"Then I can absorb three gold-level demon cards at a time, and if Mr. Chu knows, will I be scared to death by me!"

"hahaha… …" Feng Yixiu happily closed his mouth from ear to ear and began to laugh.

Behind other Battle Spirit maturity stages can use at most two bronzes, one gold grade and one platinum grade demon card.

And her own thorny fairy can use three gold grades and one platinum grade demon card, the advantages of which are naturally self-evident!

even more how The Thorn Fairy is like her own colorful jade python, both are 5SS-Rank and other super-perfect Battle Spirits, their strength is already strong!

Feng Yixiu concentrated his mind and gave Summon the Demon Fairy of Thorns.

With the emergence of a crimson summon array, countless crimson thorn vines spread out from the summon array.

A humanoid Battle Spirit almost the same height as Feng Yixiu appeared in front of Feng Yixiu, exactly the same as in the magic Spirit Treasure.

Feng Yixiu hid subconsciously behind the machine, because he didn't know if this thorny fairy would attack him!

But the thorny fairy did not attack Feng Yixiu, nor did she act like Yulin Python’s intimate appearance, but stood there quietly looking at Feng Yixiu, as if she was waiting for Feng Yixiu’s Step instructions.

Feng Yixiu poked out his head cautiously and whispered: "Demon Fairy Thorn, can you talk?"

He seems to be able to talk when he sees the Battle Spirit in the Spiritual Consciousness world , But those are the Battle Spirits of the ultimate body, he doesn't know if the Demon Fairy of Thorn can speak.

The fairy girl of thorns looked at Feng Yixiu with her suspicious eyes for a while, and then slowly shook the head, indicating that she could not speak.

"Oh...it turns out to be a dumb!" Feng Yixiu muttered to himself subconsciously.


A vine of thorns rose high and moved towards Jing Feng Yixiu and pulled it over.

Feng Yixiu accidentally drew his arm, then looked at Demon Fairy Thorn with gnashing teeth and complained: "You...what are you doing? I want to kill the master!"

"My stupid master! Although I can't speak, but I can understand your words!"

A familiar voice came to Feng Yixiu's mind, which was the same as Spiritual Consciousness The Queen of Thorns in the world is quite similar, but looks a little immature.

"hehe...I'm not kidding you! You just became my Battle Spirit, what should I call you?" Feng Yixiu said cheekily.

The Fairy Thorn Fairy stood in place with a proud face, and didn't care about Feng Yixiu's intention at all.

"The Fairy Thorn...Then, can I call you the little demon?" Feng Yixiu thought for a while, and then asked tentatively.

However, the Fairy Thorn Fairy still stood in place, without being nodded or shaking his head.

"If you don't speak, then I will assume that you have agreed!" Feng Yixiu saw that she didn't speak, so he decided to make a final decision.

But just as he was about to take the Demon Thorn Fairy back to the Spirit Treasure, he suddenly heard the words of the Demon Thorn Fairy in his mind.

"If you can, I hope you will call me Queen..."

"Go back, you!" Feng Yixiu took back the Demon of Thorn to the Spirit Treasure without saying a word. In the classic.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is a summon thing! this is too wild!"Feng Yixiu wiped his face with sweat, frowned.

The Battle Spirit that was raised from childhood is really different from the Battle Spirit that was adopted halfway!

He quickly showed the Yulin python to Summon, and looked at the obedient Xiaobailou, feeling very relieved.

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