Feng Yixiu slowly raised his right arm, the Azure Dragon Holy Spear slowly condensed into shape, and the dazzling Light of Thunder Fire continued to roar.

"Break the clear sky!"

The long spear cuts through the sky, and the light of the burst of Thunder Fire penetrates the heart of the Great Emperor.

The severe pain caused the Xuehuang Great Emperor to suddenly let go, and Feng Yixiu and the heavenly demon ape took the opportunity to get out.

Xuehuang Great Emperor moved towards The Void grasped, and the Huangri Wand that had not fallen to the ground suddenly moved towards his hand and flew upside down.

"I never thought that you could push me to this point. I have to say that you brat is indeed a monster, but it can only stop there!" Xuehuang Great Emperor clenched his hands tightly. A crimson fire light that was different from the past burst out suddenly.

The golden scepter of the sun gradually became stained with blood, and the dry skin of the bloody Great Emperor gave birth to strange blood lines, and the turbid eyes began to turn red. .

"Blood burning secret technique!"

Feng Yixiu saw at a glance that the blood of the Great Emperor was burning his own life. This is the Blood that can only be mastered by the high-level blood Spirit Master. Race secret technique.

This Blood Race secret technique is now only mastered by the three blood spirit organizations. It can be seen that the Great Emperor of Blood has completely merged with the Sun-Moon Empire, otherwise he would not be able to learn this Blood Race secret technique.

However, this Blood Race secret technique is to burn his own life force in exchange for powerful explosive power. The Bloody Great Emperor is already in the twilight years. The secret technique of using this overdrawn life is no different from bringing about. one's own destruction.

It can be seen that Xuehuang Great Emperor already doesn't care about his own life. His only purpose now is to kill Feng Yixiu before he dies!

The bloody Great Emperor at this time is like a round of blood sun, even if life is about to come to an end, it is still about to burst out the last trace of residual temperature...

" Let's see who can stop me!"

The Bloody Great Emperor is holding a blood-colored shining staff, looking at the world like an enchanted Sun God.

"Small empty sky, avoid its edge, let's take turns to fight!" Feng Yixiu's eyes were burning, said solemnly.

"Okay, Lord!"

tone barely fell, the better state of killing heavenly demon, Ape took the lead in moving towards Blood Huang Great Emperor and rushed over, not yet close to the body The watch gave birth to a scarlet flame.

The severe pain caused by the burning sensation made the killing of heavenly demon ape feel unbearable, but he still rushed over with fearlessness.

The Thunder Fire twin dragons behind the heavenly demon ape were also roaring frantically, as he kept shaking his fists, giant dragons hovered out.

"Boom boom boom..."

The horrible wave of exorcism seemed to break Heaven and Earth to pieces, and the roaring twin dragons constantly strikes towards the Great Emperor. Two The collision of the strong elements erupted with a deafening crackling sound.

Xuehuang Great Emperor has completely fallen into a madness, and actually fought like a heavy stick with the Huangri scepter in his hand, and every heavy blow would set off scarlet flames.

At this time, the majestic scepter after being demonized is more powerful than before, but everything touched by the scarlet scepter in his hand instantly turns back into powder.

Slaying heavenly demon, facing the mighty bloody Great Emperor, the ape finally fell to the wind, and the burning flames of the setting sun continued to erode his body, even the indestructible demon body was almost reaching its limit.

Feng Yixiu was not far away watching the battle with a nervous face. He was also taking advantage of this hard-won time to recover spiritual power and injuries.

However, these super-strength battles have already made myriad forms unsupported, and the Breath Soil vines have gradually dried up.

Only the supply of spiritual power to support the astrological king Sacred Dragon is already stretched, and we have to continue to provide massive spiritual power for the high-intensity combat Feng Yixiu and the heavenly demon apes.

Don’t forget that the astrological Sacred Dragon King is a fusion of Battle Spirit, Feng Yixiu and Heavenly Demon Ape have also opened their strongest forms, and the huge increase in strength will cause massive spiritual power consumption.

The Queen of Thorns is too difficult. Although she did not come forward to fight, her pressure is not less than Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

"Xiao Kongkong , substitute!"

Feng Yixiu saw that the skin on the surface of the heavenly demon ape was about to fall off, and after an angry shout, he moved towards the blood of the Great Emperor. Past.

Once the immortal body of the heavenly demon ape is broken, the blood scepter in the hands of the Great Emperor might be able to kill him in a moment.


I saw that the heavenly demon ape disappeared into the same place instantly with the help of Power of Space, and a blood-colored setting sun burst forth .

"Damn it!"

After the bloody Great Emperor shot down, his expression looked a little hideous, roar towards the sky.

It seemed that this skinny monkey head was about to be killed, but at a critical moment, he even withdrew!

But before the Great Emperor Xue Huang finished venting his anger, a brilliant golden rays of light suddenly appeared on his head. It was Feng Yixiu who arrived in time.

"Eight styles against chaos, all in the wild!"

I saw Feng Yixiu holding the Azure Dragon holy spear in both hands, raising it high above his head, the muscles of his arms were like horned dragons. Like uplift.

A collapsing spear wrapped in the power of a thousand-junks suddenly slammed on the head of the Xuehuang Great Emperor, but his reaction was also extremely quick, even when he raised the Huangri scepter in his hand to resist.

But at the moment of contact, the heavy force almost caused the Bloody Great Emperor to be knocked out, and there was a tingling sensation that was hard to ignore in both arms.

"Why does this kid have such great power!"

The bloody Great Emperor brows slightly wrinkle, even if he is ready to explode and knock Feng Yixiu into the air.

However, just as he burst out of power, Feng Yixiu suddenly recovered his strength, and borrowed his burst of power to rise into the air again.

I saw Feng Yixiu in the air like a windmill with high-speed rotation, and the terrifying lightning burst out with a roar like dragon roar in the high-speed rotation.

“bang! ”

Another heavier bang spear descended. The force of this blow was so heavy that the Huangri Scepter in the hands of the Bloody Great Emperor Almost dropped out.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Xuehuang wanted to get out, but found that it was too late. A huge suction caused his speed to drop sharply, and all he could do was resist desperately!

"clang clang clang..."

Feng Yixiu's offensive speed is getting faster and faster, and his strength is getting heavier every time.

Even if Feng Yixiu's power is not as good as the bloody Great Emperor who opened the sixth rank source Martial Artist, but by taking advantage of Dang Bahuang, he can obtain a terrifying power far beyond normal!

"Disillusionment·Eight Wilderness Wandering Dragon!"

Eight gorgeous disillusionment wandering dragons continue to surround the Azure Dragon Holy Spear, accompanied by Feng Yixiu's angry roar, all moved towards below Rushed away.

Xuehuang Great Emperor looked at the mighty Bahuang Wandering Dragon, his pupils suddenly narrowed, and a strong sense of crisis rose in the mind.

I saw both of his hands raising the scepter of the sun in his hands, and the blood light bursting out from his body became more dazzling.

“bang! ”

At the moment when the Huangri Scepter and Azure Dragon Holy Spear first came into contact, the two evenly matched elements kept colliding, unexpectedly forming two lines in midair The magnificent glow, like the northern lights and the setting sun of the blood meet.

Only a bang was heard, the Bloody Great Emperor hit the ground vertically like a falling meteorite, and Feng Yixiu also drew a gorgeous parabola in the sky, and immediately fell heavily on it. above the desert.

The collision caused both of them to be severely injured this time. The skeletons of their arms have almost completely shattered, but they are more concerned about the situation of the spiritual weapon than the physical damage.


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