"If you talk about the control system, I have a bold idea. Do you know the Queen of Thorns?" Old Chu wanted to sell Guanzi, laughed.

"Mr. Chu, don't tarnish my appetite. Is there anything so powerful about the Queen of Thorns?"

"Isn't the plant-based Battle Spirit always weak?" Feng Yixiu Can't wait to ask.

This animal-based Battle Spirit is stronger than the plant-based Battle Spirit, but it is a recognized fact in the Battle Spirit world.

Mr. Chu recommended himself a battle spirit of the plant series, he must have his unique reason.

After all, for Chu Lao's research on the history of Battle Spirit, I am afraid that no one can beat him!

"The plant-based Battle Spirit only looks weak on the surface, but in fact it is all appearance, or that few people can really use the plant-based Battle Spirit well, it is no worse than other animal-based Battle Spirit!"

"Have you heard of the Queen of Thorns? It is the evolution of the weakest flower spirit, but its potential is limitless! If you choose an emperor from all the battle spirits of the plant system, I am afraid it is the Queen of Thorns!" Old Chu said very seriously.

"The emperor in the battle spirit of the plant system? The Queen of Thorns? Is it very difficult to deal with?" Feng Yixiu asked with some suspicion.

"Did you bring the "Holy Spirit Illustrated Book" with you? You can find the information of Queen of Thorns on it!" Chu Lao gave Feng Yixiu an angry look, and said separately.

Feng Yixiu quickly took out the "Holy Spirit Picture Book" from the storage ring, and then followed the catalogue on the picture book, and finally found the introduction of the Queen of Thorns.

More than three hundred years ago, there was a peerless powerhouse called "Fairy Maiden Hua", which evolved the weakest flower spirit into the "Queen of Thorns". She participated in the great war of heaven shaking, earth shattering. This Fairy Maiden Hua took the Queen of Thorns and slaughter all sides in that battle. The whole devil beast Legion saw her become terror-stricken at the news!

The boundless sea of ​​thorns created by the Queen of Thorns has become a nightmare for all devil beasts, and even the Sovereign-level devil beasts can only avoid their sharp edges when they see her!

Feng Yixiu slowly closed the book, still having some doubts: "Old Chu, although it sounds great, there are still some Battle Spirits with better records! Why are you alone? Are you optimistic about the Queen of Thorns?"

Old Chu smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Stupid boy, take a good look at the rank of Queen of Thorns!"

Feng Yixiu suddenly felt shocked. , And then opened the book in his hand again, his eyes glared perfectly round for a time.

"Ultimate body devil beast!?" Feng Yixiu couldn't help exclaiming.

The devil beast, which is just an ultimate body, is actually recorded in the "Holy Spirit Treasure". Doesn't this mean that the Queen of Thorns has the strength comparable to that of the Holy Spirit Physique in the ultimate body?

If this is the case, the strength and potential of this Queen of Thorns can really be said to be extremely amazing!

Old Chu laughed proudly and said softly: "The Queen of Thorns is the only one who participated in the battle spirit battle spirit three hundred years ago, and the record is so outstanding, you still feel that the plant Is the Battle Spirit very weak?"

Feng Yixiu was stunned and nodded. He already had the answer in his heart, and said excitedly: "Many thanks to Mr. Chu for his guidance, I already have an idea."


"Although the queen of thorns has amazing strength in the later stage, it is really very good in the early stage..." Old Chu paused for a while, and continued: "Anyway, you know!"

"That When is his strong period?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"At least in the mature period!" Old Chu responded.

Feng Yixiu eyes shined, he is now Level 4 Battle Spirit Master, and he has passed the weak period completely!

"Old Chu! Then I won't bother you! You will be busy!" Feng Yixiu couldn't wait now, and immediately hung up the call.


Feng Yixiu without the slightest hesitation clicked on the system selection interface in front of him, and his head seemed to have received a heavy blow.

Suddenly he felt that he had entered his Spiritual Consciousness world.

As soon as he entered it, all kinds of Battle Spirit quarrels continued to be heard in his ears...

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