people have one's hair stand on end kept coming out, and the struggling Red Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly gradually lost its vitality.

But in a moment, the demon flower slowly opened again, the pitch-black venom gradually faded, and the sharp teeth disappeared, everything still looks so beautiful.

This is the most real Desolate World. Under the calm and beautiful appearance, there are endless murderous intentions hidden. No one knows that he is a hunter or a prey...


The eighth Transmission Formation exploded with dazzling rays of light, and Feng Yixiu and the others instantly appeared on the periphery of the Spirit Ruins mountain range.

There are many official members who are responsible for guarding the 8th Transmission Formation around it. They were also a little surprised when they saw Corps Head.

"Pay respects to Corps Head!"

I saw these guards who were in charge of guards kneeling on the ground one after another, moving towards Thor saluting.

The cost of each large teleportation formation is extremely expensive, and it is related to the smooth execution of the hunting mission. Absolutely there should be no problems.

If there is an abnormal situation, the people of the Balanced Holy See will not be able to send people to provide timely assistance.

So generally the transmission is set in a relatively secret location, and the location will be changed from time to time, and it needs to be guarded by someone.

Sol was nodded with a serious face, and said solemnly: "There is no abnormal situation recently, right?"

"No abnormality was found!"

Among them A team member put his hand on the heart, loudly said.

"Very good, thanks for your hard work..." Saul was very satisfied and nodded, even if he turned around, he moved towards Feng Yixiu softly: "Master Feng, we can go now."


Feng Yixiu and Dongfangxiamen followed in Saul's footsteps and walked out of the teleportation formation, but when he looked back again, neither the Transmission Formation nor the guards disappeared.

I have to say that balancing the actions of the Holy See is indeed very secretive. Every Transmission Formation is surrounded by invisible Formation blessings.

"This is the periphery of the Spirit Ruins mountain range, but there is still a lot of distance from the destination. According to our speed, it will take more than half a month to reach." Sol Walk side by side with Feng Yixiu, said solemnly.

"It's half a month, it's really a long way..." Feng Yixiu touched his chin, and then asked: "Why can't we fly there?"

" The Spirit Ruins mountain range is one of the main habitats of the lesser dragon clan. The sky is much more dangerous than the ground, and flying can easily expose one's position, especially in this special period, which is easy to cause unnecessary trouble." Sol shook the head, solemnly.

"What do you mean in a special period?" Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, quite said curiously.

"Recently, the Seven Deadly Sins have been active in the Spirit Ruins mountain range frequently. Although we have captured most of the Seven Deadly Sins after three months of hard work, we have gradually returned to calm recently, but I think this one It may not be that simple, let's keep a low profile..." Saul said.

"Seven deadly sins..." Feng Yixiu also looked solemn and whispered, "These guys are not easier to deal with than the fierce and the crowd. We are here mainly for the inheritance of the Holy Spirit, which is indeed inappropriate. "

The Seven Deadly Sins is a huge blood spirit organization that is no less than that of the heavens. Feng Yixiu once interacted with them in Asura King. Naturally, I know that they are not easy to deal with. .

"Wow...these flowers are really beautiful!"

As Feng Yixiu and Sol were planning their course of action, the sound of late summer in the East came not far away .

At the end of summer, Dongfang didn't know when she was in a beautiful flower bush, and she also leaned down curiously to admire the beauty in front of her.

Sol subconsciously looked towards towards the end of Eastern Summer, his pupils suddenly shrank, loudly said: "Be careful, that is the poisonous nightmare flower!"

tone barely fell, Eastern end of summer A giant flower in front of you suddenly gave birth to sharp teeth, and moved towards her very quickly, biting it!

Fortunately, Sol's reminder made the Eastern end of the summer vigilant, and he immediately entered the shadow mode, avoiding the bite of the magic flower in a dangerous and dangerous way.

However, the failure of this hunting angered the magic flower. The magic flower within a radius of one kilometer showed its true colors and began to become frantically restless.

