"ka ka ka ……"

The two looked towards the spiritual weapon in their hands almost at the same time before they got up. They only saw the Huangri Scepter and Azure Dragon There were fine cracks in the holy spears, and they burst open before they could react.

"How is this possible..."

The Bloody Great Emperor stared blankly at the ever-dissipating scepter, his face full of incredible.

The scepter of the sun is an awakening spiritual weapon, and it will be crushed by the trifling spiritual weapon. In his opinion, this is basically an impossible occurrence.

However, the facts made him have to believe that Feng Yixiu forcibly replaced his scepter of glory at the expense of Primal Chaos Demon sword and Azure Dragon holy gun!


Feng Yixiu struggled to get up with the help of the heavenly demon ape. The huge physical and spiritual power consumption made him gasp.

"Xuehuang, your proud scepter of the sun has been destroyed, this king wants to see what else you are so arrogant!" Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, sternly.

"Little devil, aren't your dual spiritual weapons gone? What are you so proud of!" Xue Huang Great Emperor clenched his fists and said furiously.

"At worst, everyone fight your fists, my fists are harder than yours!"

Feng Yixiu coldly smiled, I saw the lacquered Black Dragon scales on my arms gradually, and my hands were also coldly smiled. Change to sharp dragon claw.

Even if you don't need a spiritual weapon, Feng Yixiu's hands are still a weapon that can easily shred steel!

"Is this a change that normal people can make? What is the situation with this guy..."

The bloody Great Emperor stared at Feng Yixiu's cold light and awe-inspiring dragon Claw, his expression inevitably became heavy, whispered.

As soon as his arms recovered from his injuries, Feng Yixiu slammed on the ground. The whole body burst out like an arrow from the string, and the fierce and domineering Dragon Boxing waved again.

"Come well! Will I still be afraid that you will not succeed!"

Faced with the powerful Feng Yixiu, the Bloody Great Emperor was also not to be outdone, and the bloody flames entwined his fists. Welcomed up.

The only thing that the two people who lost their spiritual weapon can rely on are two punches. Each punch is determined to kill each other, and each collision will burst like a bomb.

Above the vast desert, two silhouettes of naked eyes that are hard to see are constantly flickering, and only the explosion of fist collisions keeps on sounding.

Due to the Yangyan Great Array, the Xuehuang Great Emperor can obtain almost endless spiritual power supplies, even if Feng Yixiu and the Heavenly Demon Ape take turns fighting, it is still impossible to completely defeat her.

As the source of the sixth rank battle system and the elemental system, the Martial Artist of the Bloody Great Emperor, the life force and battle strength have reached extremely terrifying levels. Even more how is supported by the Yangyan Great Array, Feng Yixiu and killing heavenly demon apes want to kill them completely but it is impossible to do.

However, the blood of the Great Emperor who lost the Huangri Scepter was greatly reduced in strength, and he could not kill Feng Yixiu and the Heavenly Demon Ape in a short time.

This is also the reason why Feng Yixiu tried his best to crush the Huangri Scepter. He had to buy enough time for Shen Ruyu.

Xuehuang Great Emperor didn't know what Feng Yixiu was thinking. He felt extremely anxious in his heart as he watched Shen Ruyu destroy one after another Yangyan eyes.

But he also knows that anxiety is useless. Feng Yixiu and the heavenly demon simply won’t let him get away. The reason why he is desperately launching a storm is that he wants to consume Feng Yixiu as quickly as possible. The spiritual power.

The Bloody Great Emperor is not blind. He can naturally see that the myriad forms are about to wither. As long as the myriad forms are completely withered, the power of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's Nirvana will not be able to exert their effect.

In this way, the Shuangcheng has fallen into an unbreakable stalemate. Shen Ruyu can break the Yangyan formation before the myriad forms wilt completely and become the only winner!

Along with another Yangyan Fire Eye being destroyed, but the Yangyan Great Array is already blazing, obviously this is not where the formation eye is.

"Damn...this isn't it!"

Shen Ruyu frowned slightly, even as he rushed to the next most recent sun-burning eye as quickly as possible.

Nowadays, most of the Yangyan eyes in Central Zone have been destroyed, but Shen Ruyu's luck is obviously not good, she still hasn't found the real formation eye.

