Then the skull banner of the Evil Spirit hunting group was replaced by the flag of the wild iron hunting group, which means that the Evil Spirit hunting group has been completely conquered by the wild iron hunting group.

It took Zhang Heng seven days to rectify the chaotic Evil Spirit hunting group and turn it into a brand new camp.

After that, this easy-to-defend and hard-to-attack place became the main camp of the Crazy Iron Hunting Group, and he transferred all the elite group members.

"hahaha... the rest of the Evil Spirit hunting regiment is not good. This terrain and defense system is really good!" Zhang Heng stood on the watchtower, holding a newly lit one in his hand. Cigarettes, looking all around, satisfied nodded.

The terrain all around is very steep. If you want to attack, you can only go through the central fortress gate. Apart from this has no choice.

But the defensive weapons near the fortress are on standby again. They are simply a Copper Wall Iron Bastion.

"This is the defensive system that I have put in a lot of effort. If the defensive system is not lifted by that little girl, I am afraid you will not be able to attack!" Leng Fan walked over with a cold face. indifferently said.

"Aren't you holding a strategy meeting? Why did you get here?" Head Zhang Heng laughed.

These days of getting along has also made the relationship they only saw a little more harmonious. Although this Si Fan does not have any combat capability, he still admires his extraordinary wisdom very much.

Without Sifan, I am afraid that the new defensive system of the crazy iron hunting group will not be able to maintain.

Si Fan sneered and said indifferently: "President Feng called me over and told you to go back to the meeting!"

"You only need to have this strategic meeting, so you don’t need to call me Nope, what you talked about is so messy, my head will blow up!" Zhang Heng waved his hand and refused.

Si Fan picked up his shoulders helplessly, made no secret of his contemptuous smile, and whispered: "I told the President Feng that you don’t understand you, he even asked me to call You, it's a waste of time!"

After that, Sifan military advisor each minding their own business got off the watchtower and moved towards the main camp in the center.

"Eh! What do you mean by that, who do you say is a fool? I just didn't disdain to listen, okay!" Zhang Heng immediately became unhappy, and after throwing a cigarette butt, he chased him up. .

Si Fan showed a triumphant smile, speeding up his pace and moving towards the center camp.


Head Zhang Heng and Si Fan entered the central camp almost at the same time.

Feng Yixiu and the East End of Summer and the others have been waiting for a long time, and there are several key members of the Crazy Iron Hunting Group.

"Leader Zhang and Sifan military advisor, you are finally here, waiting for you to have a meeting for so long!" Feng Yixiu saw the two coming, said with a slight smile.

"Hey...I'm not going out to smoke a cigarette to get some air! Besides, President Feng, why don't you worry about being here!" Zhang Heng laughed.

"No matter how you say you are the leader of the Crazy Iron Hunting Group, how can you do it if you are not present!"

After that, Feng Yixiu forcibly pressed Zhang Heng on On the main seat, and then sat on the side seat.

Si Fan coughed slightly, came to the speaker's position in the center, and picked up the strategic baton.

I saw him point to a location marked on the map, indifferently said: "This wild hunting group is the closest hunting group to us. They have long lived by plundering card hunters. This This is our next goal."

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