“ao ao ao ……”

The flowers that looked infinitely beautiful just now have become a land of demons that makes people have one's hair stand on end, and the smelly venom from The magic flower drips from its mouth and makes a "chi chi chi" noise as it erodes the ground.

"All personnel are on alert, line up!"

Sol's response was extremely quick, even when he began to command combat.

All the battle spirit masters of the defense system are lined up, and the Battle Spirit Master of the attacking system and the Battle Spirit Master of the auxiliary system are protected in the center.

"clang clang clang ……"

The pitch-black venom bomb hits from all directions, and the force of each venom is as heavy as a formidable power huge missile!

The intensely toxic pitch-black venom corrodes the shield quickly, making a sour sound, and the shield is about to be completely disintegrated.

Feng Yixiu slowly closed his eyes, and immediately began to observe the surrounding situation with the Thunderbolt Eye.

Most of the surroundings are devil beasts of Disaster Grade, but there is an immortal-grade poisonous nightmare flower emperor, but it is not easy to be found hiding in the end.

"Sol Corps Head, there is only one poisonous nightmare flower emperor, the position is on my right rear side!" Feng Yixiu immediately looked towards Corps Head beside him, said solemnly.

"Okay! Everyone protect Master Feng, I will come as soon as I go..." Saul looked serious, and was about to rush out of the Defensive Array.

However, when he was preparing to charge ahead, Feng Yixiu pulled him back and shook the head with a relaxed look.

"Don’t bother Sol Corps Head, just leave it to me..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, then waved his hand gently, the second magic Spirit Treasure classic Appeared beside him.

A gorgeous array of spirit callers exuding nine-color brilliance appeared directly above the Defensive Great Array, and I saw the "Nine Crowns·Queen of Thorns" lazily leaning on the Nine Crowns Throne.

The moment the Queen of Thorns slowly opened her eyes, a violent natural aura suddenly spread!

The poisonous nightmare flower group who was still violent just now quieted down in an instant, and they lowered their heads, and their extreme fear made their torsos tremble constantly, as if they were worshipping King-like.

The only thing is the Flower Queen of Nightmare who barely lifted her body, looked up at the Queen of Thorns in midair, and uttered a threatening roar.

The Queen of Thorns just glanced coldly, her brows could not help but frowned, and immediately said indifferently: "The majesty of the king, how can you wait for encroachment?"

I saw the Queen of Thorns behind The formation diagram of the nine crowns suddenly unfolded, and the Fire Essence spirit of crimson burst suddenly!

The violent Fire Attribute spiritual power completely envelops the Queen of Thorns. The original light purple hair gradually turns into crimson, and the dazzling flame is burning...


Suddenly a crimson fire lotus was born at the feet of the poisonous nightmare flower emperor, and the flames condensed to the extreme were as hot as the sun.

The poisonous nightmare flower emperor, who had just been rebellious, immediately lowered his head, and the whole torso was trembling uncontrollably, making a low voice that made people begging for mercy.

"It's too late to beg for mercy now!"

The Queen of Thorns looked indifferent, her open palms suddenly closed, and the "Phantom Fire Lotus" exploded suddenly.

The radius of several hundred meters is a fire sea, and a huge fire lotus destroys all the vitality in it!

The sound of the explosion only lasted for three seconds, but the astonishing heat wave completely swallowed most of the poisonous nightmare flowers!

Seeing that the attack stopped, everyone heard an explosion resounding through Heaven and Earth, and they put down their shields one after another, watching the amazing scene in front of them, almost everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. .

"gu lu..."

It's too outrageous to wipe out a group of immortal devil beasts with just one move!

I saw the poisonous nightmare flowers almost completely wiped out, and only a few surviving low-whistled bodies were constantly trembling, and they did not dare to resist.

Sauer glanced at Feng Yixiu next to him in amazement, said with a bitter smile: "Master Feng, how do I feel that you don't need my protection..."

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