Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 697: Do you know the gap now?

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be Nuwa's sky-filling stone, this is amazing!"

"No, look at this head, look at this color. According to legend, when Nu Wa refined the colorful stones to fill the sky, there must be red in it, and this color is right!"

"The general red stone that is said to be a sky-filling stone must be fake, but such a big ruby ​​should be real!"

A group of old guys talked all about it, and their eyes were full of envy.

In fact, they didn't really think that Wang Hao's hand was the Nuwa Sky-repairing stone. The key point was that even if it was not a Sky-repairing stone, it was a diamond that was priceless! Such a big piece! On the basis of the weight!

How much is it worth? ! With such a thing, it's a hairy life to run around, sell it directly and live for several lifetimes!

"You...you are definitely fake!" Lin Shengyun learned smart this time: "Nuwa is also a legend! Don't think I don't know it. This is a myth! It shows that it is impossible to have it. This kind of stuff!"

Then he smiled and asked in Wang Hao's previous tone, gloating on the sidelines: "I said, brother, you Nuwa's sky-filling stone, is it true?"

Oh, let me go, I want to use our methods to attack us, right?

Wang Hao almost didn't laugh when he heard this-do you think your brother is as stupid as you? Do you know the fundamental difference between our sky-filling stone and your Donghuang Bell?

"Hey, I was actually joking just now," Wang Hao admitted facelessly, "Nuwa's sky-filling stone can't be such a small piece of course, you think, if the sky misses a hole, how big it is Make up for the stone? Right? So, I can add a small print to the front like your old clock! But..."

Having said that, Wang Hao turned around and said with a smile: "However, the key issue is not here, but rather, although I am a small sky-filling stone, but in terms of value, it can be compared to your little East Emperor Bell. And talk!"

"Why can't you talk to the same day?" Lin Shengyun was brought in by Wang Hao in a blink of an eye: "They are all fake, what's the difference?"

"The difference is big!" Wang Hao smiled and rushed to the villager Xiao Zhang beside him and beckoned: "Brother Zhang, help me find a piece of glass?"

"Sure!" Xiao Zhang replied, and quickly moved a piece of glass about one foot square, and said: "Come on! Is this big enough?"

"Enough is enough," Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction, then took the "sky-filling stone" and scratched the glass.


A slight squeak sounded, everyone's eyes widened, and soon they saw that the stone made a white scratch on the glass!

Then Wang Hao tapped with his hand lightly, and with a snap, the glass was directly divided into two halves along the scratch. The cut was smooth and smooth, obviously a trace of being cut!

What Wang Hao did was just to prove one thing, such a big stone is actually a td red diamond!

"My God! It's really a diamond!"

"Just now I totaled that if this thing is a real diamond, it would be worth old money, but now I have a look..."

"Such a big piece! My mother, at least several billion, right?!"

Everyone was completely stunned! At this time, it doesn't matter whether the stone in Wang Hao's hand is a sky-filling stone!

What matters is the value of this stone!

If it is an ordinary sky-repairing stone, no matter how you blow it, it will be thousands of dollars to the sky. For example, Lin Shengyun’s little Donghuang Bell, there are really local tyrants who want to buy it. The price of several million tens of millions is the limit. . But Wang Hao’s this one is completely different. This thing says it’s a sky-filling stone, maybe one hundred thousand, but that such a big piece is a diamond...

Nima's billions are absolutely no problem!

"Now you know the gap between the two of us," Wang Hao looked at Lin Shengyun with a smile, and jokingly said: "I actually said that this thing is a sky-filling stone is a bit wronged, this thing is a diamond at all, it is the most mysterious thing. Red diamond, so I said it doesn’t matter what the name is-but yours is different. If you weren’t the Eastern Emperor Bell that you blew, after removing this layer of skin, how many do you think it’s worth? money?"

"You! Me!" Lin Shengyun's entire face was red, but he couldn't speak.

No way, what Wang Hao said was the truth.

The sky-filling stone was wronged by that thing. His Donghuang Bell is different. If he didn't play his life to blow this thing up, it would be worthless...

Comparing a broken bronze bell with a diamond with a big fist, isn't it?

"Oh, Master Lin, you are so excited," Wang Hao patted Lin Shengyun on the shoulder with a grin, and said, "Actually, these things are used to ward off evil spirits, right? Although your magic weapon has the effect It’s definitely not as good as mine, but it’s a good idea. I’ll wait for Sister Xiaoxue to let us in. I’ll take your affection. I’ll take a look at it later. As for after reading it, your hard money back and forth It must be given, you don’t have to be polite."

As soon as Wang Hao finished saying this, Lin Shengyun immediately felt that his whole person was not good!

What he meant was that he planned to leave us out of this matter, he was eating alone!

If this is to make him really healed first, won't we just work for nothing? ! This is the little great-granddaughter that the elder of the Fang family likes the most. Who can cure her disease and the benefits will be less?

"No, absolutely not!" Lin Shengyun's head shook like a rattle: "The old man is also known as the Holy Cloud Venerable, even though your red diamond..." He said that, it's time for me to recall. It’s worthless, and it’s definitely uncomfortable to find the true body, so I changed my words decisively: "Although your magical instrument looks good, but after all, you have a specialization in the art industry. The old man admits that you have better luck, but seeing a doctor saves others. In terms of it, the old man is better at it!"

"Are you sure?" Wang Hao touched his chin for a moment, then nodded: "Well, you will have a look at the moment, Master Lin, don't you say I didn't give you a chance."

"Huh, the old man has traveled north and south for decades, and still use your hairy boy to give him a chance?" Lin Shengyun gave Wang Hao angrily, "I will see everything later."

"Okay," Wang Hao smiled and nodded, then directly put the red diamond into Bai Yaning's hand: "Mah~www.readwn.com~ This thing makes a diamond ring for you, how?"

Bai Yaning: "..."

She took the ruby ​​and placed it on her ring finger. Then everyone saw a white and beautiful jade hand with a big red diamond... It looked like a big tumor on her hand. of……

"Forget it..." Bai Yaning also expressed helplessness: "It's too big to wear..."

Wang Hao: "..."

Nima, it seems that it’s not a good thing that this diamond is too big...

A group of people around me bitterly held back a laugh. This product is really generous, so a big piece of diamond is said to be given away-as a result, at this moment, Fang Xiaoxue’s father walked out of the house and said: , Xiaoxue is ready here, you can bring someone in."


Everyone, look at me and I look at you, Fang Huaide stomped fiercely: "Go, if it works, let's see it first!

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