Compared to Xiaobailou who was raised since childhood, this fairy girl of thorns is a bit too rebellious, and her personality is also very arrogant.

Feng Yixiu has collected the magic Spirit Treasure of the Thorn Fairy. He is not yet ready to show his second Battle Spirit.

After all, he evolved a Battle Spirit to create a second Battle Spirit, and he was afraid that they would frighten Principal Wang all at once.

It's not easy to explain it myself, I can't say that I evolved a Battle Spirit and gave another one!

It seems too magical, so it can only be hidden for the time being, and it may be able to play a role at a critical moment in the future, and it may become its own killing move!

Feng Yixiu raised his left wrist and glanced at his watch, and muttered to himself: "It's been more than three hours unconsciously. It is estimated that Jialan teachers and Principals are waiting in a hurry!"

After saying that, he got up and put the colorful jade snake on the professional evaluation instrument. Although he knew all the data of his battle strength, this was the rules of the Academy, and he had no exceptions.


At this time, the people waiting outside are all nervous, and they are constantly pacing back and forth in the corridor outside the evolution chamber.

Among all the waiting people, only Master Lu is taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. The longer he waits, the more excited he becomes.

"Principal Wang, it's been more than three hours. I think all of your students have failed and dare not come out to see me, right?" Master Lu sneered.

Jialan teacher glanced at him coldly, coldly said: "Master Lu, don’t you know that the higher the level of evolution, the longer it will take?"

Master Lu Laughed disdainfully, and retorted: "Other Battle Spirits are still somewhat convincing, just relying on junk Battle Spirits like Yulin Snake and Flame Sparrow? You want to evolve perfectly, but you are still a teacher, and you don't have any common sense!"

"Master Lu, we respect you as the Master of Spirit Research and have always been tolerant, but you insulted our Academy students twice and three times. What is the truth?" Zhou Principal also had a temper and was furious. road.

"hmph! Your Academy is just a rateless Academy. What if I am insulted? What can you do with me?" Master Lu snorted coldly, disdainfully.

"Then please keep your eyes open and see if our Academy students are as unbearable as you said!" Jialan teacher glanced at Master Lu coldly, and then added: "Right! I forgot to remind you of one thing, my three students are all perfectly evolved during their maturity period."

At first, Master Lu only felt that Jialan Ziyu was bragging, but When he looked towards Principal Wang, he didn't see any strange expressions.

As if what Jialan teacher said were all facts, his heart began to panic for a while.

When Principal Zhou saw Master Lu, his face was green, and he continued to attack: "I forgot to tell Master Lu. The student who just bet with you, after gene repair, but 5SPerfect level Battle Spirit !"

"What? Extremely...the perfect evolution of the limit!" Master Lu started to panic completely, and kept muttering: "You guys don’t want to get together to lie to me. You want to use this kind of trick. Am I scared away? Today I will watch you lose!" Master Lu, who calmed down a little bit, analyzed it carefully for a while, and felt that what they were saying was nonsense.

It must be to let him retreat and want to excuse his students!

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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