
An ancient giant torii gate has emerged, but unlike the vermilion color commonly used in shrines, this giant Ghost Sect But it is ink purple, revealing a terrifying atmosphere.

After Ghost Sect opened up, Tianyu empress saw the scene of bizarre and motley in Ghost Sect. All the ghosts who can live in the ghost island are the famous ghost bosses in the big rivers and mountains.

This is undoubtedly the most central area of ​​the Flower of Evil, and Nine-tailed Fox lives in this bizarre and motley ghost within the realm.

The bosses of the Hundred Ghosts, who just appeared lively and extraordinary, saw Ghost Sect suddenly open, all of them were set in place, with hostile eyes fixed on the outside of the door, Tianyu empress .

This is also the peerless powerhouse of Tianyu empress. If you are being targeted by the leader of the Hundred Ghosts at the same time, I am afraid that you will be scared to faint on the spot.

"You don’t need to be nervous, Tianyu empress is not malicious in coming tonight, everyone is gone!"

Sliding scoop took the lead into the Ghost Sect, vigorous and powerful The voice came out.

The heads of Hundred Ghosts who were still agitated just now looked away one after another. It can be seen that Slider has a very high prestige among the bosses of Hundred Ghosts.

"Your Majesty, please come with the old man..."

The sliding scoop slowly turned around and bowed slightly.

Tianyu empress is silently nodded, and then follows the steps of the sliding scoop into Ghost Sect.

As soon as he stepped into the ghost world, the Ghost Sect behind Tianyu's empress slowly dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

Undoubtedly, this Ghost Sect Formation must be the great generosity of Nine-tailed Fox. It is Tianyu empress that you can’t help but clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

But what Tianyu empress didn't expect is that, unlike the general chaos in Dajiangshan, the ghost island is very prosperous and everything looks orderly.

Most of the buildings here are no different from the traditional buildings of the Sun-Moon Empire, except for the spooky Ghost Qi.

If it weren’t for the grotesquely shaped heads of ghosts walking on the street, I’m afraid Tianyu empress would have thought it was walking in the prosperous Tianyu Imperial Capital.

But Tianyu empress knows that all these are just appearances. Every ghost leader here is a monster who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.

Don't look at the appearance of these heads of ghosts, their clothes look bright and tidy, they seem to be completely different from the stinky ghosts covered in blood and mouths.

But Tianyu empress knows that the hands of every head of a hundred ghosts here are stained with unwashed blood, and the Human Race that died in their mouths may reach millions!

Despite being personally led by the Great Commander of Hundred Ghosts, Tianyu empress can still feel the greedy gaze from all directions, and she even heard a lot of swallowed saliva sounds.

If it weren't for the slide scoop personally to lead, I am afraid that Tianyu empress will face a tough battle. Even if she holds the Sky Cloud Sword and is not afraid of these Hundred Ghost bosses, it is not easy to retreat all over her body.

"Your Majesty, this is the palace where the Venerable Lord lives..."

Sliding the scoop raised his finger to a grand palace not far away, and whispered softly.

Tianyu empress looked in the direction pointed by the sliding scoop, and saw a gorgeous palace in an imposing manner that did not lose to the Tianyu imperial court appeared before her eyes.

This palace as a whole presents an ink purple. Different from the rich and gloomy Ghost Qi in the ghost island, this place is clear and bright, not like some kind of Great Ominous Land.

The style of this magnificent palace is almost built in accordance with the classical architectural style of the Sun Moon Empire, but to the surprise of Tianyu empress, it seems to incorporate some classical Chinese architectural styles.

"The Venerable Lord was originally to be notified in advance, but since Your Majesty has something important to meet, I think the Venerable Lord will not blame it, so please come with the old man!"

I saw the sliding scoop moved towards the inside of the palace's main entrance, and Tianyu empress immediately followed along when he saw it.

The door of the purple palace opened automatically, and two Fox Race maids immediately greeted them, moved towards the sliding scoop and bowed their heads in salute:

"Great Commander!"

"Your Majesty wants to meet the Venerable Lord face to face, please two lead the way!" The slippery face smiled unabated, said solemnly.

"Venerable Lord waits for a long time, Tianyu empress, please come with me!"

The two Fox Race maids obviously got the instruction of Nine-tailed Fox, even if they moved Go towards Inside the palace.

As the Great Commander of the Hundred Ghosts, the sliding scoop is also extremely savvy. When he heard the maid only say that he invited Tianyu to empress, he also took the initiative to retreat with interest.

Tianyu empress was also glanced around along the way, even as the sun-moon empire empress, she couldn't help frowning when she saw the extremely luxurious scene in the palace.

From the extremely luxurious scene in this palace, it can be seen that the ambition of the Nine Sins Fox Venerable is so great that I am afraid that the Heavenly Imperial Court has long been ignored.

But Tianyu empress came to ask for help this time, even if she is dissatisfied, she can only submit to humiliation......