If you look closely, you can see that her fingers have been rubbed out with blood blisters, and her arms are constantly trembling due to the high-intensity continuous bowing.

But she did not dare to rest at all. Now Dongfang has been dazzled and the time left for her is running out...

"Lord, I can't hold it anymore... "

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu's mind suddenly heard the voice of the Queen of Thorns, and the last dozens of Breath Soil vines around also withered completely.


Feng Yixiu couldn't help but browse slightly wrinkle and exclaimed in his heart.

"hahaha...Feng Yixiu, it seems that God won’t help you! Without myriad forms, I want to see what you fight against me!"

The Great Emperor Xuehuang also immediately noticed the disappearance of myriad forms and immediately burst into a harsh grinning laughter.

Almost at the same time, a Vermilion Bird's arrow violently strikes a sun-fired eye, but it did not burst immediately.

Shen Ruyu eyes shined, even if you notice the unusualness of this Yangyan Fire Eye, this seemingly unremarkable little fire eye is very likely to be the formation eye that enlarges the Yang Yan formation!

"Damn...why at this time!" Xuehuang Great Emperor glanced at Shen Ruyu, secretly sighed in his heart.

"It seems that the sky won't kill me! God still takes care of me..." Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, indifferently said.

"You brat don't be too proud, this formation eye is the core of the entire Yangyan Great Formation, do you think I will let it break with one blow?" Xuehuang Great Emperor coldly snorted, sternly.

After that, the Xuehuang Great Emperor didn't give Feng Yixiu time to react at all, and Xuan even rushed towards Feng Yixiu violently moved towards Feng Yixiu.

Now that the increase in myriad forms has disappeared, and the Yangyan Great Array cannot be completely broken in a short period of time, the Xuehuang Great Emperor will certainly not let go of this excellent opportunity.

"Eight Reverse Chaos·Dingshanhe!"

In order to save spiritual power, Feng Yixiu can only use the defensive Spear Art that leverages the strength to move towards the Great Emperor of Blood. Welcoming the past.

However, he lost the support of Senluo myriad forms and he is no longer an opponent of the Bloody Great Emperor. Just maintaining the Four Saints Mark and the True Dragon mode made his already scarce spiritual power quickly bottom out.

Looking at the downwind Feng Yixiu, killing the heavenly demon ape is ready to help, but Feng Yixiu gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Kongkong, leave me alone, help Yuer destroy the formation eye!"

"As you bid!"

The heavenly demon ape took a deep breath and moved towards Shen Ruyu without looking back.

"Don't think about it!"

When the bloody Great Emperor saw the heavenly demon ape moved towards formation eye, he was full of anger when he rushed towards the formation eye, even if he stopped.

"Your opponent is me!"

Feng Yixiu did not give the Xuehuang Great Emperor a chance at all. He burst out with only a few spiritual powers left, condensing one The handle is a long spear condensed by water waves.

The flickering mountains and rivers twin dragons circled all around, a force of rigidity and softness, like a whirlpool, forcibly pulled back the bloody Great Emperor that had charged ahead fiercely.

"Then I will kill you first!"

The Bloody Great Emperor shouted angrily, the dazzling blood-red flames rushed into the sky, and the hot fists like lava continued to strike.

At first, Feng Yixiu was able to use the power of Dingshanhe to defuse the opponent's fierce offensive, but he failed to resist for too long and was defeated because the spiritual power was exhausted.

The blazing fire instantly burns Feng Yixiu to ashes. With the last trace of the power of nine crowns, Feng Yixiu turns into a scarlet gold flame on the verge of collapse.

This is the second time that his fleshy body has been destroyed. The recovery speed is not as good as the first time. It is impossible to reunite the fleshy body in a short time.

And this reunion of Fleshy body is no better than the last time. The last time he reborn from the ashes with sufficient spiritual power, he will maintain a strong battle strength after resurrection.

But this time Feng Yixiu’s spiritual power has been completely consumed. If he dies again after being reborn from the ashes, then Divine Immortal is hard to save...

Gotta die!"

After the Xuehuang Great Emperor got rid of Feng Yixiu, Xuanshi rushed to the direction of the formation eye.

At this time, Shen Ruyu and the heavenly demon ape were constantly impacting the formation eye, and the formation eye, which was located deep underground, had obvious cracks.


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