Under normal circumstances, as long as the Battle Spirit Master is not dead, it does not matter if the Battle Spirit is killed in battle. After most days, the souls will resurrect after gathering.

The power of God killing by demon wolf can make the Battle Spirit disappear forever, which is a fatal threat to every Battle Spirit Master.

As the Ranked 3rd existence in the extinction mode, demon wolf is naturally not as strong as the earthly python, but the fear he caused in the hearts of the Beiyuan Empire is not weaker than the earthly python, even It's even more prosperous!

The most important reason is that there was no Battle Spirit Master who dared to deal with the demon wolf at that time, because the risk to be taken was too great, and accidentally might become a useless person...

Feng Yixiu also instantly understood the advantages and disadvantages, and secretly exclaimed: "The killing of Power of God is really terrifying!"

The first release of the seven deadly sins was to release the demon wolf. Doing my best to destroy the demon wolf will cause unimaginable damage to the high-level battle strength of China.

In this way, China's national strength will inevitably be severely damaged, and this is exactly the result of the seven deadly sins and the war that the Holy See hopes to see.

"If there is an accident, I hope that the king can escape as soon as possible, and don't be arrogant."

Azhi cannot detect that he is in a sealed state in the void and kills the gods. The fate of demon wolf is a net, so demon wolf is an unknown variable.

"I know..." Feng Yixiu replied softly, somewhat absent-mindedly nodded.

"Everyone is going to prepare for the war, and gather at the center camp of the orc tribe in three days!" Azhi slowly stood up, loudly said.

Everyone in the Chamber also stood up one after another, and immediately went to their respective tribes to rectify their troops and prepare for battle.

The entire orc tribe has also instantly entered a state of tense combat readiness, and even many orc tribes who are not good at fighting are actively signing up.

After all, Feng Yixiu's previous promise was an irresistible temptation for everyone in the orc tribe, and every warrior was eager to prove himself in this battle.

For three days, Miss Azhi has been staying in her room, and the rays of light overflowed from time to time.

This is a sign that Aori is using the compass of destiny. She is working hard to make the line of worries between Raphael and Solo brighter.

Feng Yixiu naturally did not idle. He counted all the orc leaders who participated in the battle, and immediately helped the orc leaders who have not broken through the fourth rank gene lock to refine the original orc exclusive potion.

In just three days, the strength of the orc Legion once again has a qualitative leap!

In the dark night, dark clouds cover the moon.

This time Feng Yixiu deliberately chose to launch a surprise attack at night. The reason is that Beastman Race can see things at night, while being a human being is at an absolute disadvantage at night.

With the white Fiend Demon pupils turned on, Feng Yixiu's vision at night is also unobstructed and will not be affected at all.

On the high platform of the United Front, Feng Yixiu has a solemn expression, and the purple gluttonous magic armor releases a weak magic light.

Below the high platform, the battle squares lined up in an orderly manner, and a wild, iron-blooded breath rose into the sky!

"In this battle, you can only win but not lose!"

Feng Yixiu carried his hands behind his back, and the sound waves continued to spread.

White battle led the white evil clan in the center, while the other orc leaders lined up, and everyone's face looked like a fighting intent.

" Line up, let's go !"

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly pull out the Primal Chaos Demon sword, and the dazzling lightning made a harsh rumbling sound in the dark night.

With an order, tens of thousands of orcs Legion turned around, even if they moved towards the destination quickly and orderly!

Azhi was in charge of sitting in the center of the town. He did not follow the army and immediately raised his head and glanced at the sky.

"Today should be the night of the full moon. I should have taken this opportunity to watch Celestial Phenomenon at night. It's a pity that the dark clouds close the moon..." Azhi sighed helplessly, and then slowly lowered his head, looking Looking at the orc army that was gradually going away, he whispered softly: "But there is a king, It shouldn't be a problem."

The power of worshipping the moon spider emperor's stargazing is not always available, only in the moon. It can only be used when it is round.

This means that Azhi only has the opportunity to watch Celestial Phenomenon at night once a month. Unfortunately, the heavens are not beautiful today.

Thousands of orcs, Legion, were advancing quickly in the Spirit Ruins mountain range, but they did not make any obvious noise.

This is also one of the powerful innate talents of the orcs, no matter how large the number of people is, they can keep absolutely quiet.


Spirit Ruins mountain range northwest, empty Spiritual Mountain valley.

Sure enough, as Azhi predicted, the entire eighth Legion is camped here.

However, the eighth Legion has apparently just recently moved, and the protective measures for the base camp have not yet been completely deployed, which is almost equivalent to a dummy.

"I knew that the seven deadly sins were unreliable, and the demonic plan was about to succeed at this sight. This moment, I was evasive. This is not an abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal!"

In the center camp, a strong male voice came out abruptly, and from time to time there was the sound of beating objects.

The owner of this voice is Soro Corps Head, who was expelled not long ago because of his disagreement with Raphael.

"Master Solow, don't be angry. Anyway, the presiding judge just asked us to cooperate in completing the demonic plan. It is a good thing for us to do less work, as long as we complete the task."

I saw an alluring woman of Innate Charming Bone stroking Solo's chest, whispering softly.

In the central camp where Corps Head is located, many fragments of bottles and cans are scattered everywhere, it is a mess.

"hmph! If it wasn't for that guy to undo the seal, I wouldn't be immune to this bird..." Solo calmed down a bit under the comfort of the beautiful and alluring woman, and whispered .

This beautiful and alluring woman is the chief Captain of the Eighth War Regiment, but being able to climb to this position is mainly due to the strong support of Solo Corps Head.

"Not angry, not angry, the seven deadly sins are certainly powerful, but compared to the war, the Holy See is only an important pawn. After that, we have the opportunity to teach them!" The beautiful and alluring woman smiled evilly. , Whispered in Solo's ear immediately.

"You are right... The guy Feng Yixiu is dead, and our secret mission is about to be completed. This is a double happiness for us. After these two secret missions are completed , Lao Tzu can directly become the presiding judge. When the time comes, you can benefit from you!" Solo did not hide the ecstasy in his heart, his huge palm lightly raised the delicate chin of the beauty beside him , Evil said with a smile.

The pretty face of the coquettish woman is slightly red, quite a sense of refusing to welcome...

There is silence in the base camp of the Seventh War Regiment, a large area of ​​radiant light like a firefly The point drifts with the wind.


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