Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 698: "Come!"

A group of people took their belongings and entered the room.

The temperature in the room was 334 degrees Celsius at this time, like a big steamer, everyone started to sweat as soon as they entered the room.

At this time, the cloth tent on the kang had been put away, and Wang Hao saw that there was a bloodless face lying on the kang, with hair that was two feet long scattered on the cloth.

The girl looked obviously haggard. She looked at Wang Hao and the others nervously with her hands tightly around the quilt, very nervous.

"Xiaoxue behaved," Fang Huaide gently sat on the kang head and said, "Your grandfather has found these many people to see you. Don't be afraid. You will get better after you finish reading. You can get up and play."

"En," Fang Xiaoxue nodded, and then sat up with difficulty.

Her condition was obviously very bad, she looked weak and abnormal. She was originally an excellent beauty ruffian, but she was so skinny and sunken by the disease that she felt very pitiful looking at it.

"Slow down," Wang Hao saw Fang Xiaoxue's illness so severe, he hurriedly took two pillows to cushion her back.

It was just a very small movement, Fang Huaide was extremely admired in his eyes and nodded secretly.

"Grandpa, who is he?" Fang Xiaoxue looked at Wang Hao and asked, "Are you here to see me?"

"Yes, I'm here to treat you," Fang Huaide nodded, and said, "Xiaoxue, don't be afraid, his name is Wang Hao, he will definitely cure your illness, don't worry."

"Wang Hao?" Fang Xiaoxue thought for a while, then reluctantly said: "Well..."

Now that he has come in, the next step is naturally to observe the words and look at each other and understand the condition closely.

Speaking of which, apart from being a little shy, Fang Xiaoxue's overall performance was fairly normal, and nothing obvious was wrong. At this time, her father introduced to everyone that Fang Xiaoxue's illness was not fixed. When he was sick, he danced with his hands, foamed at the mouth, ran around the room, and couldn't remember anything. When not getting sick, apart from often crying out cold, there is no difference from ordinary people.

"Oh, I was a good boy originally," Fang Huaide sighed after Fang Xiaoxue's father had finished introducing him, and said: "I actually got this disease. Now I am particularly afraid of people, and my personality has become afraid of withdrawing. Poor..."

When he said this, tears flashed in the corners of his eyes, obviously distressed.

Now that I have looked at it and asked and asked it, it's almost time to understand it. The next step is naturally the time to draw conclusions.

A group of people look at me and I look at you, and finally everyone's eyes are on Lin Shengyun.

"Master Lin, what do you think?" One person asked, "I didn't find anything abnormal, maybe it is because of the lack of Taoism. You have the most experience in this. Do you always have any ideas?"

"Well..." Lin Shengyun glanced at Wang Hao. He was obviously eager to behave this time. He immediately came over and started to investigate carefully: "Xiaoxue, don't be afraid, listen to Grandpa's words and cooperate with Grandpa to do a few actions. Are you healing, okay?"

Fang Xiaoxue looked at him with a little fear, but after all, although she didn't know what kind of strange disease she had, she was still sane after all, so she nodded and said: "Okay."

Lin Shengyun grabbed Fang Xiaoxue’s wrist and did a few moves, then rolled her eyelids and looked at her. Then she looked at her tongue, took her pulse, and survived for more than half an hour before returning to the stool. Sighed.

"Xiaoxue, this kid shouldn't have got Gu," Lin Shengyun said with certainty: "I haven't seen her in this state before, but according to the records in the book, it should be an obvious ghost upper body."

Ghost upper body!

When everyone heard this, Fang Huaide hurriedly said: "Master Lin, how can this ghost upper body be cured?"

Oh, at this time, it's natural to negotiate terms, right?

Lin Shengyun sighed softly and said: "I want to get rid of ghosts. This is indeed a mana-consuming thing. I dare not take it rashly. In this way, the elder, don't worry, wait until I take a shower and change clothes. At six o'clock this afternoon, I will do a ritual for Xiaoxue, and then I will drive the ghost out of her. I think there should be no problem."

"Good, good!" Fang Huaide couldn't help nodding when he heard that there was a solution, "Master Lin, as long as you can save my family Xiaoxue, behave, and the conditions will be good then!"

He is the elder of the Fang family, he said that the conditions are good, and that is really good conditions.

"Sure, then I will prepare now!" Lin Shengyun was overjoyed in his heart, and said: "Elder, you can just wait, and promise not to disappoint you!"

He was going to prepare ghost-expelling props, and a group of people filed out from the house, waiting only for six o'clock in the afternoon.

"Brother Hao, do you think he can do it?" Fang Wenbin didn't understand this kind of thing at all, took Wang Hao's arm to the side, and said, "Last time, Master Wang Long was a liar. He is a master. Reliable? Why don't you just pierce him?"

"What do you mean?" Wang Hao shrugged: "At this time, he must be asked to show it. You have to know that the grandfather is now in a sudden illness and is going to the doctor, do you understand? In this state of mind, it must be All the methods you can think of have to be discussed. If it doesn’t work well, you can say that it’s not good. This is useful. Otherwise, if you don’t even behave, you will say that what he said is false. What do you think? "

"It makes sense," Fang Wenbin thought for a while, then nodded: "If you change, I'm sure it will be the more noisy you get, the more upset you are, and you still have to try it all in the end."

"This is not the end," Wang Hao said with a smile: "Don't worry, I was only 80% sure before, and after seeing people, it will be completely fine."

Fang Wenbin was overjoyed, lowered his voice, and asked, "Really?!"

"That must be," Wang Hao nodded affirmatively, and then said: "Brother Hao is here, you can rest assured!"

Time was hurried, and it soon arrived at six o'clock in the evening.

After the bath, Lin Shengyun wore a gray Taoist robe, holding a three-foot peach wood sword, with the bill incense hall in front of him, his expression serious.

Fang Xiaoxue was wrapped in a thick layer of life, sitting in front of the incense table ~ www.readwn.com ~ shivering from time to time.

It's six o'clock on time.

"Huh!" Lin Shengyun shouted loudly, and after that he began to perform power and magic!

"Anxious like a law, the Supreme True Monarch manifested!" Lin Shengyun waved the peach wood sword in his hand, burned yellow paper and cut chicken heads, jumping and jumping in the entire yard, that was a jump!

Wang Hao was so dumbfounded at me, this great **** jumped, it is very unexpected!

Lin Shengyun jumped for more than half an hour, and then screamed loudly: "Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. Below is the river and the mountain, and the upper is the sun star. See you in the poor season, one by one! "

Just as there was a huff, a ball of sparks burst out from the brazier of burning yellow paper. Lin Shengyun held the small east emperor clock and shook it from the flame, and then clicked on the table with a "boom!"

The clear voice of "Ding Ding Ding" sounded, and everyone in the audience stood up and looked at the little Donghuang Bell in unison!

What Wang Hao saw was dumbfounded. Is that over?

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