I saw that the sliding scoop that was divided into two also dissipated in bursts of Ghost Qi, but there was no trace of pain on his face.

"Your Majesty must not be angry. This is the old man who is nowhere to go. The old man apologizes to Your Majesty on behalf of Shiranui."

An old voice came from behind the Tianyu empress Suddenly, the pitch-black Ghost Qi condensed again, and the unscathed bald old man moved towards Tianyu empress and bowed slightly in the direction of empress.

The appearance of this old man is no different from that of a normal human being. At first glance, he is a majestic old man dressed in dazzling clothes, wearing a black haori and wearing a slender black katana around his waist.

However, the head of this old man is completely different from normal humans. The top of his head is several times higher than that of normal people. His face clearly has a smile that makes people feel like spring breeze. People feel indescribable weird and terrifying.

The reason why the sliding scoop can become the Great Commander of the Hundred Ghosts is because it has the strength to convince all the Hundred Ghosts.

From the fact that he was able to catch Tianyu's empress without any damage, it can be seen that the ability to slide the scoop is extremely strange and difficult!

"Who should I be? It turns out that Great Commander is here. The ghosts of your great rivers and mountains are so majestic, even I don’t even look at it..."

Tianyu empress slowly turned around, looking down at the small sliding scoop, coldly said.

"The old man didn't know that Tianyu empress came to visit suddenly, so he was offended for a while, please don't mind Your Majesty..." The sliding scoop was extremely respectful, and he never straightened his waist.

"Although I allow Dajiangshan to be independent and autonomous, don’t forget that this place is still in the Sun-Moon Empire. Don’t wait for it to be unsatisfied!" The Heavenly Cloud Sword in the hands of Tianyu empress slowly dissipated, with a serious face. Reprimanded.

"Your Majesty taught..."

Sliding scoop did not refute, but kept nodded with a smile on his face, and then opened the mouth and said: "Shiranui, yet Hurry up and apologize to Your Majesty!"

"Yes, Great Commander!"

I saw the Ghost Fire hiding the sky and covering the earth suddenly condense, and the Ghost Fire of Yin and Yang was unexpectedly condensed. Give birth to a charming woman.

This woman is in the form of the Great Demon Shiranui. She has snow-white long hair and is dressed in a gorgeous red and white feather skirt. There are two weird clusters of Ghost Fire suspended behind her. .

"Shiranui has committed the crime, and please Your Majesty forgive me..."

Shiranui 's beautiful face and clear and pleasant voice are enough to make men with insufficient concentration do not control live.

But Tianyu empress, as a woman, doesn’t take this set. His frowning brows didn’t dissipate in the slightest. Instead, he flicked his sleeves and sternly said: “If it’s not for the face of Great Commander , Today you need to be in a different place!"

After Shiranui saw the fierce methods of Empress, his arrogance suddenly reduced a lot, and he didn't dare to speak insultingly, but just bowed his head and remained silent.

"Don't step back quickly!"

Sliding scoop glanced at Shiranui who was kneeling on the ground and scolded loudly.


Shiranui turned into countless Ghost Fires and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If the sliding scoop did not appear in time today, I am afraid she would really die here, and naturally she would not dare to stay under the eyelids of Tianyu empress.

"Your Majesty, I wonder what is your reason for visiting Dajiangshan today?" The sliding scoop slowly straightened up and asked softly.

"Take me to see the Nine Sins Fox Lord!"

Tianyu empress is also different from sliding scoops to continue nonsense, but straight to the point.


Shuapiao eyes slightly narrowed, and did not immediately agree, but smiled and explained: "The old man of the Venerable Lord’s residence knows it, but there is no Venerable The Lord’s command, the old man did not dare to bother without authorization. Please Your Majesty forgive me."

Tianyu empress brows slightly wrinkle, indifferently said: "Great Commander, rest assured, I came today with sincerity. ."

While speaking, I saw Tianyu empress flipping over his palm, and a bloodstone covered with magic lines lay in his palm. It was a killing stone!

"Killing Stone!" When the sliding scoop saw the object in the palm of Tianyu empress, her eyes widened, her attitude changed 180 degrees, and she immediately bowed and said: "Your Majesty, please come with the old man!"

Sliding scoop naturally knows that the killing stone is the thing of the nine sins foxes yearn for something even in dreams. The shrewd and smooth slide scoop naturally has no reason to refuse.

Since Tianyu empress ascended the throne of God, she has never been to Dajiangshan again, but her re-visit after many years has made her feel worried.

Nowadays, the power of the big country is much stronger than before, both in terms of quantity and quality. If it is not forced, Tianyu empress will not send the killing stone anyway.

But now that the Sun-Moon Empire is in danger, Tianyu empress really has no choice but to turn to the Nine Sins Fox Venerable whose hands and eyes reach the sky.

Nine Sins Fox Zun is the founder of the Flower of Evil, and it is also the supreme existence that surpasses the four Great Ghost Kings.

The four Great Ghost Kings of Dajiangshan are all becoming terror-stricken at the news. The Nine Sins Fox Venerable can make them all bow their heads, showing how terrifying their strength and means are. To the point!

The sliding scoop seems to be slow, but in fact the speed is surprisingly fast, and the ghost-like pace is elusive.

This is the powerhouse such as Tianyu empress. If you change your person, I am afraid that you will simply not be able to catch up with the ghostly pace of the sliding scoop.

The residence of Nine-tailed Fox is very peculiar. Her residence is located on a Lake Heart Island in Dajiangshan. Since this island looks like a waning moon, it is named Xinyue Island. , Is also known as a ghost island by the world.

However, this weird Xinyue Island is without a trace in the daytime. It will only appear after midnight, and it needs to be led by a person above the level of the leader of the Hundred Ghosts to enter. Ghost Sect.

This is also the reason why Tianyu empress deliberately visited the Nine Sins Fox Venerable after midnight. During the day, he would definitely eat cold shoulder.

Different from the overall dark and ghostly atmosphere of Dajiangshan, the closer you get to Xinyue Island, the more indifferent the ghostly Rob Ghost Qi becomes, and from a distance it looks like an uninhabited desert. island.

There are hardly any ghosts within several dozen li of this island. The silence makes people feel a little surprised...

It seemed that the distance was only a few thousand meters, but the two of them had walked for about one hour before landing on Xinyue Island.

This is also the first time that Tianyu empress has set foot on Xinyue Island. When he saw the barren scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel confused.

"Slide scoop, aren't you guys teasing me?" Tianyu empress brows slightly wrinkle, angrily said.

"Your Majesty is not anxious, you can only see the true face of the ghost island when you step into Ghost Sect!"

After observing for a while, I moved towards all around slowly. Two huge boulders covered with mysterious spells walked away.

I saw him slowly stretch out his dry fingers, moved towards the center of the boulder a little volley, and the seemingly empty space did wave with waves.


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