"Sol Corps Head is serious, but this Wood Element devil beast is restrained by my Battle Spirit, so it's so easy..." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile, indifferently said.

As the king of the plant Battle Spirit, the Queen of Thorns can not only suppress the Wood Element Battle Spirit, but also make most of the Wood Element devil beast surrender.

"As expected of Master Feng, I feel that with Master Feng's current strength, just being a Chief Captain is really a shame!" Sol said with a serious face.

Feng Yixiu smiled and did not respond. Instead, she asked the Queen of Thorns to put away all the devil cards and devil beast crystal nuclei in a smart way.

Although these are not devil beasts of the Illusory Beast species, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are meat. Especially for him who has two Battle Spirits who have not evolved, the pressure is still not small...

At the end of the Eastern Summer, he slowly retreated from the shadow mode, and the illusory black shadow gradually turned into the body.

At this moment, she seems to be a child who has done something wrong, with two small hands close to the two, standing next to Feng Yixiu with her head down, whispering: "I'm sorry...I shouldn't Running around, I almost hurt everyone." Before Feng Yixiu could respond, Sol Corps Head laughed and said: "The girl at the end of summer is innocent and romantic. It is reasonable to like flowers and grass. Besides, it’s the first time for you to come to Spirit Ruins mountain range. I don’t know that it’s a matter of interest. Besides, no one gets hurt, so you don’t have to blame yourself..."

"But... "

At the end of Eastern Summer, I still feel a little guilty, and the Luo skirt in the petite palm is pinched and a little wrinkled.

"Okay, well, nothing is wrong, you didn't mean it!" Feng Yixiu laughed on the shoulder of the patted Dongfang at the end of summer, and said solemnly: "But the Spirit Ruins mountain range looks more The more beautiful things are more dangerous. Just keep following me and don’t run around."

"Oh oh..."

At the end of the Eastern summer, he stood very cleverly. Behind Feng Yixiu, I no longer dared to run around at will.

Actually, Feng Yixiu was not afraid that he would provoke a devil beast for letting Dongfangxia end to follow him, but simply that she would get lost...

"Sol Corps Head, we just Entering the Spirit Ruins mountain range, you will be attacked by the devil beast. I am afraid it will not be too easy along the way!" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, worriedly said.

"Master Feng don’t have to worry too much. In fact, most devil beasts with higher intelligence will take the initiative to avoid us. Although the poisonous nightmare flower group just now has good strength, but their IQ is not high, so they are right. Let's attack." Thor said with a serious face.

"Oh? Devil beast would take the initiative to avoid it. There is such a thing..." Feng Yixiu said in a little astonishment.

Generally, most devil beasts prefer to prey on humans, because human beings are the spirit of all things, and if they swallow it, it will be of great benefit to the devil beast itself.

Especially as a very special Battle Spirit Master among humans, if it can be swallowed, it is even more beneficial, even comparable to swallowing a few devil beasts of the same level.

And humans are relatively easy to prey compared to the powerful devil beast, so naturally it has become the primary target of the devil beast.

"After all, we have balanced the Holy See in Desolate World to maintain order for so many years. The devil beast will not take the initiative to provoke us. Not only is we afraid of our strength, but even more afraid of the subsequent balance of the Holy See. Sanctions." Sol Corps Head explained with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Feng Yixiu touched his nose, subconsciously nodded.

It’s no wonder that the Holy See will carry the iconic flag of the Holy See every time when performing a mission, in order to frighten those devil beasts that begin to stir.

The Holy See of Balance has maintained order in Desolate World for hundreds of years, and it has already gained a reputation. Most devil beasts have deepened their awe of them.

"But this does not mean that we are absolutely safe. After all, not all devil beasts can withstand the huge benefits brought by swallowing humans. There are still many extremely powerful beasts who take risks. So we still have to stay alert." Saul was afraid that Feng Yixiu would take it lightly, so he added immediately.

"I still know this. After all, even in a human society with a sound legal system, there are no shortage of extrajudicial madmen who take risks. Even more how is the Desolate World where the weak are prey to the strong. ..." Feng Yixiu looked solemn, said solemnly.

"If Master Feng has such an awareness, I am completely relieved!" Saul smiled slightly and said indifferently.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu slowly moved towards the rear left and took a look, and immediately said indifferently: "Hey! You are not running yet, are you betting that I can find you?"

In an instant, everyone turned around at the same time as if they were facing an enemy, but besides the endless towering giant trees behind them, there seemed to be no devil beast.

Saul was puzzled at first, but after careful observation, he finally set his sights on the towering ancient wood closest to them.

I saw Thor slowly move his neck, and walked over with a murderous aura moved towards that towering ancient wood.

But before Saul took the shot, the towering giant tree began to sway violently, and immediately the rough tree trunk began to show a vicious face.

The fixed roots began to pull out from the soil, and the towering giant tree actually used the roots as legs and started to run at high speed.

"This Uncle didn't move at all! I really saw a ghost ..."

When this magic tree was escaping, I didn't forget to look back at Feng Yixiu and the others Did you follow me?

"Sure enough, Illusory Beast planted devil beast, a giant devil killer tree!" Sol looked at the devil tree that was gradually going away, and did not pursue it.

I saw that he slowly raised his left hand, and then pointed his balance watch at the fleeing giant tree. A white light instantly hit the giant tree.

This is the method used by the Balanced Holy See to hunt down devil beasts. Now the specific location of the Devil Killing Tree appears in Sol's Balanced Watch.

As long as Thor reports detailed tracking information to the Balanced Holy See, a brand new hunting mission will be issued.

All of a sudden, everyone began to look at each other in blank dismay, as if there was a feeling of avoided a catastrophe.

"Oh my god...the immortal devil beast just stayed behind us for so long, we didn't even find it!"

"I heard Many members of the squad’s mysterious disappeared during their missions. I guess this guy did it..."

"It was so dangerous just now. Fortunately, Master Feng has amazing eyesight, otherwise we will probably have to bode. ill rather than well..."

The devil-killing giant tree is no different from the ordinary towering ancient wood on the surface, but in essence it is an extremely cruel carnivorous devil beast.

And they are easy to be ignored by people who are good at hiding. They often swallow their prey when they are sleeping or relaxing their vigilance. They are not just in name only, but also in reality. Evil beast.


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