"Wild hunting group? This hunting group is not easy to deal with!" Zhang Heng browsed tightly knit for a while, worriedly said.

"Naturally, we can’t attack. We can use surprise tactics. I have gone through sophisticated battle simulations. Under our spare no effort state, the probability of victory is 89% and the casualty rate can be controlled. At about 3%, it's worth a fight!" Leng Fan pushed his eyes, and then distributed the strategic analysis to everyone.

When Feng Yixiu received this strategic analysis, a sentence appeared in his mind, what is this fuck?

I saw close and numerous arithmetic symbols filling the entire paper, and the winning percentage of each offensive method was accurately calculated.

The complexity is even accurate to natural factors such as weather, which can be said to be foolproof.

Fortunately, Feng Yixiu understood the final conclusion, pretending to be calm and said: "en! Yes, then we will adopt the best plan No. 3 and set off today!"

Zhang Heng looked confused, and patted the table directly and said, "Is this something for people to see? I suspect you are fooling us!" Si Fan smiled slightly and pushed. Pushing your own eyes, indifferently said: "Please don't use your mortal wisdom to doubt me..."

"Isn't it just a battle? I Zhang Heng has fought on the battlefield for more than ten years. Yes!" Zhang Heng looked arrogant.

"I don’t deny that you can win this war, but you can win it at the least cost. Why do you need to spend a greater price? Isn’t that stupid?" Si Fan sneered. , Indifferently said.

"hmph! I just don't believe it, you have the ability to prove that you are right!" Zhang Heng is still not convinced, said solemnly.

"Oh? How do you prove it?" Si Fan also said with great interest.

"I fight a battle with my own ability, and see if you can deduce the final battle situation!" Zhang Heng suggested.

"Well, you can fight according to your method. I will infer the situation of the battle based on all your circumstances." Si Fan said in a self-confidence.

"Well, it's a deal!" Zhang Heng fiercely's patted table, then waved his hand and took away all the backbone Captains.

After a while, Zhang Heng has already taken the group members to attack the Wild Hunting Group. Leng Fan simply asked which way Zhang Heng took the people and horses. .

Then the beginning of each minding their own business began to calculate on the computer, a series of characters throbbed quickly through his glasses, and he stopped in just five minutes.

"Sifan military advisor? Finished?" Feng Yixiu asked.

Si Fan nodded, and then wrote a series of data on a piece of white paper.

Feng Yixiu picked up the data and took a look. It said:

Result: successful conquest

Death toll: 2

Number of injured: 7

Return time: 2:08

At the end of the summer, Dongfang Xia and Feng Yixiu looked at each other in blank. dismay, this is too fine!

When this can be calculated, it is a bit too scary!

As time passed, Feng Yixiu became a little anxious while waiting, and looked at his watch frequently.

When Feng Yixiu saw that the time was about to reach 2:08, his eyes unconsciously looked towards the direction of the door.

When the pointer was just pointing to the center, a hearty laughter came in.

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