The two Fox Race maids did not fight the sky The empress led to the great hall in the center, but moved towards a garden full of blood-colored cherry blossoms.

At the end of the blood-colored cherry blossom forest is a clear lake, and the bloody cherry blossoms fluttering all over the sky fall on the lake surface, causing waves of ripples.

Compared with the killing and bloodshed of the great rivers and mountains can be seen everywhere, the environment here can be said to be a paradise on earth.

Tianyu empress's eyes were instantly locked on a beautiful woman by the lake. Although she moved towards the lake, Tianyu empress could not see the other person's face.

But just by seeing her back, we can conclude that this woman is the true leader behind the flower of evil, the Nine Sins Fox!

Nine Sins Fox Venerable is extremely arrogant and doesn't like dust to stain his shoes, so he usually uses the jade platform to travel.

There are eight white-faced jade foxes under the gorgeous jade platform, and these jade foxes are also floating in the air with their feet on the white flames.

At this moment, the eight white-faced jade foxes are lying on the spot to rest, lazily licking their spotless hair from time to time.

"reporting to Venerable Lord, the slave and maid has brought Tianyu empress according to your instructions."

The Fox Race maid walked slowly to the side of the Nine Sins Fox, After a respectful salute, he whispered softly.

The Nine Sins Fox Venerable tilted his head slightly, did not say a word, just waved his sleeves indifferently.

The voice of the maid seemed to wake up the resting jade-faced white foxes, without the Nine Sins Fox Venerable speaking, they seemed to be able to understand the master's mind, even if the jade platform was slowly turned around.

With the movement of the jade platform, Tianyu empress can finally see the true face of the Nine Sins Fox Venerable.

Different from the grotesquely shaped head of the Hundred Ghosts, there is no trace of demonic energy from the Nine Sins Fox Venerable. If it weren't for the nine flaming fox tails swinging behind it, it would definitely be impossible to connect it with the legendary sinful Fox Venerable Nine Sins.

I saw the Nine Sins Fox Venerable wearing Yang Jin gauze, staggered on his chest, and a small drum decorated on it, as if he wanted to hear the wind. The snow-white cui sleeves were blowing in the wind, and the long knots circulated and danced.

The wind dances with cyan hair, the red brocade is lightly bundled, and the snow-white fox's face disappears, adding a hint of mysterious.

"Tianyu worships the fox!"

Feeling the Heavenly Might pressure emitted by the nine sins fox, Tianyu empress does not dare to hold it, even if he takes the initiative to bow salute.

"If you remember correctly, this should be your first visit to the deity?"

After a long period of silence, the Nine Sins Fox Venerable opened his vermilion lips lightly, as sweet as a girl The sound was shocked by Tianyu empress.

I am not surprised at why the voice of Nine Sins Fox Venerable is so young, but I am surprised that the voice of Nine Sins Fox Venerable is completely different from the impression of Tian Yu empress.

The world is rumored that the Nine Sins Fox Venerable has almost harsh requirements for her appearance. Whenever she feels that her appearance is aging, she will look for a beauty in the world and force body possession of the other party's body for her own use.

It can be seen that the Nine Sins Fox Venerable also possessed the body of a beautiful young girl. Although the person in her body possession is already a peerless beauty, the Nine Sins Fox Venerable is still not satisfied with it all day long. The mask of the white fox is unwilling to show the true colors.

"Reporting to His Royal Highness Fox, I am normally busy with government affairs, and I really can’t get away from it. I have only recently come to visit the Venerable Lord. Please forgive me..."

Tianyu empress never dared to lift the head, and his voice seemed a little nervous.

If Tianyu empress meets the Nine Sins Fox in other places, you don’t have to be so nervous, but this time is in the realm of others, and she also asks for others, so she naturally dare not show A bit of arrogance.

"I think that busy government affairs are false, and it is true if you ask for the deity. Do you really think that the deity knows nothing about the outside world?"

Sitting on the jade platform, although the tone was still stable, the pressure that broke out inadvertently made Tianyu empress feel cold on his back.

Compared with the last time I saw the Nine Sins Fox Venerable, the aura exuded by the other party is obviously more terrifying, and Tianyu empress doesn't even have the desire to fight against it.

"The reason why the deity supported you to ascend to the throne of God was that you could be grateful and seeking to repay the kindness and send the last piece of the killing stone fragment, but I never thought that you would try to deceive the deity. Ruo. It’s not for your contribution to paying blood slaves every month. How can this deity keep you today?"

I saw the nine tails of the nine sins fox lord dancing in the wind, like a blazing flame. , Tao Heavenly Might pressure gradually spread.

Tianyu empress saw the anger of the nine sins fox, in order to calm the opponent’s anger, he could only condescend to kneel on the ground, and said in a low voice: "I know crime deserving ten thousand deaths, but you Before I punish me, can I say a few more words?"


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