"I'll hold him!"

The heavenly demon ape looked at the bloody Great Emperor that was getting closer and closer, and he couldn’t even bother to continue destroying the formation immediately. eye, turned and moved towards Xuehuang Great Emperor and rushed over.

Now Xiao Kongkong’s spiritual power has almost been consumed, and Feng Yixiu is in a state of reborn from the ashes, which has a big impact on his strength.

"Damn monkey head, I will use you first!"

Blood Huang Great Emperor sneered, the scarlet's flames of the setting sun above both fists became more and more hot, containing A punch of endless anger smashed it firmly.


The moment the fists bluntly collided, only a bang was heard, and the heavenly demon ape was blasted out suddenly, and the Thunder Fire behind it Ssangyong has also become extremely bleak.

That's the case, killing the heavenly demon ape still didn't retreat, he stood in front of Shen Ruyu, letting the bloody Great Emperor continue to strike on him like a volcanic eruption with powerful fists.

These fierce and violent offensives, even the heavenly demon ape with an immortal body, can't hold on for long, and he can't heal his injuries after the spiritual power is exhausted.

The scarlet's burning sun made the stone skin of the heavenly demon ape begin to carbonize and fall off, and the consciousness of the heavenly demon ape began to become more and more blurred, and the whole body gradually turned into light purple and the aura disappeared.

"Master, Sora did his best..."

The heavenly demon ape looked at the faint flame of scarlet gold in the distance and whispered.

It was another punch of momentum is big, power is deep, and the dying heavenly demon ape was blasted into powder with just one blow.

"Then it's your little girl's turn!"

The Bloody Great Emperor slowly raised his blood-red eyes, his horrible eyes looked like evil creeping out of hell. ghost.

Shen Ruyu did not pay attention to the blood of the Great Emperor at all, and still used his bow and arrow madly, one after another, the powerful Phoenix arrow strikes the Sun Yan formation eye like falling rain.

The pillar of fire erupting from the entire formation eye has become increasingly dimmed, and the Formation Formation under the ground is almost on the verge of collapse...


I saw that the Xuehuang Great Emperor disappeared in place as if teleporting, and he had already arrived in front of Shen Ruyu when he was reappeared.

Before Shen Ruyu could react, the dry palms had already held her neck tightly, and her cheeks were flushed with a suffocating force.

"You this girl is persistent enough, but in front of my absolute power, all efforts are just wasted!" The power of the palm of the Great Emperor Xue Huang gradually increased, and the fire of the blood-colored setting sun instantly smashed Shen Ruyu ignites.

“bang! ”

Several millions of hot flames burst out suddenly, even Shen Ruyu, the source of Fire Element Martial Artist, feels that life force is passing fast.

The Bloody Great Emperor is not only a spiritual power realm higher than Shen Ruyu, but also the sixth rank source Martial Artist of the elemental and combat elements. Neither the power nor the explosive power of the elements can match her. The presence!

Because of this, Shen Ruyu still has not given up, and constantly wants to shoot arrows again. The formation eye is already on the verge of shattering, and it can be completely destroyed with just the last blow.

But the severe pain and the spiritual power that has bottomed out made her unable to even lift her arms, let alone condense the Vermilion Bird’s arrow to launch the final blow...

"Go to death with peace of mind! I will let you and that kid go to Yellow Springs together..." The Xuehuang Great Emperor coldly looked at Shen Ruyu who was struggling in front of him, and said softly.

The strong sense of suffocation made Shen Ruyu's brain start to lack oxygen. She exhausted her last bit of strength and moved towards the small cluster of flames in the distance, and her slightly raised arm drooped suddenly.

Just when Shen Ruyu was about to lose consciousness completely, the nine jade mark on her right arm burst out with a gorgeous glow.

The imprint of the nine jade jade that was still stationary in the normally began to rotate continuously at this moment, and the nine-hook jade formation diagram gradually appeared behind Shen Ruyu, which was constantly rotating.

"What's the situation..."

Xuehuang Great Emperor brows slightly wrinkle, a strange suction force is forcibly absorbing his residual Yang Fire flames and life force.

He pinched Shen Ruyu's palm, under the influence of this strange force, there was no way to take the initiative to let go.

This is the horror of the Nine Jade Mark, you can forcibly absorb the opponent's power for your own use!


However, the bloody Great Emperor's reaction speed is also extremely fast. Since the right palm is impossible to move, he uses his left palm to condense the flames of the setting sun.

This time he didn't dare to touch Shen Ruyu easily. Instead, he volleyed his strikes on Shen Ruyu's shoulder and used his explosive force to get away.


Shen Ruyu also spit out a mouthful of blood, too late to heal his injury, and then used the absorbed strength of Raging Flames to condense more power The arrow of Vermilion Bird.

Without the slightest reservation, this Vermilion Bird Arrow has consumed all Shen Ruyu’s spiritual power. Whether she can destroy the formation eye of the Yangyan Great Array is here!

"You dare!"

The Bloody Great Emperor looked at the rapid prototyping of the arrow of Vermilion Bird, and his heart was extremely anxious.

But Shen Ruyu ignored the threat of the Bloody Great Emperor, slowly raised the long spear in his hand, and the eagle eye locked the Central Zone of the formation eye, gathering all the remaining spiritual power in the Vermilion in his hand. Bird Burning Sky Bow.

"Blood Palm of the Setting Sun!"

The Great Emperor Xuehuang didn't approach it rashly, but instead accumulated power and volleyed away, and a palm print of heaven shaking, earth shattering of the setting sun whizzed away.

The speed of this palm is extremely fast. The Great Emperor Xuehuang wanted to force Shen Ruyu to give up shooting the last arrow, but Shen Ruyu ignored the menacing setting sun.


Just as the blood palm of the setting sun was about to swallow Shen Ruyu, she suddenly loosened her tight bowstring, resounding through Heaven and Earth The voice of Fengming whizzed out.

The gorgeous Vermilion Bird’s arrow cut through the sky and hit the center of the formation eye very accurately. The already fragmented formation eye burst open suddenly.

At the same time, the blood palm of the setting sun instantly swallowed Shen Ruyu, and when the extremely hot fire wave completely dissipated, only a cluster of small flames swaying in the wind could be seen.


As the formation eye of the Yangyan Array was broken, explosions resounding throughout the world sounded one after another, and the dazzling day between Heaven and Earth once again Plunged into darkness.

After the Yangyan formation disappeared, the scarlet blood light surrounding the Great Emperor suddenly became dim, but a grey dawn has appeared on the horizon, and it is not long before dawn...

"hmph...what about destroying the Yangyan Great Array? You two are already an arrow at the end of its flight, how can Nirvana be able to do it afterwards!"

Blood Huang Great Emperor First, he glanced at the small flame floating not far away, and then looked towards Feng Yixiu, who had begun to slowly condense the fleshy body in the distance.

When he stepped on the air, the Great Emperor Xuehuang turned into a fire and moved towards Feng Yixiu at a high speed. He wanted to kill Feng Yixiu completely after he reunited with the fleshy body.


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