Feng Yixiu decided to make a video call to Mr. Chu after hesitating for a while, wanting to ask for advice.

Lao Chu answered Feng Yixiu's call almost instantly: "Hey! How can you brat have time to contact me, old fogey?"

Feng Yixiu these few months He has always been in the quarantine area, and his mobile phone is simply unavailable, so no one can contact him, naturally including Mr. Chu.

"Didn't I miss you anymore? Are you in good health lately?" Feng Yixiu smiled and said with a beast.

"You brat, give me less nonsense! I heard that the mad electric Tyrannosaurus has been successfully conquered by you? Congratulations!" Old Chu said with a smile.

He seemed to vaguely see the colorful jade python behind Feng Yixiu, but he couldn't see clearly with some presbyopia.

When he picked up his reading glasses and saw the colorful jade python behind Feng Yixiu clearly, he was shocked.

"Old Chu, this is Xiaobailou! It has just evolved into a colorful jade python, so it looks a little bigger, shouldn't you be scared?" Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"Just kidding! How can the old man be scared!" Old man Chu coughed awkwardly, and then looked at it carefully, indifferently said: "You colorful jade python looks like a normal jade python It’s not the same! It seems that ordinary Yulin pythons don’t have a snake crown on their heads! And what is the golden pattern on the hood?"

Feng Yixiu sees Chu Lao’s attention being caught by Yulin. The python was attracted, and quickly took the Xiaobailou back, saying solemnly: "Old Chu, I have a business dealing with you, so just leave my Xiaobailou!"

"I know you brat is one doesn't visit a temple without a cause, let's talk! What's the matter?" Old Chu said with a smile.

"Mr Chu, don't get excited if I tell you something!" Feng Yixiu first gave Mr. Chu a shot, said with a slight smile.

"You too underestimate me! I have lived for most of my life, and I haven't seen anything before, so you won't scare me!" Old Chu smiled and waved his hand, but didn't turn Feng Yixiu's words take seriously.

"Then I'll just say it! If I can get the second Battle Spirit now, what Battle Spirit do you think is better?" Feng Yixiu asked tentatively.

"You brat daydreaming again in broad daylight? I haven't heard of this one who can awaken the second Battle Spirit on the way." Chu old frowned.

"Chu, do you mean that someone is born with a double Battle Spirit?" Feng Yixiu heard the overtones and asked in confusion.

"That is natural! But this kind of genius is very rare, I haven't seen it for a long time." Chu Lao said.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a while, and then continued to ask: "Just leave it alone, I just want to ask if I have a second Battle Spirit, which Battle Spirit should I choose?"

Seeing Feng Yixiu's serious face, Mr. Chu also thought about it for a long time, and responded: "Your first Battle Spirit is the Battle Spirit of the assault type, and the second one is not recommended to be the assault type. Now, you can choose the auxiliary system, the control system or the defense system Battle Spirit."

"I don’t think about the auxiliary system. For the defense system...it doesn’t fit my style, or I still choose Control department!" Feng Yixiu thought for a while before making a decision.

He considered that the offensive of his Battle Spirit is already very strong, but without the cooperation of the control system, it is difficult for him to hit fast-moving targets.

If you have a Battle Spirit of the control system, you can maximize the powerful attack power of the colorful jade python!

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