These seemingly non-threatening "firefly" did not attract the attention of the watchtower guards, but thought it was an ordinary firefly.

Tens of thousands of "firefly" are scattered in every corner of the Eighth War Regiment base camp, and disappear completely when they are submerged on the ground.

Feng Yixiu is wrapped in a dark element, almost perfectly blending with the night.

Thousands of orcs have already deployed inescapable net silently, waiting for Feng Yixiu's order to change back to thunder!

However, Feng Yixiu did not rush to launch a general attack. Instead, he looked towards the end of the Eastern Summer where he was eager to have a try, and whispered: "Sister Xia, there are a total of eight Captain class The characters are in the eight positions of the central camp, and you are responsible for assassinating them!"


At the end of the summer, Dongfang smiled slightly, and immediately summon came out of Yin Zhi. Saint King Tiger in extreme form.

At this moment, the dazzling holy light of the Saint King tiger's body is converging, and it is replaced by a strong dark spirit, which perfectly blends with the surrounding night.

Tianming Saint King Tiger walked quietly along the shadow moved towards the enemy’s base camp, while Dongfang, holding the Heavenly Night Slaying Scythe, has been hiding in the shadow of the Tianming Saint King Tiger at the end of summer. .

The guards of the Sifang Watchtower couldn't detect the Tianming Saint King tiger walking in the dark night, allowing it to easily enter the depths of the base camp.

Tianming Saint King tiger is like a ghost stealth in the dark night. Although it is very huge, it did not make any unusual noises.


A cold black wind lifted the curtain of the camp tent located directly east, and the fifth Captain on the bed was sleeping soundly.

It has to be said that the Second Captain, as the elite of the Eighth War Regiment, has a very heavy sense of defense, even in the state of sleep, it still does not maintain the state of possessing the spirit armor.

The cold wind made the vigilant Second Captain abruptly awakened from his sleep. Even though moved towards the empty all around, he observed for a long time, but he didn't see any abnormalities.

"Strange, obviously there is no danger, why do I always feel feel ill at ease......"

Second Captain frowned involuntarily and muttered to himself.

In an instant, the eyes of the second Captain were enveloped by a burst of demonic energy of ink purple, and the face that was still calm just now became extremely hideous, as if he had seen something that made him feel extremely terrified.

The third Battle Spirit skill, the magic pupil of the sky is launched!

The magic pupil of the sky can be released smoothly without the need to look at each other under the action of the demon card of the "devil pupil evil spider".

The extreme fear made the second Captain enter a state of fear, and the whole person fell into a motionless stiff form.

I saw a huge black shadow slowly appearing behind the second Captain, and then a stream of light transformed into a few demon cards fell into the black shadow for an instant.

Although the only candle in the camp was not extinguished, it was completely eroded by the endless darkness, and the range of illumination was less than ten inches away!

This is the fourth Battle Spirit skill of Saint King Tiger, the effect produced by the activation of "Death God Coming".

The arrival of Death God plunged thousands of meters into the endless darkness, but in the dark night, it was not too fast to attract the attention of others.

Unconsciously, most of the camp was plunged into endless darkness, and the flames swaying in the wind were almost imaginary.

A fascinating purple Resurrection Lily blooms on the Saint King Tiger within both eyes, making it even more dangerous when its breath is terrifying.

As Death God descends, the Saint King tiger is completely enveloped by the rich dark baleful aura, but only the light purple eyes emit a faint fierce light, like a soul robbed in the dark night Death God desperate!


Only a sound of almost silent breaking wind sounded, and the sharp slash of Wudaomo purple struck shatter void.

I didn’t wait for the second Captain came back to his senses, five neat blood lines appeared longitudinally throughout his body. Split easily!

His life was completely terminated before he wailed, and his death appeared extremely terrifying...

When Death God came to launch, the lifeline of the Saint King Tiger fell. To 10%, but it also brings an extremely exaggerated Battle Spirit skill increase!

At the same time, under the influence of the Yellow Springs, the explosive power of the Saint King Tiger, which is already terrifying, reached a more terrifying point.

Not to mention the silent assassination, even if the opponent is aware of the situation, the probability of wanting to resist this Death God slash is extremely low...


Before the second Captain's blood was gushing, a huge thorn demon flower on the side of the bed swallowed it in one bite, and then quietly sank into the ground. under.

Although the body of the second Captain disappeared, it left a shadow of an illusory soul, which was instantly submerged into the body of the Saint King Tiger.

As long as the Tianming Saint King tiger is successfully killed in the Death God descending form, it will forcibly deprive the opponent of all spiritual power and life force.

The Tianming Saint King tiger, who had just fallen into a low life state, instantly recovered to its best condition, and immediately turned into a shadow again moved towards the next assassination target...

However, in seven minutes, Dongfang completed the assassination mission given by Feng Yixiu at the end of summer.

However, among the eight Captain camps, only one camp was unmanned. All Captains apart from this were successfully assassinated!

Feng Yixiu's mouth slightly raised, indifferently said: "Sister at the end of the summer is so good, so our pressure will be much less..."

This battle Feng Yixiu naturally He is confident, but winning is not his main purpose. What he really wants is to win without war!

"The time has come, to launch a general attack!"

Feng Yixiu no longer chose to hide, and slowly stood up, while the countless green pupils in the shadow behind suddenly flickered.

"xiū xiū xiū 咻!"

A series of four crossbow arrows engulfing the force of breaking the wind burst out from four directions simultaneously.

The guards on the Sifang Watchtower rolled down from the heights before the early warning bell was sounded, and were swallowed by the thorny magic flower before it hit the ground.

The Deer Human Race hidden in all directions, holding a real silver crossbow, took the lead in starting a storm-like offensive.

The rain of arrows covering the entire Eighth War Regiment instantly covered the base camp of the Eighth War Regiment, and many people were easily taken their lives in their sleep.


Blizzard's lion king turned into its original appearance, and its size reached an astonishing hundreds of meters, and the oppression caused by the spread of its wings was full.

I saw the Blizzard Lion King spread its snow-white wings and soared up, first moved towards the enemy base camp and rushed over, the frost storm spewing out of his mouth turned everything on the path into ice sculpture.

A blizzard began to fall within a few thousand meters of a radius. The biting chill caused the members of the Eighth War Regiment to start, and their stiff body was completely unable to avoid the rain of arrows.

Before the two sides officially launched the war, the Eighth War Regiment lost at least one third battle strength......

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